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I need some guidance for the requirements on the facial features of the mask, should I accentuate the orbital bones and the zygomatic process sections, it can be sculpted with air drying clay but I need to know whay direction I need to go with.





Also I saw a more of a skull cap mask which I found interesting, is the face plate sufficient or is the skull cap a superior design?



First post - yes 
Second post - I haven´t seen this design before, but I would say that just the face mask would be ok. 


The components for the belt are on their way, any link for glives that aren't 100 bucks, maybe some of ypu cost cutters found an affordable alternative?


They are evening gloves so I assume women sizing as they have no size chart and I'm normally a large for finger length, might go xl unless you can tell me what you ordered and what suze hands you have (palm width and cuff to tip of middle finger length vs the size you ordered.


I have a wide hand 22 cm Ø and underarm 32,5 cm Ø, I think my gloves are a size XL - but please do not hang me, if the size wont fit you.

The size chart is lower down on the page, where you can see the measurements for the different sizes, just scroll down, there it also says, that they custom make them ;-) - I would write them and ask, wouldn´t hurt. 


I emailed them as 23 cm puts me beyond xxl, custom order. It'll de0end on the price quoted if I go with them.


I really appreciate all the help you've thrown my way. I  try my best to pay it forward when I can with various builds as I like to figure out simple remedies...such as my rx insert and kydex tab for glasses weares and buckets.




Is there an expected spacing for the chicago screws? Also, they look like sam brown studs in that picture.



Great, I don´t think the price will be that much higher, put x fingers. 

You´re welcome, just happy I can be able to assist and help others getting their costumes done without breaking the bank or going down to many wrong ways in their builds. 

Awesome a scout :-D - that was my first costume when I joined the Legion ages ago, sadly I had to sell it due to real life money issues, but I have since gotten a shadow scout and I am in the works of a new shiny white scout again also. 
Nice idea with the bucket insert, that is also something that I do, share ideas and ways to do things.

We help each other, this is the way :-D 

Regarding the belt, it depends on the size of the person, that is why there is no exact spacing noted in the CRL. 

Sam Brown screws are good to go also, they are very similar to the chicagos, as long as the overall look is the same, I see no problem with the use of those instead. 


This is my updated tunics, took nearly 6 inches of the "sleeves" on the outer tunic and 3 off the inner tunic.Before on the right and after on the left. Still have to weather the bottom but one thing at a time.


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