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AhmedJaber last won the day on May 23 2015

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    Bast Alpha Garrison

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  1. Props on building the costume yourself! I have neither the authority nor the seniority for my input to matter much, but I'd say the bottom segment of the cuirass extends a tad too low. From eyeballing the photos, I'd say it's about 30% longer than necessary. Would it be pussible to chop off 15% from the top and 15% from the bottom?
  2. Yeah, plus there's the big plot twist cinematic in KOTOR where Revan pulls his mask off. But the comics show a helmet. My compromise is going to be a full helmet with a removable face mask held in place with magnets. I love magnets.
  3. Done. There was never any intent to imply that the parts were "endorsed" or "official", just that the project's aim was to satisfy 501st quality standards. If there are no more problems with jargon, I was hoping that someone could look at the models themselves and let me know if they're accurate. I'm actually making it a point to avoid looking at any existing kits when modeling my parts. So far I've been working almost entirely with in-game screenshots from KOTOR, mostly this one (note that the helmet looks weird because I'm trying to infer the hidden portions): Any similarities between what I'm doing existing kits are because we're required to stick to the source material and there's only so much detail that one can extract from low-res textures in a decade-old game. You'll start to see significant differences between my work and the kits when I get to more difficult parts like the helmet/mask (which will be made of aluminum with fans for air circulation. I have to make major changes anyway because my nose is inconveniently large.) and cuirass (which will incorporate leather and hand-forged bronze). There's going to be a very thorough writeup in the near future detailing the research I've been putting into this project that should demonstrate just how much different I'm trying to make my costume from the ones I've seen so far.
  4. Sorry about that. What wording should I use to indicate that the costume is intended to conform to the 501st's requirements?
  5. I've just started modeling pieces for my 3D print-heavy Revan. I'll be uploading pieces to the following link as I model them: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:817868 Please feel free to download and print these if you'd like. ---------- Parts Uploaded: Large O-Ring (not yet approved) Belt Armor (not yet approved) Lightsaber Assembly (not yet approved) ---------- If possible, I'd like to get feedback regarding CRL compliance for each part so I know what still needs work. Thanks!
  6. I have a very "prominent" nose and I'm wondering if anyone here has had any issues with the CRL-approved mask in that department. Thanks!
  7. I know this is an old thread, but I plan to use my 3D printer for the o-ring. There are two options: 1) Lost-wax casting using MOLDLAY wax printer filament. I liberated a old bronze planter from the attic that I'll be chopping up and melting down within the next week or so. Free materials for the win. (Better finished product, but a lot more work) 2) Print the ring in Colorfabb Copperfill. It's a copper powder-infused PLA/PHA filament. A couple minutes with a pad of steel wool then a few hours dipped in Palmolive, and it should look just like a cast metal piece. (Easier, but less durable)
  8. Hey, everyone. My name is Ahmed and I'm from Chalmette, Louisiana. I had a chance to meet a bunch of Bast Alpha Garrison members last weekend and the 501st Legion sounds like something I'd enjoy being a part of. I'm in the research phase of making a Revan costume (and finding a lot of points in the CRL Visual Guide to disagree with, but I'll be pestering everyone with those when the time comes. For now, suffice it to say that a lot of the rigid portions should be leather. Oh, the controversy.)
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