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Everything posted by Sith_happens

  1. Finally finished turning a Rubies Darth Vader chest piece into the Darth Bane chest (minus the shoulder blades). Here it is with the helmet. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m5gerbrr2fbotge/20210802_072433.jpg?dl=0
  2. Kama finished with light gray fabric paint. Here is the finished product with the reference. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5h4erf2w0s7duc0/img_20210723_215053_340.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sjfhpz9zia77uc7/img_20210723_215053_549.jpg?dl=0
  3. Initial kama has arrived created by a great friend of mine. All that is needed is some gray fabric paint to finish up the light gray details bordering the sith design in the center. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xvdl3bv1gtoawd/20210721_204830.jpg?dl=0
  4. Working on the chest piece. I have an extra rubies Darth Vader Mantle so I'm re-purposing it to be used for Darth Bane. It still looks a little too wide, but the basic shape is there. https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0ybna4h9mha85w/20210613_120150.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sj0n5zk6rphcae1/20210613_120156.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/92goynn15bcc8zr/20210613_120158.jpg?dl=0
  5. Darth Bane helmet has been painted and final details are complete. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z7n645nxgdy6gba/20210608_195653.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ydvha1jg4n0k3v9/img_20210604_183436_104.jpg?dl=0 The helmet is a dark gunmetal, the helmet detail, Mohawk, and face mask are all a white gold. Upon further inspection, it appears the topmost set of fins at the ears are the same light gray as the gauntlets with white gold embellishments. Yellow/orange LED lenses have been added to give the effect of glowing eye sockets like in the Clone Wars.
  6. Darth Bane Helmet is printed, assembled and primered.
  7. Finished gauntlets for now. May need to dry brush a lighter gray in some areas. Hand painted details.
  8. All burgundy under tunic patterned to go under the armor: https://www.dropbox.com/home/darth bane?preview=20210429_154754.jpg Cut out shapes from shin armor for Darth Bane's gauntlets Once the gauntlet shape was cut out with a rotary tool I managed to engraved the recessed areas of the gauntlets. Engraved gauntlets
  9. Hello everyone! I'm Matt from the Southern California Garrison and I'm currently in the works to putting together a Darth Bane costume from the clone wars. I'm hoping that once it is completed that I'll be able to make it an official CRL for the Legion. I'll be sure to keep you all up to date on my progress. Currently I have 3d files for a helmet printing, some leather working done for the chest and back pieces, burgundy top/bottom is on its way, as well as a old friend helping to create the cloth pieces along the waist
  10. Hello everyone! I'm Matt TR-75567 from the Southern California Garrison. Currently I'm a member of the 501st legion as well as the Rebel Legion with costumes ranging from a WIP ROTJ Darth Vader, ROTS royal guard, Obi-wan Kenobi, etc. I love being a part of this community because not only do I get to share my love of star wars with great people, but I get to do it while participating in charitable events! I'm currently trying to complete a CRL for the clone wars version of Darth Bane.
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