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Everything posted by Heavy1973

  1. you´re doing such a great job on this and I´m looking forward to seeing it all put together/finished
  2. Very nice - I really like your progress, only thing that caught my eye, are the "sleeves" on the outer skirt. Could you shorten them a bit say halfway, so they doesn´t stand out so much ?
  3. It´s hard to see the details on the pics - they are very small, even when I click on them. What fixes did your GML say, that you needed to make ? Your obi is way to wide - it needs to been around 10 cm only.
  4. I would say the ones from the ebay seller - those are the ones most of us use
  5. Much better gloves - they look a bit big on you, but hopefully, when you get the costume, it will not be so visible.
  6. Hi Welcome to the forum - your second link doesn´t work. It´s hard to see, how it looks, when there is no picture of you wearing it - but the overall feeling I get is, that it could be ready for approval.
  7. Thanks - but I´ve just made a new golden pattern for my sleeves and veil, since the old one, made of golden fabric, wasn´t looking so good anymore. This time I use golden iron-on vinyl - it´s a very long and hard job to cut it out, but it looks much better next time I might take you up on the offer
  8. You´ve done a super job so far - so keep going Love the golden pattern - very nicely done.
  9. Hi and welcome I´m sorry to say it, but the gloves looks wrong, they do not reach high enough up on your arm and are not gauntleted the right way - as to the CRL : The black leather gloves are gauntleted with a shaft reaching halfway up the forearm. There is no flare on the gauntlet. The gloves must be free of straps, buckles, snaps, or extra decorations. Here is a link for the photo from the CRL : http://databank.501st.com/databank/File:SL_nihilus_cotf_gloves.jpeg - like on the pic from WA, you can see, how high the gloves go. I really like your saber and looking forward to see your costume finished. Edit : I found a link for a pair, that are more correct and actually the ones, I think, that most of us use... : http://www.ebay.com/itm/MENS-BLACK-MEDIEVAL-RENAISSANCE-GAUNTLET-GLOVES-MADE-IN-USA-/171054688953
  10. Try and take a look at some of the other WIP´s here on the forum - I know, that I saw some great pics on how to there
  11. Very nice work - you look great As to you having a right arm that is shorter than the left - no one will criticize you on that, that´s just one of lifes small bumps on ones road. As to the sleeves, do make the sleeves the same lenght by getting the right one a bit longer - when you have the gloves on, I don´t think anyone will notice, that your arms are not the same lenght + when you send in the approval pics, just write it in the notes - the GML team will have that in mind.
  12. That looks great - great work
  13. Hi Nice work so far - I agree with DarthValkyria that the backpanel on your veil needs to be in one piece - and not in a red fabric but in a dark burgyndy as to the CRL and ref. pics As to the front of the veil - I found a fabric, similar to the color of my veil and dress fabric, but one that I could look through, that I used to cover my eyes. It´s much better to find something similar as to looking under the veil, the kids will notice that. I found a link for a fabric that is very similar to mine - this way it can give you an idea of, what I mean https://www.etsy.com/listing/205031033/bordeaux-wine-color-stretch-tulle-fabric
  14. Great ! As long as it has the right color and drapes in a nice way, it is up to you - the CRL doesn´t state any fabric for the innerdress and veil.
  15. It looks to bright - perhaps you could weather it a bit so it turns more towards the fainted grey, that it is surposed to be ? the pattern looks very nice.
  16. Hi Very nice progress - great work
  17. Hi and welcome I´m looking forward to follow you WIP - it´s a big project and I´m really excited to see the progress.
  18. Hi The CRL states : Boots For 501st approval: Plain black boots are worn. They have no visible straps, buckles, or laces. So, as to the zipper - if it´s not visible from behind or when you move - then they should be fine, otherwise you could put a piece of leather/fake leather over the zipper with a velcro closure - like a biker scout boot to hide it.
  19. Awesome - and congrats on your approval
  20. Again, big congrats ! you look awesome I´m sure, that the 501st. will accept it too - you´ve done such a great job with it and it fits you very well.
  21. I think, you look total bad ass As I also wrote you before, I can´t give any advice on this costume, since there is no CRL nor do I have enough knowledge about it. But I would send in approval pics, if I were you - and see, what happens
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