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Cosplaymeg last won the day on June 24 2017

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About Cosplaymeg

  • Birthday March 19

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    Megan Wallace
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    Star Garrison
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  1. Access request submitted, and I've got my TKID now! DS-41511
  2. Requesting 501st and detachment access, please! DS-41511 http://501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=25097
  3. Thank you! Received word back from the GML tonight, I've been approved!!
  4. App submitted over the weekend! Bad makeup day (upper 90s = all the sweat), a few alignment things, but we'll see what the GML says. Crossing fingers!
  5. Apologies for lack of posting! Had to put this one to the side for a bit. I've now lightened the greaves to a more recognizably "dark gray" as opposed to "lightish black" and threw together a hood that I think might just work: Met my GML at the event I wore Ventress to, he pointed out that the bald cap was wonky in the back -- my makeup artist was in a hurry, apparently... Oh well! That was his main issue with it, but the hood should take care of it .. assuming it's not super bumpy in the back as well, but if I tack it down it should be fine. I'll do another round of app style photos once I find my white and gray paints!
  6. Opted to just remake the piece with a better shape. Con crunch is real!
  7. Oof. Good catch! I made the medallion before I altered the width of the tabard. As previously stated in the thread, I do still need to gather or at the top a bit more, so it'll be a bit narrower... I'll figure out a way to make it happen!
  8. Before/after dye -- they're a bit darker, not sure if it's enough for the armbands. Should be good on boots. (Yes, I used ribbon... Couldn't find nylon webbing in a color I liked) Medallions all attached via heavy duty snap, top drape stitched to bodysuit.
  9. Thank you so much for clarifying on the arm wraps. CRL says that sleeves must cover part of the hands, but that the wraps stop at the wrist, so I was confused. I'll probably sew the ends together to make it happen. .. I appreciate the input on the boot straps as well, wasn't sure what qualified as "light grey", so I used the same color as on the armbands. I'll try and dye them a tad darker tomorrow! .. As for the cursed middle strap, I'm not sure how yours are constructed, but I'm considering tacking the strap to the armband itself at this point. Mine are held together by the "buckles", so I'll have a point of stretch to get into them! .. As for the visible tacking on the leggings... Honestly, I'll chalk that up to the wrong Spanx. I have shorts that I'll be wearing under this that make it easier to get the tights on and situated correctly. Plus, my buddy's house was in the 80s so everything was sticking to me in all the wrong places But I'll definitely keep my eye on it and likely go over it again, it was my first time using that sort of stitch, so it was a bit awkward.
  10. Fit/spacing check! Disregard my general lumpiness, didn't have the right shapewear (over at a friend's painting a prop for the MMCC booth at a con this weekend) Need to trim the straps on the boots for sure, and likely go over the black stitching with grey... Oops. And one of my arm straps fell down. Didn't do it tight enough.
  11. Haven't attached upper bit yet, waiting for the broach to dry (I didn't like how the weathering looked), but here's where we are now And the buckles and greaves after being repainted in a more shaded style as opposed to my overzealous application of rub n buff. And mounted on the boots
  12. I'm thinking that maybe when I attach the medallion there, I can push the gathers to the edge so it's more obvious (and so the solid piece has a flat bit to connect to).... Maybe? Should also note, there's another piece of the stiff interfacing to make the end flare as shown in reference images, so it's wider at the bottom. The fabric itself is sort of a burnout, so it's got slight variation in color that's more visible in person.
  13. The next attempt -- the puckering on the belt is from the fabric being stretched, and gravity isn't quite pulling this one down enough. Should I add additional weight? I'll obviously press the seam and topstitch so it isn't rolling as shown, but I had to leave for work.
  14. My ridiculous idea for the sash worked! I used a super heavy duty interfacing and sewed it into the ends of the belt portion and the very top of the loincloth. Used Velcro to attach, hook side away from bodice. The interfacing keeps the Velcro flat and allows for the belt to be tapered in appearance while providing a secure anchor for everything to stay put. May be a touch too wide, though... I'm rambling and need sleep ... But I feel like I'm getting a little closer to where I'd like to be for the road test
  15. Sorry, your WIP thread at the very bottom of the page -- went back and realized the broken images were posted by other people. I'm a sleep deprived overworked idiot, disregard
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