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About ResaFree

  • Birthday March 18

Profile Information

  • Name
    Teresa M . Freeman
  • Gender
  • Location
    South Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, listening to music and spending time with my family including my Star Wars family. :)
  • TKID
  • Garrison / Outpost
    Florida Garrison
  • Squad
    Everglades Squad
  • 501st Profile

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  1. Hello everyone, I am a 501st member and a part of the Everglades Squad in South Florida. I just received 501st approval for my Mara Jade-Nezmi Base and waiting for admittance into the Detachment. I also have a Tonnikka Blue and a Tie Pilot reserve costume. I have a Viceroy Nute Gunray being shipped to me as I write this and I am working on Mother Talzin, finishing my Tie Pilot and then my next build will be a Clone trooper. I think once you start building a costume, it hard to stop, lol 🀣 But I enjoy the smiles that I put on the faces of children and adults when they see us at events. Looking forward to trooping in Mara Jade soonπŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ
  2. Hello, I am in the process of building my Mara Jade and reading the information above will help me get started. Thank you 😊
  3. Hello, Requesting Detachment access for my Mara Jade- Nezmi Base Everglades Squad www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=37207 Thank you
  4. @LordZedel- Hi. I am working on completing a M Talzin and it can be hard. I am currently stuck on the head dress and back wings πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. But it will be worth it when complete. I had to stop working on it because of work and other issues πŸ™ but I will be starting back on it and hope to complete soon. I am no expert but if I can help, let me know. πŸ‘πŸΌ. Good luck πŸ™‚
  5. Awesome costume, you look great!!! I love Mother Talzin. I am currently working on my build of her and can't wait to complete. Thank you for sharing your information.
  6. Hello, I am currently building my Mother Talzin. My first seamstress inputted the pattern on the skirt, it is very pretty and matches the design from the CRL. I had to hire someone else to continue with the build, but I will have to ask her how she was able to mimic the pattern.
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