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  1. Yesterday
  2. I got mine from Esty haha specifically BlackCatsBazaar, the price was fine but man the quality was great, I can control the nuances of the blade color/sound/etc. through an app on my phone too. I put a link down below https://www.etsy.com/listing/1223344857/sith-stalkerlord-starkiller-inspired
  3. So the CRLs don't specify exactly HOW they hang from the snap links. In the pic at the top of the CRL, the 2 horizontal hilts are connected by a chain, but I would imagine attaching some kind of cord would work. If you look at the same picture of the front, you can see what looks like rings attached to the covertech wheels, again a bit of cord (i.e. paracord) might provide the same function without having to permanently modifying the sabers in any way.
  4. Requesting detachment access SL13451 https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=35608&costumeID=73
  5. Requesting 501st access & Detachment access www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=37207 Thank you
  6. Last week
  7. Where did you end up getting your Lord Starkiller saber from? I'm looking for one besides an UltraSabers Raven.
  8. Requesting detachment access for my Dr Aphra (grey jacket variation) https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=39900
  9. Hey guys, My name is Patrick Johnson. Just got recruited to the 501st yesterday after getting my Darth Revan armor approved. If it wasn't already obvious, I'm a huge Old Republic fan, and I've been a fan of SW since I was 3. Hope to meet you all soon. I'm also a regular at NYCC.
  10. yeah all except 1 fully function on mine but I'm too committed to a full Phase 2 approved suit to go for random sabers haha good luck though, also look into Lucifer Sabers they may be able to have some insight!
  11. I was hoping there would be a way to attach them without having to physically modify the sabers themselves. Darn. Mine aren't simply empty props but fully function with the electronics inside. Maybe I'll just go for the lesser requirements of 5 random lightsabers and use ones that have d or V rings.
  12. I've been wondering that as well as I'm finishing up my Starkiller Dark Lord's armor. Tbh I was gonna use large carabiners then modify my sabers so that the ends have some sort of circular clip attachment like this photo from the games. I wish it was higher resolution haha but I hope this helps a little bit
  13. Greetings, I am Chris and am looking to put together a Lord Starkiller costume and become a part of the 501st. Back in 2010 I had a Vader ROTS suit I was going to submit for acceptance, but life stepped in the way and I had to sell off most of my Star Wars collection, which I'm now kicking myself seeing how much my Master Replicas stuff would have been worth. LOL... Now, I'm back slowly rebuilding my collection and wanted to do something different this time and have always loved The Force Unleashed franchise. I look forward to learning from everyone here. Thank you!
  14. Greetings, I know this is an old thread and I'm not sure if I will get a response here, but I wanted to try here first before creating a duplicate thread. I noticed on the Lord Starkiller armor he uses Carabiners to attach the sabers to his belt. I am trying to figure out how a carabiner would work with sabers that have Covertech Wheels instead of a D or V ring. For example the Maul hilt and the Starkiller hilt both have covertech wheels and I'm stumped. Should I just use a Covertech clip instead of the Carabiner? I am wanting to get this costume approved for 501st standards and want to make sure I stay within the requirements. Any thoughts on this I would greatly appreciate. Thank you!
  15. Hi, Many thanks for your reference info. I already in that FB group but totally missed anyā€¦ Iā€™ll dig it more! The pictures of the boots are also helpful. My file didn't have enough parts so I'm going to make my own. I will post progress here again. Thanks for the support.
  16. Hello everyone, New to TFE, but have been a member of the 501st for a little over 2 years now with Rogue one TK and Clone Commander Cody. I recently acquired my Latest addition to the collection Revan. I am located in the Pensacola Area and am part of Parjai Squad.
  17. Earlier
  18. Here is the current list of greenlit eligibility characters from LMO votes that do not have an approved CRL and are awaiting costume submission. Eligible for 501st and under TFE -Darth Bane: Battle of Ruusan -Witches of Dathomir -Sith Apprentice uniform : KOTOR -Am : Visions -Great Mothers : Ahsoka -Morgan Elsbeth : Ahsoka -Marrok : Ahsoka -Darth Talon : GoH -The Father : Clone Wars -Cal Kestis : Inquisitor Vision -Dessan : Jedi Knight : Jedi Outcast II -Unnamed Inquisitor : Tales of the Jedi / Empire Voted NOT eligible for 501st by LMO -Kreia -Jorus C'Baoth -Dagan Gera : Jedi Survivor -Atris -General Grievous (deemed a puppet) We have decided along with SLD to hold off on Qimir and Osha as all official reference to them is too vague to make a decision either way until we have more information. If you have a character that you would be interested in adding to the 501st roster, please contact myself and the LMO team with full 360 degrees of references for details. Our emails are nina501st@gmail.com and LMO@501st.com.
  19. Hello Darth Revan https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=39826&costumeID=105 Requesting Detachment Access as I believe I have SLD already as I made a similar post on that forum
  20. I completed a Wolfgang armor build which is different from yours. It had hard pieces instead of the slot for two straps on each side. I did a quick look at some of the build threads but didn't see anyone who specifically mentioned how they accomplished this. Are you a member of any facebook groups for this costume? There's one called "3D-Props SWTOR Buildgroup. I believe Mynock's Den armor might use strapping like you'll need, so that might be a helpful resource for you. For boots, I just used some black lowtop police / military style boots.
  21. The Malgus undersuit is, indeed different from Vader's, but as far as I am aware, the approved suits that are correct were custom made.
  22. Good evening, I'd like to become a member of the detachment. This is the link to my Darth Nihilus costume. SL 41125 New England Garrison Lil' Rhody Squad https://501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=36833&costumeID=6 Thank you!
  23. They appear different to me but I think @DarthValkyria might be able to offer insight.
  24. I am Revan....wait I am Xanth. Requesting Detachment access SL/CC 55099 FL Garrison/Parjai Squad https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=34633
  25. hi thanks for the info was specking to the seller about the mask and if it can be change and dos not look like there interested in doing that and to what I can tell the inner and outer mask are attached so it can't be swapped out so going to see if I can find a new supplier and will go from there
  26. As already stated by David the mask do not match the CRL, it will need to be replaced. And the saber is optional, so you do not need it for approval, also there are better ones out there that looks more accurate. If you want to use it at a canon event, you will need to find one that are close to the CRL ref. pic. Regarding your costume, you will need to shorten the front of your hood closure, it should only reach upper sternum, also it looks like you have another layer inside of the hood that goes into your tunic ? if so that will need to be removed. To give a full discription, I will need to see the costume from all sides, front, back, left and right. It would be great to get a pic of each piece for it self on a plain, preferred white background without having been manipulated, since it can be hard to tell the details black on black.
  27. Hello, My name is Donovan and I live in France. I want to join the 501st because I have a friend in it and want to be a part of it I asked to join this forum because I'm looking to make Nihilus COTF costume and this is the detachment that we can see on the CRL page. It will be my first experience since I never make any costume and I'm sure this forum have very useful informations about how to make it ! About the CRL, I see that the outer skirt and inner tunic look the same on the picture. I don't know if it's an error or not so I prefer to write it
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