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Posts posted by Yankee71

  1. Hello guys, i'm new and i'm starting to see what costume im going to make, but i want to do a Starkiller and wanted to do this one.

    I already contacted MyWickedArmor but its too expensive to me.

    Where did you found that helmet Erekyu?


    This is one of the more expensive costumes.  If you are having issues with paying $400 for the helmet, you will never finish this costume! 


    I think Grand total my costume cost some where in the neighborhood of $3,500 - $4,000.  

    Keep in mind I am in Germany, and had to pay a lot of import taxes on stuff shipped from out side the EU, but still, it all adds up quickly.


    $400 for a Helmet is the least of your worries with this costume.

    $600-$800 for the leather suit

    $375 for the shoulders (if you can find someone selling them even)

    $400 Light Saber





    If you don't want to invest lots of money, make a Jawa costume, you can make the whole costume yourself for $200 or pay someone and get the whole costume for less than $500.

  2. There is no CRL for this costume, so you will probably be the 1st.


    Being the 1st means lots and lots of research, to include finding vendors or costume builders and the correct materials needed.


    Where to begin, find all the research photos you like.


    Figure out what is going to be the hardest thing to make, and then try to find someone out there who can make it, if you cannot make it yourself.


    I doubt you will find someone who will make the whole costume for you, but you might find people who will build parts for you.


    I use "Like Linda", https://www.facebook.com/LikeLinda1/?fref=ts she is in Italy, so not to far from you.  She does really good work, but has a really long waiting list, and she works with leather and fabric, you can try her, but to make the whole costume will be expensive.


    I would figure out what you can make yourself, and what you need someone else to make, and organize it all, before you start anything.

  3. I'm going to headcanon it and say it's because Shaak'Ti isn't dead and is still using her saber! Also, I have not seen any posts pertaining to the CRL update of the sabers, but if there is no actual reference to him having her saber, I support the change to CRL to as accurate as we can have it!




    page 2 about 1/4 of the way down the page right around talking about how the skirt is in 3 parts and not in 4 parts, there was a discussion about getting certain things in the CRL updated for this costume with the XO.


    Then it was discussed that about 1/3 of the items for this costume, are not even listed in the CRL.  If you just used what was listed in the CRL, this costume would look rather incomplete.


    Then on page 3 about 3/4 of the way down starting with the Helmet I start to point out errors in the CRL, missing items in the CRL, and questions about the CRL.


    Then on Page 4 about 1/3 of the way down, I start to talk about the trophy hilts, and that there are only 5 worn hilts, and Shaak'Ti hilt should not be listed in the CRL.


    In the Game Shaak'Ti dies, falling into a pit, with her lightsaber in hand.  Anything could explain how Starkiller got the hilt some how and was wearing it, but there are no graphic I have found or that anyone can show me, that shows starkiller wearing her saber as one of his trophy hilts.


    I had a hell of a time with this costume, with the CRL being off, missing 1/3 of the Items, and discrepancies in how the costume should look in comparison to what the CRL is showing vs Reference pics.

  4. In the last week I have had several private messages asking if I would not mind helping with info, where I bought my items from, and my opinion in their WIP thread.


    I am here to be helpful, so maybe you do not struggle like I had to in making this costume, was a good learning experience, but not altogether fun.


    So for any people looking for my help with their WIP with this costume, no need to ask if I am willing to help, just assume that goes with out saying.


    Send me your questions in a PM or send me a link to your WIP thread, and I will reply back to you or your thread asap.





  5. Shaak Ti died falling and had her lightsaber in her hand. If need be, I can show you a screen shot of it. :)


    I have seen YouTube video's of the fight, so I know what you are talking about.  Also no one can show me any source pictures where starkiller is wearing that lightsaber on his belt.

    I was trying to get the CRL to be updated, to be more accurate, and to help the next person who came along and wanted to make this costume.  It appears that there is not enough interest to update the CRL, so I made my starkiller post as accurate as I could, to try to help any others who were interested in building this costume, 

  6. Helmet and shoulders I bought from MyWickedArmor.com

    Helmet was $400 finished, Shoulders were $375 if I remember right.


    Also another guy on FB trying to make a run of 12 helmets (kits) and was looking for 2 more people to buy in.  Have a look around FB.


    Leather shirt and pants I bought from Claudio: https://www.facebook.com/swtoys.argentina/?pnref=lhc

    Please note: Claudio just had a death in the family, so probably not reachable for at least a few weeks.


    Note: fake leather wont hold up after a couple days of trooping, go with real leather.

  7. Google "Mywickedarmor.com prices" then click on the link that says "Commisions Acess Area - My Wicked Armor" (for me on google, it is the 2nd option listed)


    Click the costume you want (Costumes with an "A" are auction only or you have to talk to Rob to make it happen)


    Look at the prices


    Order your costume


    Atm the only costumes you can buy are "Darth Revan", "Darth Nihilus"

  8. The thing to keep in mind with Rob from MWA is that he probably gets 300+ emails a day.

    Keep your message short and to the point.  The longer it takes him to read emails, the less time he has to work on costumes.

    If he doesn't reply after 3 days, send him the same message again, until he replies.


    Why do you even need to get a hold of him, just go to his page with the prices on it, and you can order it?

    He doesn't want any links posted to that page just type in MWA prices or something like that in google to find it on your own.


    Deluxe Revan - $930


    Basic Revan - $580


    Deluxe Armor Parts Only - $610


    Basic Armor Parts Only - $420


    Deluxe Robes Only - $320


    KOTOR Revan Saber Hilt - $45


    Revan Mask Only - $85


    Revan Undermask Only - $40


    Revan Armor Touch-Up Paint - $5

  9. Might be helpful to look up what the name of the costume is called in the CRL, that you are planning on building, so there is less confusion as to what you are actually building, so those who have made that costume before you, could be of help.


    There are like 12 different starkiller costumes, so maybe correctly name what you are building as a starting point!


    I have made the hoth version, so I would be of little help with a different version, but once you give your costume a name, maybe someone else who has experience building that version will respond.


    It didn't happen with me, I had to do everything on my own, with a lot of trial and error, no help at all, but I got there!

  10. I question the "Shaak Ti" usage, as I have yet to find any reference pics that he wears this hilt at all, and no one else (as of yet) has been able to show it to me either.


    Hilts I use: Galen Marek, Kota, Kazdan, Maul, Vader, Sith Stalker 

  11. Hello,


    Just a curious question.  

    I just came from the largest event that takes place here in Germany, we had around 220 members show up for the event.

    It was my 1st event, and I felt like an outcast out of costume, because I didn't have any 501st clothing to wear like everyone else.


    There were people with various 501st t-shirts, others with 501st Bowling/Racing shirts, and then there were people with Detachment shirts.


    The Sith Lords all had Sith Lord Detachment Shirts Red and Black with their SL ##### on it, a large picture of Darth Vader on the back, Force Lightning on the sides.

    The Tie Pilots had Jolly Roger Detachment Shirts, Black and white with a larger Skull and crossbones on the back.

    The Clone troopers were Black and Pink (Pink is not really my color)




    Does the Flagship Eclipse have its own Detachment shirt?

    If no, I guess I have to talk to the Sith Lords Detachment about getting one of their Detachment Shirts instead.

    If Yes, What are its colors?  What is the Image on the back?  What is on the side? Where can I order one?


    I would like to represent the Flagship Eclipse out of costume at events, but I haven't really seen anything in here except the bowling/racing shirt, and it was only a front view, not showing the sides or the back.

  12. WOW talk about the squeaky wheel gets the grease!!! lol  :butt:  :))


    Hope I didn't step on any toes, I was just wondering, I didn't expect to get the attention of the US MARINES and The Clone Emperor lol  :doh:


    Cheers for the help everyone, think I will crawl back in my hole now, way too much attention for me lol  :oops:

  13. What does one have to do to get Detachment membership?


    My only costume is EU, yet I still do not have EU membership?


    On the marketplace post that was closed people were looking for Detachment Patches, and the answer given was you need detachment membership.


    Now a new topic has been started in the marketplace asking for detachment patches again, and I can only guess it will soon be closed as well? 


    I filled out my info in a post somewhere in here requesting EU membership, still hasn't happened yet, so I am wondering if there is something else I was supposed to do?


    I would like to get Detachment membership and some Detachment patches, if this is possible?

  14. Well finished Vest V3.0 last night, really happy with the size, cut, look, and feel.  No energy to take a pic, stayed up way to late last night getting it done, maybe later I will take pics of it.


    Today this arrived in my email: SL-11671 



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