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    Lee E Richards
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    Kansas City, Missouri, USA
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  1. First off, again thanks for both your replies. For some reason I'm not getting any notifications at all when people reply to my posts even though all the correct options are checked. So I just noticed today when I refreshed my WIP thread that Dan had replied to that and then I searched this and the CRL thread and saw a ton of updates from a few weeks back. JMSProps on Jul 3, 2019 off of Etsy is who I bought my armor files from. They were recommended back here when I started the project back in 2019. It has been a long project due to many reasons and I hadn't even bought my 3D printer yet when I got them. Then I had to have the armor cut a bit by another 501st member in town and fought to get everything printed....and well, life. I have done numerous adjustments in Armorsmith and can never seem to see at all how the helmet will come close to fitting. JMSProps actually had a 'realistic' and a 'cartoon' helmet. Realistic one compensated more for the non egg-head shape. But with the small neck opening, my small neck, and other factors like my giant nose the helmet may just not be a possibility for me. It is such a cool looking helmet. I have printed various pieces as just base rims where I size it up, and then just print a 1mm rim of where my head will go in or other versions in small trial modes just to see if I can even get that over my head and fit on or in the neck area and just cannot seem to get anything that seems like it would work. Thanks but think I will take a break on that for a bit unless I come up with some other 'light bulb moment'. Lee
  2. Thanks for the input. (1) Neck Seal - Yes it is there. (2) COG Skew The COG is indeed round, it just looks pointy in the front at certain angles and particularly when the flash bounces off the ceiling and your angle is more from the front, gives a little bit of an appearance of having a slight point. Maybe would of been better and might reprint them with just a tad less 'rise'. It was really my first attempt at modifying an STL. I could a) sand and/or file that front part a little more and touch up with black to make it appear a little more round from the front view, or b b) I did print the same pieces without the included COG, totally smooth so I could put the decal and/or paint it on. I didn't like the looks of the decal as it was difficult to press it on totally smooth on a rounded surface so it to me looked, 'cheap', or c c) Print a reverse image COG and paint them on. This process too runs the risk of crinkles. (3) 15 vs 20 Ribs on Shirt The original CRL did not specify 15 ribs when we made the shirt, it gave a width per rib of 1/2" which is what we used. We used a projector with me standing in front of the screen to sketch out how wide to match the cartoon pictures we had from screenshots, used the 1/2" crl setting and did the math which came out to 20 though all the cartoons had mostly 15 give or take and the CRL model was I believe 14. If we've missed the cutoff as we had the delay due to the high neck issue, then we will have to see if we can pull all the stitching, count out the distance and math to drop it down to 15. As a note on the CRL I contacted someone in the CRL Update post a few weeks ago and was told that they new CRL would be updated any time and so this one has only actually be released in the last week or two even though it was verbally approved many months back as you said. Somehow the official trigger hadn't been pulled so maybe we can get a grace period. I started an avalanche after the post and everyone pulled together and updated the CRL. Not sure what a grace period might be but pulling all the stitching might be a bad thing and damage the material but would have to talk to the seamstress. (4) Neck Armor Colors Again because I stalled out on this for so long due to multiple life, medical and 3D printer issues, I was going off the old CRL and that area was drastically updated in regards to the silver/gray. That is all an easy paint fix so no big deal to do after this weekend. I actually remember having a conversation when I made the first 'too tall' neck piece over a year ago that I thought there should be more gray/silver in there but it wasn't like that in the CRL so I'm glad that was updated. Will make it 'pop' much more. (5) Greaves I have some very thin black leather that would match the boots and that would be a pretty simple fix. Would probably make them snug on and conform to the shape of the boot a little better as well. Thanks so much for all the quick input Dan, much appreciated. Lee
  3. Got the new shrunken neck done and did a test fit today, pre-flight CON check. I didn't have the helper to get the chest armor quite as tight as I could with a helper but just a pre-flight anyway. Figured out I need to add a cloth or something over the LED's inside the chest or they make the neck glow a little. Working on that after I post this. Any thoughts on submission at this point? The boot Greaves Update has been not finalized yet so cannot pull the trigger until that is ready.
  4. Just curious if anyone has been able to make a helmet that fits with the armor around the neck. I have been playing with the 3d helmet I bought a while back on Armorsmith and cannot get anything sized that looks normal. If I make the helmet big enough to get on and off it doesn't fit within the neck piece. Also, if I get the eye visor area actually in front of my eyes then the chin area is way too low. I have experimented with resizing just the x, y, z axis independently but still cannot find a combination that really looks right. I have not seen anyone cosplay with the helmet yet so was curious if anyone had made it work. Thanks
  5. Had a couple people ask about the armor vendor: https://www.etsy.com/listing/689844054/the-grand-inquisitor-helmets-and-armor?click_key=58ff4016042404ae4855dbe6f91e2a6f358dac4a%3A689844054&click_sum=547c172a&ga_search_query=inquisitor&ref=shop_items_search_6&frs=1 I am still working on changing things. I had to drastically resize the neck area as it was like a medieval rack torture device. Couldn't move my head much. The first few coats of black on it are now drying so hope to submit when the CRL is updated and the Greaves/Boots issue is fixed. I did change the STL files on the shoulders to make the COGS physically lift out of the shoulder pieces instead of use a sticker or try to paint them. I have the shoulder pieces printed without the COGS incase that doesn't work as planned. I cut the original 3D printed Greaves down to just the bottom flare pieces. Waiting on CRL updates to see if that will work or I need to just make leather strips. I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. I am still working on dialing everything in but I cut away the rest of the armor except for the flares at the bottom on the STL's I bought about 3-4 years ago and just slide them over the boot.
  7. My project has stopped and stalled several times but when I bought all the armor files about 3-4 years ago I got the full greaves and printed them and of course the would not fit over the boots. The CRL talked about full size boots, not short boots. Even short boots didn't work and when I resized them large enough to go over either long or short boots it was ridiculous. They made my lower legs look as big as my thighs. I'm a tad muscle-less and skinny anyway. So, I put the 3D files back into Meshmixer and cut away the tops. I then measured my nice riding boots and cut out just the flares at the bottom. I am still playing with my build and having to reprint the upper armor around the neck as my first attempt at putting it all together just didn't go well as it was too high and I could not move my head at all. I felt like I was being stretched the whole time I wore it.
  8. Long road....still driving. Already upped the shoulder pieces. Having issues with 3 piece chest and neck fitment...staying in place but progress.
  9. Been sitting on all armor not sanding as I developed Golfer's Elbow. 6 months later finally back to sanding and such. I cut a hole in my armor and sized a lens for the chest piece and now need to get some LED. Anyone think the red lens should be flush or indented?
  10. Since I cannot really wear contacts, I just decided to wing it as I spent several hours looking for something with no luck. I then thought that maybe tanning goggles might work. I had an old pair in a drawer and grabbed them. The lenses easily popped out. I then spent about 2 hours pulling up every single close up from Rebels I could find of the Inquisitor's eyes and printing them on one big tabloid sized paper. I then sat down and started painting, trying various paints. I do think this first draft turned out pretty good, I didn't have the elastic tight inside the mask so one side was a little droopy. I will play more with it but think it looks pretty good for version 1.0. I might take the dark tanning lenses and drill a hole in them, put them back in, to make the pupils look smaller in version 2.0.
  11. In 52 years I have never been able to put anything in my eyes, open my eyes under water, et cetera. I am not sure how to overcome this phobia or whatever it is. I was trying contact lenses but cannot seem to overcome this to date. Is there some sort of goggle type eye wear I could put on between the mask and my eyes instead of under my eyelids? I know someone here had a mask made with something like that but cannot seem to google the correct words. Thanks
  12. What Diameter are you all doing the silver Imperial icon on the shoulder?
  13. So far I have printed; the boots (though may get a lifted pair later as I'm only 5'6"), thigh forearm hand pieces and have the mask. I have sanded and got the first few coats of black on. A buddy will be printing imperial stickers for the shoulder pieces as templates so I can spray the logo with paint. QUESTION: Anyone have a particular silver color they picked for the Silver COG? Half way through printing the chest piece the printer had a catastrophic failure. Took about 2 weeks to get everything figured out and replaced and now I am about 20% into the chest piece. We are starting to look for fabric and begin sewing since I have about 2 weeks left on just the chest piece. I then need to measure the leg armor with over boot adjustments. JediDad2011, did Mr. Kerry Alan Rowntree make your belt buckle or just the belt. I was looking at 3d printing it but if it isn't too expensive and he's already made yours I might buy there. Contact info??? Thanks
  14. Bought 500mmx500mm 3D printer and finally have it dialed in. Printed first thigh piece and it is looking good. How is everyone attaching these to the costume? Magnets? Velcro? Thanks
  15. I am searching for Grand Inquisitor boots with no zipper and noticed in the picture there is a bit of a flare or something near or just above the ankles in most of the pictures.  Did you do that as an armor add on, leather, or something else?  Not many clear pictures of his feet.  Thanks

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