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Everything posted by DarthTagion

  1. Grats, I'm now on the actual build-list for Calvary. I made a change to the pommel I was originally quoted, and apparently my emitter is getting custom machined. Should be a good piece overall.
  2. You're absolutely right! They're still the one who has to submit your stuff.
  3. DarthTagion

    Sinya Costume

    Really great work all around. Absolutely fantastic and I appreciate your choice of attire. I respect either choice honestly but good for you and finding something you liked within your tastes. I only would ask for the sake of approval/profile images (I'm a GWL so I think of what'd get posted on the website): Does she have some sort of eye-scars and perhaps other make-up detail you'd be missing? On the rest of it: Brava! Very nice work!
  4. On this I will disagree with Alan, in that all Flagship/EU costumes are approved at the LMO level, not at the GML level. Though a good GML is probably going to dig into it a little if they see something first. I've had the pleasure of watching a LOT of submissions in the past 4-5 months and with regards to the capelet I would say this: While it isn't in the CRL, it is the commonly accepted form to have the 3 neat pleats. Again you're doing a scratch build, so I suggest making it look as accurate as possible to the source material. While our vast majority of Revans are from MWA, it is not the be-all end-all and ultimately your costume, like any and all others, should be judged against the source material first. Chances are I'll have a look at it either during your WIP or during your actual submission to the LMO and I'll be looking for 'something' on the capelet that resembles the folding. A permanent crease is probably going to be easier to maintain, as this is a fabric costume and stuff doesn't stay in place, much like Brute said. If you don't go with a permanent solution, and I'd encourage you to do so and think outside the box, I would ask you to keep in mind the fact that it's going to shift while wearing and to find an answer to that problem while you're designing your work. As for the Lightsaber, plenty of other discussions around here on that, a few in the Revan board itself. Basically: It's not a Legion policy standard, and is optional, get the best one you can, and in this case, it's a power likely delegated to the States (Garrison) since it's not Federal (Legion). Edit: And on the topic of the red drape/sash. The horizontal lines you see are called wrinkles, they're a terrible disease that happens. Sadly the piece is too long for most storage crates, I do my best to lay it out while I'm getting into the rest of my costume, to try and get at least the major fold in the middle out. For a submission I'd try to keep them to a minimum. But in practical wear, it's probably a survivable issue of costuming.
  5. Her affection score drops nearly any time you do something bad. That being said... Khem Val... needs to happen.
  6. The lightsaber is listed option and not required. If you choose to have one it should probably be as close to accurate as possible, from one of the images you've referenced. Ultimately close is the best we're asking at this point and the desire to make it as close to accurate as possible is the intent, but we don't approve Revan's based on the lightsaber so I simply wouldn't include it for application. In a 'worst-case' setup there's realistically nothing but another person/an individual stopping you from wielding a Darth Vader saber while wearing a Revan. Use your best judgement, use the images we know to be the best possible (Wookiepedia has the best sourcing right off the hip) and get something nice.
  7. Your hood will need to come down too, the point should sit just above your visor, it 'will' obscure some of your already terrible vision. Alan's signature picture is actually a great representation of where it ought to sit. You could afford to bring up your red sash and hakama a little just so we can see barely the top of your foot, also makes for less of a tripping hazard. Otherwise: What Alan said.
  8. I don't really agree that one group denying him means the other group should pick him up. That being said, I would be happy to make the case FOR the 501st taking it on, as genocide is generally not condoned by the Jedi Council. As we push forward and if you start taking up the mantle for the new costume, I will be happy to help you in any way. In the short-term, I have some stuff to do this weekend but I will go over your questions you've posted recently and provide my 2 cents as well. With an initial glance it seems you're already being lead down a good path thanks to Alan and Brute.
  9. Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthre ... dit6265831 Thanks for that update, will keep an eye on it. I will be very glad if they re-build it honestly, I was disappointed that his was a re-skin and all the other characters, even Handmaiden, got original models. That being said, it looks nice, I just wish it weren't available in other colors.
  10. I would be happy to have that conversation with Muppet and any others who would want in on it. I'm in full support of him as a bad guy. He's flippin' nuts. Conversely, approve-able or not, if you want to do it, get yourself a whole work-room full of screencaps, proportion it right and build a real-world version for yourself, I think you'd be doing the costuming world a favor. I say go for it, and I'd be happy to help make suggestions along the way if you need another set of eyes. Lastly, welcome, and please post lots and lots and lots of photos! We'd all love to see it unfold.
  11. Yay! A happy ending! I wasn't trying to be a downer on the last post, just trying to come up with ideas! Happy for you guys!
  12. ... and the wait. I know a guy who wanted one by March who is still on the BUILD list, if you look, I'm number 1 on the Wait list still. RE: Calvary.
  13. Just doing a point to point reference, the "bottle" on the side train (Imagine it like a sport bottle for this reference), the bottle cap looks to be about at the calf, maybe where the top of an officer boot would sit. I think if the costumer were taller (I'm thinking stilts) it would sit at the right height. I'm wondering what material you can pull "into" (and hide at) the waist, that seems to be the top of that fabric, in order to raise the patterns, because the patterns near her feet are up on the leg in the source image. This is just a serious point to point comparison here, you've clearly nailed the pattern and the details, the matching of it to the model is the only difference here. Additionally: If you can find other source materials with similar shots, perhaps you might find images to justify a longer length which would minimize the amount of change needed As it's a CGI character instead of a physical costume, you might be able to find a degree of variation.
  14. That is really cool, I think you did the right thing with both the trains and the shoulders. Very cool that the kids were on-board and respectful. I've had a few times kids were trouble so I'd certainly encourage a Handler just to help with that if at all possible. Otherwise, very neat. I've done a fair share of pivot/pose troops myself and it certainly prevents running people over/tripping.
  15. I'll be happy to post my own photos as well, once I get a notice. I'm still on a wait list since December for Calvary.
  16. You're in a world-wide costuming group of Star Wars fans that nit-picks subtle strapping patterns for texture. I don't think we know the meaning of "too much". And that's okay... We're Sith.
  17. Haha, and that's why source material is all about having multiple shots. I think you have a nice happy medium there. With the angle you take the overall width of the costume down a few inches and you'll have an easier time with hallways and doors. I'm no pro on the rest of the details but I'd be happy to do a side-by-side unless Pam would prefer to. From an initial glance I'd say it's probably ready for the FITL thread (pretty sure this is a first isn't it?).
  18. Just guessing here, I by no means have a protractor available at hand. You look to be at about 40-45 degrees on the shoulderblades and if I had to shoot from the hip I'd say they need to come up about 20 degrees, and that's just a guess. I flipped back and forth between the picture Pam provided and this most recent one. I do notice a stark improvement from the first one though, and was startled by how awesome she looks in the full getup.
  19. That is really amazing. So glad to see it all together. I guess I didn't realize just how large those trailers you made were, wow! I'm imagining a lot of people stepping on them, would not want them getting ripped/excessively soiled.
  20. There is a lot of discussion floating around and we're working on a lot of different projects right now, particularly costumes that have absolutely nothing in regards to text or pictures in their CRLs. This is the most accurate design to consider, http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan's_Sith_lightsaber and even the LDM sabers have a degree of variation from what I've seen, one or two pictures in the middle looked pretty darn accurate though. Ultimately I think the most we really want to ask is to make them as accurate as possible, but I doubt we will really seek to 'approve' them beyond "Wow that looks really freaking sweet great job!" That being said, for the sake of others, if you have one made, or make one yourself that "IS" super-accurate: document what you got and how it was done so that others can make informed decisions. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to get a sticky of "really great Revan sabers" put up though. What do you all think?
  21. Sadly. Obviously you could use shots of what's been approved and what you see there. If you do make some templates that end up being approvable by all means feel welcome to share and we can likely tack them up on the wall for all to see.
  22. Other than the images provided here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=985 and other reference material out there from official published sources, there isn't really anything like that. I don't believe anyone has put that together.
  23. One big issue with building your own is going to be personal experience and actually knowing each and every flaw of your build. For me, I went with hiring someone else (been waiting since December, not realistically expecting it until fall). I strongly considered building my own, using CSS and even have a friend who is very very experienced in this area who was willing to help me long-distance. What turned me away was the fact that the cost would likely be about the same to do it myself, except that I would be gambling on my own talent, which while considerable, there is still a strong chance in my inexperience I'd mess it up. And anything that I did mess up I would know about each and every time I looked at the lightsaber. Sooooo, I decided to pay for my own ignorance. If you do build your own, kudos, document, document, document, and please share. In the mean time, I have my hilts or more often than not, as Revan I opt to not carry and instead have free hands.
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