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Everything posted by RevanCathal

  1. I am trying to put together the Armor as well and unfortunately, from what I read on Mynock's Facebook page he no longer offers the Acolyte kit or to make anything for anyone anymore. He's strictly only making stuff for himself for now on.
  2. Hello. I am at bare minimum looking for a kit in order to bring my Sith Marauder from SWTOR to life. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Already have the mask, just need the Armor.
  3. Hello. I'm trying to help my fiancé finish her Mara Jade cosplay and I am in need of assistance locating a source for beige/light tan wrist length gloves that are in stock and can ship relatively quickly. Thank you in advance for any assistance.
  4. Hello! My name is Frank Overman. I will hopefully be joining the Ohio Garrison. I'm currently working on a Revan outfit though I might complete an Acolyte later this year as well. I am currently a member of the Rebel Legion Apollo Base in Ohio and I am wanting to join the 501st so I have options for what I can appear as at official events and not have to always be the good guy.
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