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Everything posted by ionicdesign

  1. How did this go? On the boots you could also spray some grey primer and brush the details on for a similar look too.
  2. Excellent, I'm glad to hear it. The prep time can be reduced as you get better with it. Just beware humidity (and don't ask for my advice with the caps (if you know LadyB's story).
  3. Nor can we, I hope it comes together well.
  4. When fully set the Ben Nye can hold up to a lot, even light rain. We've had it happen a couple of times.
  5. Looking good. She can have but doesn't have to have slits so it is fine either way. The wraps look comfy. How are you going to add the lines so they looks wrapped/gathered? If making the obi version, be sure the belt is the right details. The belt when she wears the obi is different from the others, She's only wearing it a couple times in the comics, here: and when she battles Anakin on Curuscant.
  6. Snaps work, you just do't want it to cast a shadow from riding above (even if it doesn't move) the shirt. I hope it works well for you.
  7. Looking good. Be sure. A little tacking down on all sides is probably a good idea. How does it feel, is it reasonably comfortable to wear?
  8. It is looking good, keep up the great work. I wouldn't use this as reference, though the person who made it has done a lot of concept art, i think this was just for fun/fan art (there is no indication they worked on anything Star Wars). The Dark Horse Republic comics have some of the best references for this Ventress. etc. Both styles of shoulder armour are fine, she was drawn both ways, all good.
  9. Sounds good. (Side note, she didn't plan to be bald either...long story). But the profile images in all the Ventress CRL's are her beautifully bald head. Medical grade prosthetic adhesive is the way to go just make sure your skin is dry, and no make-up on it yet. She'll watch this more closely. Do tell if we can help on it.
  10. The key is that it can fit you without being baggy. I'll see if I can get Brita to share some information on a couple of your questions (She's the model for the concept Ventress). She's made or helped make it for a couple ladies in the Legion.
  11. New users added to group successfully. I'll check on the other, but you've been added.
  12. Welcome MJ. In order to be part of the detachment you need but ask. Instructions can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2722 as well as on The Flagship page on Facebook. You can see the candidates because you join the detachment and Thomas approved you on the main 501st page. This one isn't connected. Let me know if you have any trouble with it, thanks.
  13. Test post with EXALDEAR's permissions.
  14. How is it coming? If you need reference to any other part of this one do tell, I have a bunch and am happy to share.
  15. Sounds good. Do post images when you can so we can see how it is coming together. Also post if you have any questions, we have a couple Ventress costume mentors who would be happy to assist.
  16. It is an interesting design, very best of luck with it.
  17. Glad the notes made it. Brita's father and I custom made the emitters from scratch to match the hilts for the Sideshow 12 inch figure that was out. They were lathed from wood, sanded, painted with alternating matte and satin black paint and sanded again in-between with 400 grade black sandpaper to give it the finished look. I made a diagram of it if you'd like. I could share a pdf of it, just let me know.
  18. Good start, excited to see more.
  19. Sounds great, do post pictures when you can.
  20. The shape of the hood is nice. What did you end up using to reinforce it?
  21. Welcome, nice to have you here.
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