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The Clone Emperor

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Posts posted by The Clone Emperor

  1. SWCIIISu021.jpg


    It has been a long tyme since there was a Night Sister based on this TPM concept sketch in the Legion;



    I like when folk choose non-popular characters to costume as. It takes a certain level of dedication that often translates to a more personal creation. This is not a rule, and the result does not always match up with the passion. But when all does line up, you face not only a fine costume, but a believable character.


    I look forward to seeing these new versions of the Dathomirians researched and brought to life.


    Be well,


  2. Concerning the 501st- nearly two weeks ago I sent our clone emperor a mail with all details of my Nihl, now I'm waiting for is assessment.

    Not quite two weeks ago;

    November 16 at 9:30am Report

    November 16 at 9:30am

    Dear Thomas,


    I have a question: The EU-Sith-costumes of me and my girlfriend went through version 2.0 now. I'm wondering what you think about them. I would be pleased to get an assessment from a professional like you.

    Our wish is to get these costumes 501st suitable one day in the future. On the last event we made some better pictures than the older ones.

    May I send you some photos? And if it's okay: to which emailadress may I send them?

    Thanks for your attention!





    November 16 at 10:47am



    Ribs, pointed fingertips, solid looking bracers, a lovingly crafted pike, all things I would look to improve.


    I like the chest and shoulders, make up is fine. I'll need to see clear images of the whole concoction for an indepth review, but I am glad to be of service.


    Your Maladi, I am interested in seeing what reference you have gathered for the back of the outfit.


    Be well,



    Still awaiting that e-mail. When you do send it, please be sure to supply reference for front and back. I am especially looking for images of the back and footware. Cover image by Adam Hughes from Legacy 1 will not be necessary.


    Be well,


  3. Good evening,


    I just wanted to clear up what seems to be reoccurring confusion amoungst fans of unreleased SW media;


    Until the said saga is released, all promotion imaging is treated as beta material.

    All conjecture as to the role of a character is considered fair game, but not final.


    Beyond that, you have a character from a MORPG which has been a tricky area to place in the 501st; When KOTOR first hit the shores of the 501st, a concern was created. By the nature of the game itself, KOTOR characters could be both heroes and villains and their appearance could be endlessly customize.


    When the game was released, it was discovered that some characters had scripted villain roles and appearances. Some years later, full, neutral lighting images of the costumes of the game were collected. While they continue to be studied to this day, 501st standards for these characters have been established to a degree comparable to those of other movie canon costume that have been existed for three decades.


    Now there is this new Olde Republic game, yet to be released. It has wonderful trailers. Good hype. I am excited for it. Still no clue how its characters will fit into the 501st.


    For this unknown character, it safe to say he is a Sith. But I am not willing to create policy on an unknown character based on a trailer for an unreleased game. It just invites too much contradiction with existing character qualification.


    My advise would be to keep gathering reference, and perfect the costume. Share your reference in this thread. Rename the thread if an official name is ever given for the bloke. Scan the comics. Your input could help shape this new and exciting chapter in SW costume inspiration.


    Be well,


  4. Good evening,


    Sorry for the confusion. We only have so many references. When deciding the what to base a Stormtrooper costume, and you have a Kenner action figure in one hand, and the canon movie still detailing front and back in the other, you go for the most realistic.


    With The Force Unleashed, very well developed, high resolution models were created to bring the characters to life. These were rendered with full lighting and environment effects to bring the character to life.


    For game use, these high end models were "watered down." Starkiller's hanging leather straps for instance were dropped from the game version.


    The promotional image Pam shared can be found on the internet a very high resolutions. It is to be considered the master reference because simply enough, it is the base model from which all other versions were made.


    The lower resolution model I've shared is provided to help display the colour of the material in the absence of the material shader and environment renders that give the pants the realistic leather appearance.


    Be well,


  5. Good evening,


    My first reaction would be to point out that no part of Maris's costume is black;



    Like Anakin, her suit is rendered in shades of brown. The pants should appear as a brown leather for instance.


    Also, don't forget the hair;



    Be well,


  6. Thank you kindly. It is suprising just how many folk I did not see at CV. For those I did, I will be sharing a gallery of your costumes soon.




    Still working on this suit. In this image, I am wearing a new second rebato (big colar.) I am still not 100% happy with the look, but the suit is "nearing" completion. One day.


    This photo was taken yesterday for Rebelscum's 12th Annual Costume Contest. (In recognition of the anniversary of the film The Empire Stikes Back, contest rules required to display a severed hand in entry photo. For my entry I placed a wooden hand to match the chosen backdrop.)


    This is the third year I have entered this costume in the same contest. (I had not placed in the previous years.) I enjoy seeing this the progress of the project, taken in snapshot form, from each of these events.


    Be well,


  7. Greetings,


    Body paint is still required for Darth Maul and Darth Talon.

    I took your post to read that you would be upgrading to body paint.




    Courtenay's Darth Talon, at CIV, 2007


    Courtenay was to be the first Darth Talon in the 501st. Unfortunately, after being asked to revise her horns--side of head--and to change from stiletto heeled boot to a more accurate combat heel boot she decided not to further the attempt.


    The body paint requirement stems from the notion that 501st costumes are meant to look like they came directly off the movie screen. With EU it can be difficult to assign a standard. But in this case, if we look at other Twi'leks from the SW saga, we see skin pigment was achieved as body paint.


    I say, tweak your costume, get the input that assures it is dead on. I think you are very close, but I will defer to Pam's input for an expert review. Then do the body paint and plan to get a full set of photos. Plan far enough in advance and you could be the model for the standards entry for the 501st.


    Be well,


  8. Even the Dark Lord of the Sith has a birthday. Here's the cake my friend made for me at a surprise birthday party;


    ¡It is an Orbalisk Cake!


    Normally, the back of this character is hidden by the cape, but I felt it would add to the suit's authenticity to complete the coverage. I was was thrilled with the result and the new costuming option. As I arrived at a Chicago land convention I realized that I had left my cape at home. With completed the back armour, I decided I could go "topless;"


    Be well,


  9. Good morning,


    Sith Troopers by internal definition would be the purview of the Special Ops Detachment. Special Operations Detachment is in the process of launching a new forum. Please contact DL Crazas (crazas1@racsa.co.cr) for details.


    I have seen this armour done by one of my former Garrison mates, Donavon Larabel, TX 338. Years ago at Chicago Wizard World, 2006 maybe. However, I only caught I glimpse of his suit. Mysteriously he retired it. I was shocked that he never attempted tweak it for further troops.



    The character is an easily approvable unit. The costume would need to be spot on. Make the armour right. Cut no corners. Chrome the stuff and figure out how to walk in it and you'll be on a good way. It might even be possible to make a costume that could be approved for 501st membership for under 1500 dollars.



    Sound good to you? If so, you have my full support.


    Be well,



    PS There's no need for a CRL on a character that has no approved costume to represent it. Show us it can be done first. However, it would not hurt either. You can make a costume research list, formatted like the current visual CRL entries though. Might be a good tool.


    There is a Red Chrome command Sith Trooper, and the standard Sith trooper in Silver Chrome. Both units use the same armour. (please note these detailed prerenders do not have the chrome effect applied, a costume based on these characters would need to be metalic chrome for 501st approval.)



    Be well,


  10. For all you Imperial Knights out there...better watch out, there's a Legacy Era Jedi out there looking for you now.


    Hey now, I have it on good authority that we'll be seeing Shado and Ganner fighting side by side, (four blades between them).


    Proud of you and Pam. Great treatment of the armour. Hard to make out the Lekku, but I have no doubt of the quality there.




    As to suggestions for action poses;



    PS; Feel free to present this in the EU panel. You have my support.

  11. In preparation for my garrison trading card, I upgraded my suit and took a series of photographs.


    Upgrades include a new fitted collar, and the knee pads as described visually in SW: Legacy 10. (Knee pads are in progress.)




    I also attempted to tweak the straps on my bracers to better match the comic reference. I made rigid red straps, but I was struggling to arrive at a functional solution. Due to the trading card deadline, I left the braces as they have been.


    Be well,


  12. Good evening,


    I call this a start. But recommend further research, a better matching cut, and fabric.

    In all depictions of Darth Maladi, her garments are depicted as a leather;



    I recommend the purchase of all the Legacy comics that feature the character. Then scanning any image that is not all ready shared in The Flagship Eclipse's gallery. Sharing your research--with credit to the publisher and artist would be very useful for all.


    While not complete, Friend of the Flagship Brie presents a nice example of the cut and fabric of this character's top;





    For an excellent example of the hip "armour" and sculp cap, see Gothiclysm's post on her first photoshoot with the costume;


    Note; replacing the fabric top with a leather-like material has been suggested for Legion approval of this character.


    Be well,


  13. Good evening,


    It helps to keep reference on hand before assembling a costume of a well defined character;


    If there is a single practical element to Darth Talon's attire is her standard combat heeled boots.


    Switching spiked heels to match the character's attire was one of the few points that deferred the approval of the first Darth Talon to apply to the Legion.


    You might try working from an ankle boot, and making a legging of a stretch leatherette fabric to span the leg--think Mara Jade jumpsuit material. The shin and thigh armour should help camouflage any seams.


    As for cost, this is an expensive hobby. It is important to recognize most costumes in the Legion cost upward of $1000.00. Some save money working by hand. Then the cost is in years. Either way is fine. I prefer to think of the expense as tuition for an elective course.


    Be well,


  14. Still going strong,


    Working on the back and clavicles of the Orbalisk armour--


    --only visible when the cape flares, but important nonetheless.

    I look forward to sharing completed photos of this one day.


    Be well,



    PS; Been looking forward to our reunion for years Carolyn

  15. Good evening,


    There has been a miscommunication. This suit is not officially approved yet. But it can be considered as good as.


    Note; There are two hoses from the back of the helmet of the Sith Stalker that travel down and forward disappearing under the neck int the front (best seen from the back of the references.) Please verify that you have this element.


    If these are not present, don't fret. Just add them, and take a shot with the helmet+hose+chest base armour (black piece) You need not completely suit up again.


    There's a procedure, and as I indicated in my PM to the poster of this thread, the GML must submit images for approval in the 501st forum/GML room/LMO approval thread. It may seem like bureaucracy but this serves to inform our peers on the membership team of developments in costume standards.


    Mark, you are in queue after about five other approvals. 3 of these I have been stalling on for additional information. I will attempt to make through to your Sith Stalker approval 501st official tomorrow.


    Your Starkiller; Sith Robes costume was reviewed and approved. There currently is a Sith Lord: Generic slot that can and should be applied to your Legion profile. This will allow you to have your Starkiller; Sith Robe displayed, even if there's not an exact subcategory for the costume.


    As I suggested in my PM, there will be an issue when Sith Starker is approved because your Starkiller Sith Robe now occupies your generic SL spot. Only the Legion Webmaster can remedy this > There is quite a list of new costume types for him to revise and add too. I will attempt to get the Sith Stalker, and the many other costumes that need listing in the database sorted with LWM Blum this month.


    Be well,


  16. Discussion of The Emperor's Shadow Guard appears a few posts down from this post, this same room on The Flagship Eclipse forums.


    As DL Simpson has indicated, the costume is discussed on the Sovereign Protector's Detachment forum at theforcepike.net



    The requirements are based on X-Box/PSP 3 The Force Unleashed armoured/cloakless appearance;


    This discussion can be found quickly on the 501st Legion boards using the search posts feature;

    LFL's New Black Royal Guard Costume

    The Emperor's Shadow Guard is a canon Star Wars Empire aligned character, fully established with 360º reference. As such, the character will be added to the CRL as soon as an accurate completed suit has passed review.


    I would like to stress, a character need NOT be on the CRL for a costume of that character to be submitted for 501st review/membership approval. All the CRL is is a guide of costumes currently represented in the Legion. New characters will be added in response to approved costumes.


    For all 501st qualifying Star Wars; The Force Unleashed characters, I will be looking for reference taken from the high resolution turn arounds created by the Lucas Arts model makers. (Please ignore the early Hasbro Shadow Guard. This toy is merely a repaint of the ROTS Royal Guard and not an accurate reflection of the unique armour and attire of the character.)


    TFU introduced three variations on the Royal Guard that bare consideration for 501st Membership;

    • TFU ERA Royal Guard (discarded cloak, reveals TR body armour, predecessor to Crimson Empire TR body armour)

    • TFU ERA Senate Guard Unlike previous senate guards, these are seen in service of the Empire. (Recall that the ROTS Senate Guardsmen are last seen being slaughtered and driven into hiding by Darth Vader for being loyal to the Republic after Palpatine assumes the title of Emperor. SW: Republic 78, the Rise of Vader)

    • The Emperor's Shadow Guard


    All three armour sets are the same only with separate colour schemes; Red, Blue, and Black respectively.





    I will be looking for amour, soft goods, and the lightsabre pike matching the components above. As a preliminary suggestion of requirements I offer;


    01. Helmet--same as Royal Guard movie helmet expectations

    02. Chest plate front--may be based on TK armour

    03. Back plate armour--unique*

    04. Shoulder bell--Unique (cutting notches out of Biker Scout shoulder bells will be approved.)

    05. Bracers--Unique Left and Right.

    06. Abdomen plate--Unique

    07. Fitted under suit top--some give, not skin tight

    08. Gloves--plain

    09. Belt Buckle--Standard Imperial Issue

    10. Belt--Unique with trim lines above and below

    11. Kama--simple and undorned.

    12. Trousers--cut to allow freedom of movement--not skin tight

    13. Full-height plain pull-up (laceless) boots

    14. Shin armour--Unique, similar to Jango shin armour but sized to fit around boots with straps.

    15. Metatarsal amour--Jango metatarsal amour might work for this.

    16. Lightsabre pike--the image above is an excellent diagram of the weapon.


    Of the three reviewed in the past year, one has been approved, under TR Royal Guard; Emperor's Shadow Guard* (As listed in the CRL, 2008).

    For reasons unknown, the member with the approved costume has never submitted images to be added to his profile.



    Be well,


  17. There's a big push right now to complete the legion CRL project


    I really have to wonder where this idea comes from.


    Folk seem complain and moan about things that are patently none of their concern when they do not have costume work of their own to attend too. That is nature.


    The Legion has been around for over a decade. For ten years we have evaluated costumes, and I dare contend that the quality level has been very consistent.


    Currently we have two complete visual CRL, and a third almost perfected;



    This is my third term as the 501st Legion Membership Officer. I am requesting CRL entries one at a tyme. It can take over a week just to format and perfect the basic images--after a given DL has handed them over.


    I will take what I can get as it becomes available, but I have requested all Detachment Leaders please concentrate on one unit for (the Legion CRL project) at a tyme. I have also asked that CRL entries for units that have less than five approved members be given to lower priority. (Such as Imperial Knights.)


    The Flagship Eclipse, the chief units are Mara Jade, Darth Revan, Darth Nihilus, followed by Visas Marr. If there is a perceived "push" let it be to get 1 one these illustrated and formatted to meet the 2007 CRL entry example. Please. Pretty please?


    Anyone who wants to help is invited.


    As far as this unit, the CW Ventress is concerned, you have my complete support. Given the opportunity, I will approve the lady's costume that inspired this thread for 501st inclusion. The costume is well executed and the research is thorough. Furthermore, I am impressed by the photography accompanying her project. For a CRL entry I would ask for detail shots of all costume elements against a light background. (Please click on Darth Maul above for an example.)


    While a Costume Reference Library entry for the Clone Wars version of Asajj Ventress is way low on priorities for the project, if interested parties have the will to provide the images and wording, their effort will be put to use.


    If anyone else wants to help with the priority units, please coordinate with our beloved Pam.


    Be well,


  18. DigitalDesignTeam_SR101227.jpg



    I have recently returned from my journey in Europe. The first stop was the Jedi-Con convention in Düsseldorf, Deutschland. I was determined to make this the debut of my Darth Bane armour. It was my pleasure to connect with the craftsmen and artists met through this forum.


    The process, or at least my process, of preparing a costume for a majour debut involves buying and playing an unrelated video game through to completion two weeks before the event, going for thoughtful walks, the gym, posting on forums, shopping, thinking about eating, staring at my ceiling crying, stressing to the point that my back muscles spasm and I need a cane to walk, a visit to the doctor and pharmacist, staying up twenty-four hours cramming on completing the suit, stressing over packing, airport security, lack of sleep and an extended flight in a seat place not designed to accommodate my size, working in the hotel room to finish, and VIOLA! Done. It really is that easy.


    Be well,


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