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  1. Last week
  2. ¡Saludos! Si pagas una imagen de la mascarilla te la puedo aclarar. (¡Espero que la traducción haya funcionado correctamente!)
  3. Hola buenas a todos soy Iván iglesias aspirante de Spanish garrison/Galicia Squad mi traje aunque estoy en duda por la mascara si coft o kotor sera un Darth Nihilus. Espero podré terminarle bien y pronto Un saludo
  4. Hola buenas soy Iván iglesias y Tengo dudas entre dos marcarás y me gustaría que me ayudarais cuan sería aprobada para el Nihilus del Coft y cual sería la de kotor? Porque ya no se donde buscar un archivo stl que sea acertado
  5. Earlier
  6. Great job, I would say yes - when painted I think it will do the part
  7. Here are my updates on the mask. I wonder if this already ok? If ok im gonna proceed to print and paint. Thank you
  8. Indratolos

    Indratolos WIP Indonesia

    Indratolos WIP from Indonesia
  9. Excellent work! Great research and effort figuring out the details.
  10. Thank you! The Saber is the Acolyte from Vaders Vault. The canister came with the Mynocks Den V1 kit but we found several 3d print files of it online during the research process of the suit.
  11. Omg what an amazing build, I raise a drink to you sir! Also, where'd you get the canister on the belt from? And what saber did you end up using?
  12. Update #4 Apologies - Its been awhile since i updated this thread. The acolyte project had to be put on hold for most of Jan thru Early March for reasons beyond a lot of our control. Work got back into high gear in mid March and the suit was finished by late April. Just wanted to come back and do a final post: My Acolyte was completed and has now been approved by 3 clubs as of today (501st, Dark Empire and Saberguild). I have already trooped twice in it and get great reactions to it. The guys who did the paint job and main assembly of my suit ( J&J Props) have done albums of the closeups if anyone would like to see them - I'll attach a few to this post as well. https://www.facebook.com/jandjprops/posts/pfbid0NPSbyB7zgeYCpcPsTuZ5ReReBHjezwNvQbKDzaajgF8VLQqQDdrHTJ43RBKgesbnl https://www.facebook.com/jandjprops/posts/pfbid02hefJ2UoNK8ux3k5ZhvZtdvNSehxBY9LF1JMRoVEkshc1cZofWEGwT9j4wNozWq33l The weathering and paint came out beyond my wildest dreams. Top notch application of Alumaluster. It truly looks and feels like a battle hardened Acolyte who has spent a lot of time on the front lines. A 6 year long dream of mine was finally realized!
  13. Soooooo, figured I'd give it a go with trying to make the outfit for Ventress from the Bad Batch episode. I wanted to do some research first and try out a few things before moving forward with this on here (FE forum) as a thread. I'm going to post things that I have already played around with, along with moving forward for stuff I will be doing in future. A thank you to folks who have posted pictures on the Facebook group. It has helped immensely and I will be including some of them in this build. Please keep in mind I am having a hard time with getting my phone to take pictures of the colors so I did invest in two Pantone booklets Pantone GP1601B 2022 Edition Coated and Uncoated Guide. I have been making notes of the colors of the fabric to compare to what I have seen on the different screen from the show. I will be pointing them out in the photos so people can check the colors and whatnot. I'm currently working on the prints for the tunic and the two outer collars and short sleeves. I worked on the patterns in a program called Creative Space that is used with the xTool Laser machines. They have a silk screen printing machine which "sort of" works with what I am trying to accomplish. The fabric for the tunic and the outer collars I am choosing to use Scuba knit fabric. Partly due to it laying down smoothly on a human body, two it has stretch, which shows up on the upper sleeves of the lighter fabric (see following image of upper arm) and it's in tribute to the fact that this episode deals with water and an island (this particular part will continue with some other parts of my build that I will share when I get to them). So, I guess I'll start with the pattern for the collars and short sleeves. I looked online and in some of my books to see if I could find a woven pattern that could be bought or even hand woven on a loom (I have a loom). But there is no actual weave for this pattern. There is something close, but it was definitely different. And physically it wouldn't present itself well for a fabric as it would be too loose of a weave and not look like what is in the cartoon. But this is just my personal judgement call. I have decided to go ahead and make a print of the pattern and silk screen it onto the fabric. My first attempt I felt was too uniform and didn't have the same feel as the cartoon. So I went back and reworked the edges of the lines and reshaped as well as resized the pattern. I worked on the counting of the height of the repeat of the print to the collars and to the cartoons neck and my real neck. I sized the print accordingly to "hopefully" work for myself. I'm still working on alignment for repeating the pattern on fabric, but I have pictures to show what I have so far. When I am done with printing it, I will be going back over the fabric with another layer of transparent paint with more of a light coffee stain color to match the color in the show. There are areas around the seams and edges of the collar where the material is lighter, closer to ivory. I am working with the ivory colored fabric to see if I can keep some of that coloring in and around the collars edges. For now I am just working on the printed part. I have been hand mixing my colors. I am using a mixture of Speedball water based inks. After making the changes to make the pattern feel more organic The following section deals with the blue printed fabric on her tunic. Boy this is an oddball fabric but I think I have it pretty much figured out. Though I do have questions about pattern repeats, but I will continue with that at the end of this post. The main part of the issue is finding a way to have the pattern show up in light but not as much in darker shadowy areas. After studying different images of her outfit in the light and dark (and even when it is wet and in the light) I came to the conclusion that the print itself is a semi gloss coating on the surface of the fabric. BUT, when you put a coating of say acrylic clear coat it turns darker when printed on. I also noted that even with the "clear" print on top some areas of the fabric had a "painterly" feel to it. I ended up getting a teal colored scuba fabric and then painted it in long strokes with a sponge and a translucent paint mixture (of transparent, white, blue and a dash of yellow) that soaked up mostly into the fabric, giving it a ghostly painterly look as the base and making the color a bit lighter than the original fabric which I found to be too intense for the base color. I also decided to try out a oil based paint for the clear coat on top of the fabric. This seems to do the trick on a synthetic material (natural cotton did seem to absorb some of the ink and make it darker). As with the collar and sleeve pattern I had made an initial pattern but felt it to be too angular and modified it to look more organic with slight curves and I also resized the pattern to match the size of myself. Being a bit larger than Ventress I opted to go with a few rows more in the sizing to keep in ratio with what is in the cartoon. So far I have some of the fabric painted with the translucent white mixture along with trying to print a repeat pattern on the fabric with the oil based transparent paint. I'm having a bit of an issue with getting the pattern exactly aligned up. Which is where I am at the moment. My question so far is how close does the pattern have to match? I have pictures included for folks to look at. I might be able to stabilize some of the printed pattern and wash out part of the other sections and try again when the fabric is dry. But if I don't have to do it, I'd rather not as it is already a massive undertaking. showing the best copy of the neoprene fabric that I have (on the right). The fabric on the left is a stretch cotton wool blend that didn't work out in my testing. But I have found that between the paint and the clear coat it lightens up and has an overall feel/look of the fabric on the left. You can see the brush strokes of lighter colored paint on the fabric. printed clear coat on top of fabric so far. How it interacts with light and shadow. Highlights on left are from inside light and outside light on the right. in slight motion (blurred like in many screen shots from her movement) same angle but not in motion and shows how it blends into the fabric when in neutral lighting. Couple of reference shots I'll leave it here for now and hope to get feed back sooner than later.
  14. Thank you And yes, they need to be more defined.
  15. Hi i saw your wip before. Its very good and i use it as refference aince im big too. Thank you for the input. Prominent mean the cheeck more defined or curving rite?
  16. Hello Welcome As to the mask, I 3d printed the same for my Nihilus COFT version and I needed to make the eye sockets more prominent for it to pass. You can see my WIP here : https://www.theflagshipeclipse.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3864-wip-nihilus-coft/
  17. Hi i need help with the mask. Is this design can be approved? Is it skeletal enough? I m applying for COTF Nihilus If its approveable i ll proceed with print and paint. Thank you for the help and input.
  18. Requesting 501st member access https://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=11989&costumeID=124
  19. I am currently working on a Peter Diamond (cliff attack) I want to make sure the coloring on the outer robe is fine for my gml.
  20. Awesome progress so far!! I need to finish up my Tusken so I can start on my Hett
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