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Found 11 results

  1. Good evening! As I mentioned a few days ago with GML Heidi, I wanted to see if with this mask already finished I would be able to approve my wip of Darth Nihilus coft, a big hug
  2. Hello i was looking for opinions on my Nihilus costume, i know that the crown is too high and is not attatched properly and im looking for a solution. Also need new gloves and to fix the knot for the cape. Also looking for tips on how to improve the hood.
  3. Hello everyone, I would like some help: my husband is preparing Darth Nihilus, we can't find suitable gloves. Can you help me? Thanks! Barbara.
  4. Hello, First time crafting a 501st approved costume and I am trying to make Darth Nihilus. Looking into getting a mask and found this one on Wicked Armor, https://wickedarmor.com/collections/darth-nihilus/products/darth-nihilus-mask-inspired-by-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii-custom-prop-replica. I was wondering if anyone could let me know if this mask would be approved for the KOTOR 2 variant of the Darth Nihilus. Thanks!
  5. Hello all, I received my wicked armor Darth Nihilus Costume a few weeks ago and I finally got my boots so I think im ready to submit pics to my GML. I'm open to all feed back ! https://imgur.com/gallery/r31Wf
  6. Thanks for the add.. SL-10835 reporting for duty...
  7. Hi! I got another question... I see lots of Nihiluses (Nihili?) here have lots of different masks. I originally wanted to 3D print mine, the one I have here as a profile picture, but... the file got corupted... It would take me a while to make it again. So, rather than remaking it, now I wish to purchase a Nihilus mask, which I think is the faster option. But which one should I buy? I saw a couple online that I really like, and I would like to get some opinions about this. The first one is the one offered by My Wicked Armor: https://www.etsy.com/listing/202095118/darth-nihilus-mask-inspired-by-star-wars The second one by Khros Nest: http://www.khrosnest.com/darth-nihilus-mask/ Which one should I buy? Or if anyone has any suggestion to a better mask, feel free to reply.
  8. Hi Community, I'm currently working on a Nihilus (COTF) Cosplay, and therefore need advice about the gloves/gauntlets, I was send here by the German Garrison's forum, and I have two Gauntlets in mind http://www.maskworld.com/german/products/kostueme/kostuem-komponenten-teile--250/handschuhe-armschienen--2502/lederhandschuhe--MR-200376 and these http://mittelalterland.de/Mittelalter-Kleidung/Mittelalter-Kleidung-Handschuhe/Ziegenleder-Handschuhe-schwarz::5310.html?XTCsid=3b3rbfrge760m3oj5phvarji74 I'm more drawn to the first pair, but I wanted to know if even one of these pairs is acceptable to 501st Legion Norms I hoping for quick and helpful advice, thanks in advance, Chris
  9. Hi Community, I'm still working on my Nihilus Costume, and I found the hardest thing to find are accurate Boots, just because EVERY pair of Boots I found has a zipper or something like that. As I found in the Costume Standards, the Boots are not allowed to have VISIBLE straps, zippers, etc. So my question is, are zippers in general allowed, as long as they wouldn't be visible under the skirt? Like these; http://www.jedi-robe.de/123,1045,star_wars_jedi_stiefel.Star_Wars_Jedi_Stiefel_in_Farbe_Schwarz___auch_perfekt_f__r_Han_Solo_und_X_Wing_Kost__me.html Also, if it's allowed (I'm not sure about that), recommendations are welcome Thanks in advance, Chris
  10. Hi all! I'm a little new here but have been reading through the forums as I've been making my Nihilus costume as well as been in contact with Nefthys getting advice. This is my First 501st approvable costume but far from my first costume. I'm a member of the mandalorian mercs and have done some other video game and film costumes in the past. If you're interested in seeing my other costumes you can check out my deviant This is not so much a build thread as much as a finished costume thread. I'll start off with a few work in progress photo's though. I made the robes out of a Mozart (or piano) weave linen which has a very similar weave to the raw silk that's commonly used for the robes. I started with the belt. Next came the inner skirt. After that I was working on a few things at once but here's the robes. I 3d modeled the mask based off of reference I found online and from Kotor2. I then put my 3d printer to work and ended up with this. Once I had the mask glued together I started work on the head piece. Making the basic shape out of tape and paper then molding worbla around it. I then made a fitted worbla cap and attached the two together to make a nicely fitting head piece that doesn't move much at all on my head making it comfortable to wear. (Note: the 'cat ears' were extended forward a bit after the second photo was taken I just forgot to document it). Since I was in a hurry to finish the costume for a test run at a convention before celebration I stopped documenting progress in order to focus more on getting things done. Since the previous photos I have made the sleeves, finished the head piece, made the capes, got new gloves, and cleaned up, painted, and attached the mask to the head piece. All I have left to do is make the saber and do a bit more weathering overall. Here's the finished costume! Since the convention I've applied to the 501st and am waiting to hear back. Hopefully I'll get word before celebration! Cheers! -Paradoxdj
  11. Hi! Im a new member of 501st! And I maded my first costume of Darth Nihilus .He has been my favorite charakter a long time. I usend a bissy month to finich it! And got my costume accepted 2 weeks befour my first troop .My costume is 100% maded by me I really like the old replublic age and thinking about new costumes in that era in the future!
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