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    If you are a newly-approved member, make sure you check out the New Member Checklist!

    If you are a Detachment member and can't see the member-only area, post here for access.


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Add your TKID and Pick your Garrison or Squad (if you are in a Squad) in your profile.


Please post a link here to the 501st Website of your profile for Costume Verification. You can find your 501st link by copying the following link and replacing the XXXXX with your TKID (numbers only). 


Specify which access you are requesting:
501st Access- You are an approved member of the 501st Legion and would like access to the 501st Member areas of the forums that standard forum members do not have access to.
SLD Access- You are an approved member of the Sith Lord Detachment. This is just like 501st access except that as a member of the SLD, you have access to TFE merchandise runs.
**SLD Access is a secondary rank, so you will not see it as active on your profile. You will still be a 501st Member rank. To check that you have it, click this link. If you can see the forum, you have SLD permissions. **
Detachment Access- you are an approved member of the Flagship Eclipse Detachment and would like access to all Detachment Member areas of the forums that are not available to standard forum or 501st members.

Please note; membership approval and additional access is not automated. Instead human volunteers review each request. Typical response time should be within 24 hours but may take longer depending on personal schedules.

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