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Everything posted by Heavy1973

  1. My belt is finished and is on it´s way... the headpiece is also almost ready, so I need to get the last things in order to get everything done now. It´s been a long wait - but I know, that it is worth it. My lightsaber will be custom made in october ´14...
  2. Very nice - great work with that. Keep it up
  3. Great pics ! Yes the problem with people not knowing this figure and kids getting scared, is also something that my friend has with his Nihilus But indeed it is a really nice costume ...
  4. HI I´ll take your post and get some advices from the other mentors, because I am not familiar with this costume - hopefully one or more of them can help out.
  5. Hi there and welcome Well, it depends a lot on what kind of costume, that you want to make ?
  6. Wonderful job - can´t wait to see it finished
  7. He will get back to you - make take a day or more
  8. It looks great, but I´m not very familiar with this character - you need to write our DL Thomas (The Clone Emperor ) a pm
  9. No the belt is about 7,5 cm wide and the silver rectangles are about 2,5 tall and divided in 4 And about the closure - I do hope, that it is acceptable, since we can´t make it without one, and this way, the buckle will be hidden.
  10. Hi and welcome I´m in the making of Darth Traya to right now, and I have asked about the belt too. Since the ref. pics are from the game more or less, and we can´t make it as it is drawn - it is acceptable to have a closure on the back with an overlap like on Darth Mauls belt like the pic here. Note that it is a Darth Maul belt, not a Darth Traya belt or with an overlap with velcro.
  11. Oki, I made the other version, but almost the same Oh boy, I have absolutely no idea - I´ve got a Singer sewing machine - perhaps you could try and Google your machine and see, what piece is missing ? Regarding the boots, I would also search a bit more and find that one pair that fits like a glove... I´m going to use my boots for both the Visas Marr, Darth Traya and my new project a Royal Guard... (unless I find a pair of red suede for that one)
  12. Hi and welcome What version of Visas Marr are you planning ? Always good with lots of research and to make try-outs before using the right fabric, so your off to a great start Regarding the boots, as long as the stretch panels are on the inside of the boot, like around a zipper, I don´t think, that it will be a problem. Regarding the frustations about not getting anywhere - think, that we have all been there, so you just have to give yourself one goal instead of 10 and take one step of a time. Good things take time Where do you think a piece is missing from the sewing machine ?? try sew some fabric together with it and see, how it turns out, or put a pic up inhere - perhaps I can help out ? Looking forward to follow this one
  13. Beautifull work - this is going to be an awesome costume. I love your details and the bracers looks really great !
  14. Okay, that sounds like a good idea too, looking forward to see it
  15. Looks really good - but why don´t you try and put a longer "hidden" zipper backwards on, starting from the midle of the collar and going down ? if you know, what I mean ? That way it doesn´t get gapes and the zipper can´t be seen
  16. X my fingers - good luck You look great !
  17. Very nice - looking forward to see the final result
  18. That´s some very good questions... What will happen to TFE approvable characters ? Which will stay, which will be deleted, or are we going to keep those, that are already approved ? I´ve just ordered both belt and headpiece for my Darth Traya build ... don´t hope, that I wont be able to to get the costume approved, when ready
  19. Already congratulated you on FB - but here is a big congrats again !
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