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NightShine last won the day on March 11

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About NightShine

  • Birthday 07/28/1989

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    Estar Quars and snacks.
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    Wisconsin Garrison
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  1. I agree - use natural lighting if possible or else just a bunch of lamps nearby (just make sure then that the light doesn't drown out the costume). I always love seeing more Revan join but can't see any of the detail D": both sides, front and back are good to have plus up-close shots of any detail areas (such as chest area and mask).
  2. Just keep yourself busy and try not to stew on it. I know it's super anxiety but you'll hear back! Took my Revan app an entire month haha it's probably like mine where it's getting close to the holidays and people are pretty busy. Hang tight!
  3. It might seem silly but have you looked into any FaceBook 3D printing groups? maybe even the PRF (Prop Replica Forums). I've barely used 3D printing for my costumes so unfortunately I don't know of many places to suggest!!
  4. This is simply amazing!! I can't wait to see all your armor WIP - heck, even the planning WIP is gorgeous. Dat figurine you made!!
  5. Wow nice insta response! I think you'll be fine in getting in
  6. Nice you finished your Nihilus looks great! Now wear it proudly new Sith Lord!
  7. As a big thermoplastic user myself, this is a great guide you've put up! now everyone can enjoy the wonders of these amaze materials!!
  8. That looks pretty good to me the sanded black worbla looks like concrete lol a plus! makes it looks super hard and durable
  9. I do have that midsection tutorial here on the Revan forums! I find it best to sew the tubing into the vinyl pockets right away by using a zipper foot for your machine I've never used stretchy vinyl before but with any stretchy fabric you need to slightly pull it on one or both ends while feeding it through the sewing machine.
  10. This is looking great!! Don't worry about the visor - mine's smaller too. I also noticed that a handful of people have larger visors and I think that's just personal choice for visibility - both are just fine I think. You could also try bending the top of the visor out more, like you had mentioned, but I'm afraid of it pulling and distorting parts of the mask -- it could totally turn out fine too! At least if you try it and it doesn't work you can just push it back into place that's the beauty of Worbla! But honestly, I think the visor area looks just fine; to me it doesn't look weird or abnormal.
  11. Good luck to you, sir! And yeah summer months are horrendous for getting anything done!
  12. Going on stage in general is scary!! Haha but the problem with being first is you can't watch and see how others did so you're literally pioneering the way! and yeah stage lighting can really hurt LED or similar affects ): still looked bawler though!!
  13. Awesome!!! I watched the contest video online and saw your costume!! I had remembered seeing it here on the forums -- looked very imposing on stage. Fantastic!! I also thought it was funny when the emcees said "look at that wand!" It's Sith Lightning lmao /facepalm
  14. Cool! I've never used black worbla before so this is very interesting looks like the surface is a lot less grittier than original Worbla. As for your air pockets (LARGE warts ;D haha) mine did the exact same thing (ty for pics! very helpful!!). If I can remember correctly, when working with mine, this is unavoidable -- only way to fix it is to work with it as you go. Since Worbla hardens quickly you need to work fast, but for preventing large bubbles, you need to work slowly (of course it would be like this -- can't be TOO easy. Thanks Murphy's Law!). From what I remember, after initially forming the chest piece, any larger bubbles left I heated up (that specific area - so not the whole thing) and massaged it out by poking several small holes up and along the bubble. For example, you make a hole at the bottom, middle, and top of the bubble and gently press out the air up to each hole and proceed to the next one (this will also help prevent wrinkling that would occur by just making, say, one hole in your large bubble). Omgosh lol "I"ve added pep files as one of the 18 layers of chinese hell". I need to remember to use this one in the future haha Very descriptive and also VERY accurate!! I've only ever worked with one pep file before (my Revan mask) so I can't enlighten you much on that ): suffice to say there are lots of options out there -- one way or another your hand-made Revan CAN get done but you've gotta decide how much literal blood, sweat, and tears you want to put into it I give you TONS of credit though for trying something relatively complicated so new to the game and I think you're doing a fantastic job thus far with work and research! Just remember: cosplaying is about fun! If you suddenly feel like making this costume has become a chore and the world is darker don't worry about buying pieces instead of making them. The end result is making people happy at troops and yourself happy by becoming a sweet ass character and hanging with friends - so in the and, where yes making a costume is awesome, buying one (or parts of one) is just as OK!! Cosplay is cosplay regardless of made or bought Yes! Even if your Revan isn't 100% of what you want it to be (I know mine isn't -- I abhor my cloak and hood bahaha) it's that initial costume to get you into the Legion THEEEEN you can start getting serious! > my current build (will be second costume in Legion) is taking me a year total to make but damn will it be glorious. Let the first costume be the ride to get you there then you can either upgrade Revan or make/buy/modify another costume!! and yeah Worbla does kill your fingers ... I've gotten well used to the pain by now haha
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