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Khor Mariik Weapons Gallery - Canon and EU weapons and equipment

Khor Mariik

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A collection of weapons and equipment, both canon and EU. Some are scratch built, some from kits, some are conversions, some are 3D prints. 

They can be seen at various events with the 501st, RL, and  MMCC.

Feel free to ask questions on anything you see here. Still building the collection and display.


Baktoid Armor Workshop E-5 blaster rifle - Hasbro mod, paint and finish by me

Baktoid Armor Workshop E-5 blaster rifle resize.jpg


Beskade - scratch built



Mandalorian Knife - scratch built



Boba Fett style survival knife - 3D print, paint and finish by me



Blastech A-280 Endor Hoth Rifle - Air soft mod with pvc and resin parts kit, paint and finish by me



Blastech DH-17 blaster pistol - Hasbro/Nerf mod, paint and finish by me

DH-17 resize.jpg


Blastech DL-21 - Diamond State Props, paint and finish by me

Blastech DL-21.JPG


Blastech DLT-19 heavy Blaster Rifle(MG-34) - Diamond State Props - paint and finish by me

Blastech DLT-19.JPG


E-11 - Hasbro mod with Doopy Doo kit, paint and finish by me



Blastech EC-17 Holdout Blater - Biker Scout - Hole in the Ground Props, paint and finish by me



Blastech K-14 Blaster Pistol - Mara Jade - Woodchuck - paint and finish by me

Blastech K-14 Blaster Pistol - Mara Jade.JPG


Blastech SE-14R Repeating Blaster Pistol - Shawn Morgan, real scopes, paint and finish by me

SE-14r finished.jpg


Blastech T-21 light repeating blaster rifle - vac formed Lewis Gun kit, mods, paint, and finish by me



Concordian Cresecnt Technologies  Concordian Cresecnt Technologies  Westar Carbine, Westar 35 Death Watch Blaster - Eternal Armory v-1, paint and finish by me

Westar 35- Westar Carbine - Beskades.jpg


Gaderaffi - scratch built



SoroSuub ELG-3A (Naboo Guards), Merr-Sonn Q2 hold-out blaster - Rubies mods, mods, paint, and finish by me

Padme Blasters  done resized.jpg


Relby-v10 mortar gun, Bossk Rifle - Hyperfirm



Blastech DT-57 heavy blaster pistol Grevious Blaster - Hasbro mod, paint and finish by me

Blastech DT-57 Grievous Blaster resize.jpg


DE-10 (right hand) - Ward Arms, paint and finish by me

DE-10 (right) resize.jpg

Edited by Khor Mariik
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