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L Kamino

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Everything posted by L Kamino

  1. I'm glad this might be of some help! When I ordered my MWA Revan last winter he was still offering the shirt, but I too felt it would be best to do a custom piping. I need to post a better picture of the finished piping AND the other threads for my mods. I still had trouble with the pics auto-sizing on an original post, but it worked on a reply test. So, I just went with the reduced images. More coming!
  2. I ordered a Deluxe Darth Revan from My Wicked Armor. I opted not to get the shirt with the order. Since I'm a woman I was concerned about how the piping would lay. I couldn't find any women's styles that would work, but I found a men's long sleeve shirt with a mock turtleneck that was the same black hue and sheen as the balaclava. This shirt is a bit warm, but it is designed to keep you dry. (Walter Hagen Redmond l/s golf polo pure black 41361476 from Dick's Sporting Goods To determine the placement for the piping, I put the front and back armor on and measured where I needed the piping to cross my chest. I determined my piping needed to lay about 4" below the bottom of the collar seam. I originally planned to use pre-made polyester piping, but I personally found it a bit difficult to work with. When it came time to pin it in place, it tended to move easily and roll into a wavy line instead of a straight horizontal line. It is designed to be inserted into a hem or a slit in the fabric, and I didn't want to cut into my shirt in case I needed to adjust the placement. Someone else might have better luck with the pre-made piping, but I decided to use something more cooperative. I took a polyester slip that I have that is a match for the hue and sheen of the shirt. It hangs above the knee and was a good length to cut enough material out to make some piping. I cut a strip about 3" wide from the slip along the vertical seam to make it easy to measure. Then, on the side of the fabric away from the seam, I folded the fabric 1" and pinned it in place to sew. I sewed a 1/4" seam into the pinned fabric. I trimmed the sewn fabric leaving enough room to fold the fabric over after making the first seam onto the shirt. To get the piping placement, I measured up from the even line of the bottom hem of the shirt, not down from the collar hem and top of the sleeves. I measured the vertical length of the shirt from the bottom of the collar seam down to the bottom of the shirt hem, then deducted 4" from that measurement to determine how many inches up from the bottom hem of the shirt to place the piping. I pinned the piping material in place. I sewed the fabric in place. I folded the seam over and re-pinned it to sew the final seam. I sewed a seam right along the lower folded edge. My shirt now has piping where I needed it. http://www.mywickedarmor.com/
  3. Thank you Rico and Rejean! Rejean, you've been a ton of help during this process. Thanks for everything!
  4. Thank you! I'm very excited and glad to be official!
  5. I was approved last week! May 6th is now my Star Wars day! Will have gallery photos to add for some of the upgrades I've done. This forum has been most helpful.
  6. I'm Lori from outside of Portland, Oregon. I'm nearly finished with my Darth Revan costume. I will be part of Cloud City Garrison. I knew I wanted to join the 501st after attending a Star Wars in Concert event and saw how the Cloud City members were making the event memorable, taking photos with the guests and making it so much fun for the kids...of all ages. I can see this is going to be an addictive hobby. I'm already considering my next costume(s). Lori
  7. I'm currently tracking my Revan shipment that is expected to arrive on 2/6/15! I only need the undershirt.
  8. That's okay! I appreciate it. I'll see what I can find out.
  9. Thank you! And...I'm a sis, actually. I ordered a Revan saber hilt from MWA to have something on my belt, but I'm currently researching a bladed saber. Can you recommend? Lori
  10. I heard from Rob at MWA yesterday that he is finished with my Deluxe Revan armor. He is now working on the cloth portions. I just need boots and the undershirt with piping and I'm set. I'll post updates here. I appreciate all of the Revan info that has been shared here, specifically regarding the posts regarding adjustments made to MWA armor. Lori
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