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Posts posted by IMaDesignerd

  1. Indeed it is - I am fascinated by how many things you can make with a 3d machine. 
    Thank you so much, that is really nice of you - right now, he is printing place cards holders for my youngest sons confirmation in April, which is kept in Jurassic Park/World theme :-D  one of our friends made the file for us. 

    That’s awesome! 3D printing is really going to change the world.

    Once you dial your 3D printing skills in, the hard part is learning to model. Once you can do both, a whole world opens up to you.

    I can do basic geometric modeling, but this is my first dip into 3D sculpting. I am a graphic designer by trade, but do a lot of fine art as well, including sculpting. I have just been hesitant to get into the computer based tools because the learning curve was so steep. Software developers have come a LONG way with digital sculpting and I found one that is very intuitive to real life sculpting. This project was the push I needed to finally give it a try and I am enjoying it! I can’t wait to try and sculpt and print other stuff!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. My son got a Ender printer when he turned 18, so he is in the learning steps at the moment but he did print a couple of things, like pokemon figures for his younger brother and christmas ornaments for his old mum ;-)

    You just write her a message here on the forum - you can find her profil under  "Staff"  or use this link and she will get back to you :

    3D printing is awesome. I’ve been doing it for a few years now. The Ender machine is an excellent starter machine. I have the CR-10V2 with several mods, which is basically a larger and improved Ender.

    If your son has any questions about printing I would be more than happy to help and if I don’t know the answer, I do know several people who will.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That looks great - really looking forward to seeing how it turns out as an actual 3d print.    
    As to being an approved 501st. file, we would need to get our DL Nina to take a look and give the ok - it would be an amazing resource for others to be able to get the "right" shaped mask for a 3d print, and thank you so much for putting the work into doing this :ugh:    

    Haha it’s no problem at all. I have been wanting to learn how to 3D sculpt anyway.

    How can we get in contact with Nina? I would hate to print this thing only to find out it’s a no go.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Much better, nicely done - and good idea to see, how it will look with the boots on, though I suspect you´ll still need to shorten it a bit ;-)   

    With regards to the mask, If I print this file do you think it would pass?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I went ahead and hemmed the edges.

    As for the length, I am going to leave that until I get my boots. I want to get some with a bit of a heel to give me some more height. I will trim to size with the boots on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Hi good to see, that you haven´t given up on this ;-)  

    You´ll need to shorten the skirt though, as it is only to nearly touch the ground - you also need to fold the fabric in and sew down along the split, so the white lines at the fabric edge are hidden, since there shouldn´t be any fraying of the fabric there.   

    On the pic from the CRL you can see what I mean : SL_nihilus_cotf_outer_skirt.jpeg    looking forward to seeing your progress.  

    As a side note, please make sure, that your mask is up to date, the mask you have pictures of here, will need mods to get approved. I have the same one, and I needed to sand down the two lines over the eyes and resculpt the cheekbones/area around the eyes to make it more scull like as the pic from the CRL here : SL_nihiuls_cotf_mask.jpeg

    Thanks for the tips. I will take care of the white lines in the fabric and shorten it up. My logic was that I could always go shorter if I needed too but can’t go longer.

    I was reading over the threads here and I agree I need to make modifications to the mask. No big deal.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Well, that was a LONG break. That said, I had a dream the other night about working on this costume again so I decided that it was time I finally finished it.

    So, tonight I took a stab at the inner tunic, since it seamed (see what I did there?) to be the easiest part.

    Tell me what you think and if I need to change anything. I think it looks pretty darn good.

    Nihilus under skirt

    Nihilus under skirt

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. 10 hours ago, kracker98 said:

    Nice job on the saber, I look forward to seeing your progress on the rest of the costume.

    I do have to say that looking at you mask it doesn't really match the CRL.  It should be white in color, and not weathered.  Also it could maybe be a little more skull like than it currently is, but that will probably be a GML decision.  

    I can always paint it again to remove the weathering. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Mitthrawnuruodo said:

    That's an awesome looking saber!

    Thanks! I need to increase the sensitivity on the swooshes, but other than that, I really love how it came out.


    I hope to get crackin' on the soft parts here really soon.

  10. OMG. Its been so long, but living in Socal and the Star Wars land announcement has me FIRED UP again!  I got the ok from the wife to purchase the fabric so I am rarin' to go!


    Over the last few months, I was able to create and finish a fully functional RGB Darth Nihilus hilt. It is loaded with Darth Nihilus sounds, flash on clash, swooshes, and blaster fire blocks. It was a labor of love and I think its.....perfect. Here are a few pics and a couple links to videos of how it works. The third picture is an in-progress pic that shows the internals and the 3d printed chassis I made.









  11. Thanks!


    I am planning out the sewing now. I pulled the pattern out of the box in my garage and it all makes sense except for the wide band on the inner edges of the tunic. I've been comparing the pattern with the P&S tutorial. The band appears to be an separate interfaced strip that is sew on to the main tunic, I just don't understand how to attach it so that it looks good. The instructions are unclear to my noob brain. I'm also a bit stumped about how to approach the sleeve quilting. Seems like I could cut two layers of the sleeve fabric out, add interfacing, and then sew the outer layers back to back at about 1" spacing.


    Any experienced sewing people out there that can walle through this process? Or point me in the direction of a tutorial video?


    As for the mask/hood, I think I am going to try and make a "helmet" with a low profile hard hat, cat ears, black undermask and outer white mask attached to it. Then I can Velcro the hood to it so it won't blow off.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk





  12. Well, its time to get back on this project. I have been looking at building a saber and buying the fabrics. I really need to dig up some props to sell. LOL


    Maybe I can start building my "cat ears" first. That shouldn't cost much...

  13. I finished my mask today. All painted and weathered. :) The image doesn't look as good as it does in person. I'm going to have to get creative coming up with the money for the robes. I need to ponder it a while....11b088a96d61b4859d9342aee519a5ba.jpg


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  14. Yus!!! I can always use the help of another Sith Lord with your amazing costuming skillz! I am trying to scrape together the money for the raw silk, but I think I am going to give this one a go on my sewing machine. I haven't ever taken on a project this big, but I think I can manage. The only thing I am really worried about is making the quilted sleeves and attaching them to the under robes. Maybe you could help me with that?

  15. Greetings everyone!


    I have been lurking here a long time and I have finally decided to start a COTF Nihilus. I am already a member of the 501st and I wanted to make a sith. I loved the Kotor games so Nihilus was the clear choice.


    I have already begun working on the mask. I found a 3D printer file on online and printed it up. The file adheres to the CRL so I think it should be good to go.


    I have been sanding and filling it getting it ready for paint. Its almost ready. I am trying to figure out how I can make the surface look more like bone...


    Here is a picture of the mask after light sanding. Sorry about the terrible lighting. I will post another picture of my current progress later.



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