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Everything posted by ghostred7

  1. It's not like you haven't seen my thread over @ the RL forums or anything LOL. But ya....
  2. Believe it or not...I'm actually doing a costume at some point for the RL. I've started mapping out the pieces I'm going to need and researching purchases. Over 1/2 of the costume is gunna be store bought (leather pants, boots, wig, etc).
  3. Greetings again all.....a little update. I've started on my v2.0. Things being done: * New wimple. Thanks to a very generous gift, i can finally fix the "coat hanger wimple" and make that area look more like it should. I've already started the disassembling of my old setup and fitting to new. * New inner tunic * Cape/hood fix to accommodate new wimple * POSSIBLY new outer tunic * New belt * Either new hilt or improvement on the blade & electronics for saber
  4. W00tz0rz!!!!!! Much grats!! Both Gothiclysm & I were simply amazed at the last photos you posted....looks friggin' awesome....glad to see things pan out. So I was curious and decided to snoop on your profile.....awesome... EDIT: Madames DL/DXO - as this is now approved, shouldn't we move the starkiller thread to the approved section????
  5. For Gothiclysm's Maladi....we used a combination of sponge & airbrush, mostly airbrush though, at least for the broad application. We penciled & sponged the very small details around the eyes, forehead, and lip, but everything else was airbrush. This was Ben Nye....we'll be switching to Reel Creations too.
  6. He'll have help ....and can I add much w00t to your coming to D*C again?!!?!
  7. Comin' along nicely, thanks for sharing the progress!
  8. Thanks Wade. Now that has been cleared up, let's get & keep the thread back on track please.
  9. They don't appear to be the same person. This one is in GA, "Steve" is somewhere else, like MO or something. Wade's stuff looks better than Steve's (at least for the Nihilus saber...all i have to compare with), so I'm fairly sure that the link that Glockink provided isn't the same person we've had issues with. Wade actually has his phone number on the site whereas Steve is a nightmare to get up with or even FIND a phone number for.
  10. A saber is NOT mandatory (at this time) for approval. Here's the CRL excerpt: That being said....naturally the closer the better....but IMO, no, it wouldn't prevent you from membership based on the current CRL.
  11. ghostred7

    Visas saber

    That looks great!! One of the best renditions of the K1 saber I've seen.
  12. As this is a download and also not part of the original Force Unleashed storyline, that it would not count as canon. Even though it may be in the game....it's not part of the core storyline that Lucasarts has blessed off as "canon." As for eligibility, that's not for us to say....that's for the council/LMO to say.
  13. Very nice.....and much better dark circle than the one(s) under my eye(s).
  14. Mine is the Champions of the Force version....but it's ~13"
  15. Hoooolllllyyyyy sssshhh******************tttt ......that looks amazing!!!! ::picks jaw up off floor:: I'm speechless....which if anyone knows me....is a very hard thing to do....phenomenal!! Do you have that in high res? With permission....i'd love to have a printout of this for my cube @ work.
  16. QFT!!! She's seen my cooler post-distressing via cheese grater! Cheese grater does work wonders for distressing fabrics though. It's what i used to distress my Nihilus stuff.
  17. Absolutely!!! The more the merrier (me on left w/ sticks). Cobra!!!!!!
  18. Koda - is that image from TFU or Soul Caliber?
  19. ha! busted!!!! at least those Webelos are gettin' in on the action. Now if it were my boys' Troop.....they'd want Sith & TK all the way (i've trained them well )
  20. Looks great! Looking forward to seeing your full ensemble with makeup & all.
  21. Great job!!! A lot more descriptive than the one i use for mine: wake up, look in mirror, make sure bald spot shines, trim unwanted/last hope remaining head fuzz. Can I make a PDF out of it? I will put credits in whatever context you want.
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