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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2020 in Posts

  1. Finally pictures of the boots and gloves I will be using in the costume build. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. Last but not least. Photo of the helmet. This was made by Taras at Mynocks Den and came completed ready to wear. The mask comes in two parts. Front section and back section. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Final set of supporting photos. These parts are made from resin. I still need to do a little bit of tidying up on these parts as there are some rough bits from the casting that need to be sanded down and smoothed off before painting. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  4. Supporting pictures of this build in progress. These are the 3d printed parts that came included with the ABS armour parts. Also included photo of comicon safe what can only be described as claws. These are foam. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. Supporting pics for this build. ABS armour kit in raw form before trimming. Sections of the armour after trimming. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. Hey folks, So I got approved back in the fall, but its taken me this long to actually get this all written up. Finally put up the bodysuit article on my blog today, and I'm hoping it will help others as I found that the pattern for the bodysuit was by far the hardest part of getting it right. It wasn't really the construction for me, but finding a good pattern that I liked for my body and its larger than average boobs. After trying Pam's suggestions and a couple of other pattern options, I eventually tried Yaya Han's bodysuit pattern made by McCalls and it worked so perfectly the first time. I was so relieved. There are still some changes that have to be made, and that's what I detailed in my blog post that is specifically about the bodysuit complete with diagrams. The rest I made mostly out of Worbla and leather. Happy to clarify anything if you're reading it and something doesn't make sense, but I HIGHLY recommend using this pattern over the previous patterns suggested. It just fits so much better, especially if you have a big difference between bust and waist. Mara's bits and pieces (harness, belt, etc) http://withoutastitchon.blogspot.ie/2016/04/mara-jade-bits-and-bobs.html Mara's shinguards & knee pads http://withoutastitchon.blogspot.ie/2016/04/mara-jade-knees-and-shin-guards.html Mara's bodysuit http://withoutastitchon.blogspot.ie/2016/05/mara-jades-bodysuit.html
    1 point
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