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About BH9847

  • Birthday 11/05/1969

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Profile Information

  • Name
    Joseph Winnington
  • Gender
  • Location
    Newark Delaware
  • TKID
  • Garrison / Outpost
    First State Garrison
  • 501st Profile

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  1. I'll take a look
  2. I am in need of some help with the veil. Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make it? And how does it keep its look when worn? Im ok on the gold pattern and all. Thanks
  3. cool. I found someone picking out colors. what is the name of the fabric that Heavy1973 said would work for the inner dress?
  4. It looks like a great kit but I have been emailing him for months with no response and its pissing me off. I need to order the legs only as I have everything made already. How much are his kits anyway? Yours is looking absolutely awesome.
  5. at the top of this section there is a tutorial from Twe'lek pam that is very good. I would use hers as a reference. But I think your off to a good start. its going to take several tries before you get it right. It took me 3 years to build my fett. I threw it in the trash on several occasions. Haha. Whats the fabric you have in the picture? I need to build this costume for my girlfriend and im just starting.
  6. I am just wondering if your still working on this costume or maybe have finished? I am in the process of putting this together for my girlfriend and was hoping I could get your assistance with this? I have many questions and have no clue to the world of sewing lingo. Thanks
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