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Everything posted by Tags

  1. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    if ya see anything else to fix, speak up please... Input is always welcome. I'm hoping to be ready soon, then I have to curb myself so the other half can get a move on. ;>
  2. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Throwing some new pics up here, a few are current state, the rest are just fun. Anyway the horns are pointed out more. I feel good about the horns, not sure if the cloak has enough volume... the Hood and cloak are one piece, still have a cloak cut and ready but not sure how to add it to provide more volume. With any luck I'm nearing completion. Lighting quality around here sux, and as for sun... Not sure what that is... I know I've heard that word before. Anyway, getting a good day for pics around here is honestly pretty rough. Hoping Saturday is good, the lighting is not showing parts of the costume properly. So... Fixed up the inner tunic Two skirts, slits all the way up Moved the horns back and out Hood and cape are one long piece, hangs better, knot on the chest Soooo dunno what else to do... Once the costume is approved I want to attempt some mods that may improve a few things. Full frontal Full Back Head 1 Head 2
  3. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    ", My mind is going I can feel it! My mind is going... My mind is going... My mind is going... There is no question about it, I can feel it." Ok, one more horn mod... Please excuse the quality the camera is acting odd.
  4. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Ok, another mod to the horns, hope this will work. I increased the space between the horns and attempting two different shapers. Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
  5. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    hmm, the only conclusion I can really draw from that is maybe increasing the space between the horns.
  6. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Mah sexy leg. ;> Just a quick pic of the inner skirt... the split goes all the way up.
  7. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Ok, few new pics of the horns... Sanded the tips down a bit, so it should have a less pointed and more rounded impression.
  8. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    humm should not be to hard to round out the tops ...pretty easy since they are foam like and I can shave the tops down to make em more rounded. I will do so and pop up some more photos when I get this done thanks for the info and the quick replies I might get this appoved soon because of your help
  9. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    could you point out which pics you are talking about ...whats in the background so we can go back to that look thanks
  10. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Yea.... I think I forgot how. ;> Self pics are rough, especially with the flash. ;> Nihilus is great... tough but great. ;>
  11. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Another horn experiment... hoping this will have the proper look...
  12. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    well, no news is good news... need a better suggestion for the black out hood, the cheap ass ones in a Halloween store are crap in general, only the mesh is any good... So I tried the balaclava with a mesh over the eyes, best to far, tempted to try a leather hood oooooooooooor an old East German gas mask. Just hanging a loose mesh would probably work, but what is the way to hide the neck, and unless it sits tight you lose definition, I like the look with the hint of a face...
  13. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Ok, fixed up the horns...
  14. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Ok, yet another update... Re-did the hood, the inner tunic is being a pain but going to deal with that shortly. First a full front pic. And a head shot. ]
  15. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Had to fix one of the horns, this pic has both horns in their proper condition and they have been moved back more in line with the ref pics, lets see the hood and cape have been modified, I believe the new hood and cape fall properly now.
  16. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Following Scotts example... In the first pic, there is one long piece from the mask down the back with a second cloak behind it, depending on which looks better, both or the single, then the knot will be tied into one knot. In the second pic, it's just the hood, extending down into the cape... Just depends on what works better.
  17. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Little work on the hood, here is what I have thus far, the knots will be combined in pic 1.
  18. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Ok, not sure what ya mean about the horns, but I think I have an idea, are they too "High" as in tall? Or too far forward on the head? I have a frame attaching to the mask supporting the cloth, I can easily heat it and bend it back so the horns are not so forward. Explain this more clearly please, dunno what yer trying to say. "The hood isn't flowing correctly yet. The obvious places where the fabric turns under looks off, and the seam down the middle really is distracting." I can easily make a new hood if need be... As for the tunic... I have to draw the tops closer together, something I've already planed to do. And the obi and the belt keep it where it is.The knot rides high anyway... Just need to keep it from being pulled down. Two skirts... the inner hangs to the floor, the outer hangs to the floor or an inch of depending on where I place it. Though I have noticed issues with walking when both skirts are with in an inch of the floor, it really sux, almost broke my neck several times already. Now If I pull the outer skirt a little higher then both are visible, if the both hang the same spot well hard to make them out. Here are some better pics of the skirts...
  19. Tags

    Nihilus Affair

    Well the horns may need to flare out to the sides a bit more, but I can't see the seem being an issue. Anyone else... thoughts, comments?
  20. Well it's a possibility then, get something official down and keep the IK in mind, they do look pretty sweet.
  21. Tags

    IK armor

    Just tossing some ideas around with the other half... Is anyone making IK armor by commission?
  22. Ok, the wife has expressed some serious interest in an Imperial Knight, and In fact I must admit to my interest as well. So question is, is there any update yet? I'm not so sure they leave towards good, following the light or dark side of the force would necessarily make you good or evil. The Imperial Knights strike me as being more in line with bounty hunters, in that sort of grey area. Of course if you like we could a can of ethical philosophy and discuss the nature of good and evil and maybe just baffle em with BS.
  23. So far as I can tell, it looks like a one piece jump suit, with the black hood draping down into a tabard.
  24. Tags


    Just a thought, but this guy makes some nice sabers, I bought one for the hell of it and he;s making a Nihilus saber for me. http://parksabers.com/
  25. Ok, well here is my current sate with Nihilus... Currently working to have the inner tunic close tighter over the chest. So here are some over all pics, just to update things. I think the tattering came out well, that cloth like to fray allot and taking the wire brush to it was a great tip.
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