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Everything posted by TheLoneInquisitor

  1. That looks fantastic. I'm turning this thread over to you. You're able to work on this. I am completely unable to get the assistance I need for this costume, vendors are completely uninterested or ghosting me. So I wish you the best of luck.
  2. Hooray! I’m gone for a week and I miss the good news. 😂 I shall continue work immediately. I’m going to work the uniform and cloak next.
  3. Did they specify what they want to see? I'm willing to scrape and scrutinize every possible reference for this costume.
  4. That looks amazing! I just got my led kit in a few days ago and installed them. They're bright so I'll have to dim them a bit. I don't have a cloak I can use to I used my hoodie and Vader cape. 😅
  5. The mask is redone! No more print lines, and a new paintjob more in line with the show.
  6. I’m going to call this mask done for now. I thought I’d filled the print lines in pretty well but weathering revealed them a bit in some areas. But I’m happy with what I did, looks spooky. I’ve got an led kit coming from Etsy, so that should be here soon! Edit: the more I look, the more the visible print lines drive me insane. I’m gonna try lightly sanding the paint down to see if I can get rid of them. Edit edit: started over. Took the paint off and am trying a new filler/paint combo I came up with.
  7. My plan was to back the LEDs with black tape, tape them in from the sides, place mesh over the holes and see how that worked for me.
  8. Awesome! I look forward to hearing back about that. Also, I decided on this for the cloak. https://www.bigduckcanvas.com/cotton-duck-cloth-black-10oz-wholesale-preshrunk/ Still looking for someone to do the tunic, pants and kama. I’ll figure it out. Going to do a run this weekend for belt material, backing for the mask, and LED lights for the eyes.
  9. After reading the product descriptions, turns out the Amazon link and the bigduckfabric.com link are the same product. 😅 so I guess I could just go through the website itself since it’s much much cheaper.
  10. I found a few different fabrics for the cloak, all are the black and sturdier cloth. https://www.amazon.com/Black-Canvas-Fabric-Yard-Wide/dp/B0786VWDSQ https://burlapfabric.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=224_66_254&products_id=1817&zenid=qqr82ppjopp7o6ubf2uqofon76 <—- kind of leaning towards this one https://www.bigduckcanvas.com/cotton-duck-cloth-black-10oz-wholesale-preshrunk/
  11. Heck, I have to agree with you. I said calves but I was thinking of the ankle. 😂 Also might just end up making my own belt, since it gets wider around the belt boxes. I’ll pick up a flat buckle from Wampa Wear later and find some thick leather for the belt this weekend.
  12. Safe to say the cloak goes down to his calves. So for the crl, we could possibly say: -Made of a light weight canvas material -Goes down to the calves -Imperial cog painted on both shoulders -Two cloaks combined
  13. I went browsing in the Second Sister threads and found a thread about duck fabric being used, with the crl saying “heavy canvas”. So I did some searching and found this. https://www.onlinefabricstore.com/black-grafton-7-oz-cotton-duck-fabric-.htm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3dbS08uz-wIVvTizAB1x6QvKEAQYASABEgLtV_D_BwE Edit: misread the crl, it didn’t say heavy. Just canvas-like
  14. I think I might have a winner. Wrong color but shouldn't be too hard to dye. https://fabrics4fashion.com/products/010010002114 It says it's a "blend between bamboo, cotton and viscose", and I compared the texture of it to the Inquisitor's cloak. Looks super close. Also, some another notice. I had to lighten the image a bit to see it, but the belt and kama are definitely two separate pieces, and the belt does not have the grooves like a standard officer's belt. It looks like the kama is separate from the shirt too. So shirt, pants, kama, with the belt sitting outside.
  15. Hmm, interesting. I have someone who will possibly do the cloak for me, but they want to know what material it is. I’ll have to dig through a list
  16. Perhaps wool or fleece? I’ve got a Vader cape made with wool, and it flows pretty well in the wind.
  17. What material would we say the cloak is made out of? It’s something light enough to ripple super easily in the wind.
  18. On another note, I think I noticed something. I think there’s a backing around the bottom of the mask. When he moves his head in several scenes, that part moves with the mask rather than the hood.
  19. I’m asking a few vendors if they’d be willing to do the tunic, Kama and pants as custom orders. Hopefully one of them will go for it.
  20. The mask is coming along! I got as many of the print lines filled and sanded as I could, and put on several layers of primer followed by the white. Tomorrow I plan to carefully cut away the excess material and start on the weathering and detail painting. A couple quick questions too. First question, who did the other approved Inquisitors go to for their soft goods? Surely the materials for this Inquisitor would be the same. Second, would we say the belt has the grooves or no? I’m leaning towards a standard imperial officer’s belt with no grooves, rivet or disk, instead having the silver clips, straps, and the buckle.
  21. I’m thinking I’ll commission Inperial Boots or someone for the soft goods except the cape.
  22. The belt should be simple enough. Base imperial belt without the code disk or rivet, add matching straps and the boxes and pouches to it
  23. JUST NOW saw this right after I posted above. 🤣 This helps immensely! So he IS wearing some kind of guard over his boot. Based on this, I'd now say the hip cloths are attached to the belt and line up with the pattern in the torso. Edit: Actually, there's more cloth to it.... might actually work like a kama, with the belt going over it, not attached to it.
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