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Everything posted by ghostred7

  1. Look forward to cruisin' around w/ you as Malak & myself as Bandon next D*C What are you molding your bust out of....rigid wrap??
  2. The actual all-angle renders from the game are in the gallery as well (courtesy of Thomas I presume....not sure tho). http://www.theflagshipeclipse.com/galle ... p?album=21 Good luck! If it comes out like your Kota...it'll be nothing short of spectacular.
  3. OK....after discussing it with Gothiclysm....we decided that a tooled leather approach would work better AND be more efficient than having a billion layers of leather. Now that D*C is over, i've started the thought processing on this and this is what I've come up with. Instead of 3-4 layers....only 2 (represented by the blue & orange areas...the hip area...which is a slightly different orange depth....will be separate pieces maybe). The lines are the tooling lines. As I discovered (she already knew it ), when she was tooling the bracers for my ninja....relief and dimensions could be done and it look multi-layered or additional depth illusion created. Here are the shots of showing the relief in the bracers: I'm under the thought that this same set of techniques could apply to the leather we bought to do the armor and still create the same appearance. Thoughts?
  4. But no paying off the bribe b4 D*C...gotta stay on that Talon diet Those scaleras look like they hurt
  5. Em....looks great! I was hoping it turned out as well as it has....good job. As for the pix....if you can get an overcast day and take them ~12-2p...that'd be ideal. The color temperature would be a little "cooler" (around 6000-6300K) and still get great lighting.
  6. Lookin' good! As for "starting to hate the project" ....at least you have the skills to do it I think it looks great.
  7. Can't believe I missed these...sorry Mig....they look great! Any updates?
  8. Harbor Freight is where Jayne turned me on to....this is the one she recommended: it's only $10 too.
  9. We're going to have to make sure we have a few sprayers @ D*C....Miss Jayne turned me on to a sight that has them cheap....i'll shoot her an email to see which one it was (can't remember) and then I'll PM you the link. It wouldn't hurt for you to have one dedicated....I know we'll be getting one to help w/ Gothiclysm's Maladi.
  10. Hey all...just wanted to show the progress I finally made with my saber. It is now wired for LED (LuxIII) with a quick change kit so I can change between red & green. Naturally....I went with red first The blade I have for it is 40". I got it that long b/c of all the Nihilus pics I've seen, his blade is long....so here ya go. First cpl are of it against the wall so you can see the output of the LED. I need to re-do the blade (bought pre-made one) so it's more even, but i'm still happy with it. At some point I'm going to up the output with a driver instead of a resistor, but like i said...i'm still happy with it for now. And like the rest of the Nihilus costuming world....i had to do the mask lighting shots... This one kinda shows the length...it's tilted back a little...but gives it a good taper from base to tip.
  11. This is Carolyn's (Revan3956) tutorial/gallery on how she did her Revan armor. It shows good shots of her use of the RTV silicone, etc. http://pics.livejournal.com/scendan/gallery/00024cgy
  12. Project officially RESUMED!!!! No progress pix to show as of yet. We decided that we're going to be doing Bandon's armor in leather. We purchased a tooling side of ~8oz leather and will be tackling that. I am going to "map" out the project again as the approach has changed. Doing it in leather will allow me to tool what would be an additional layer otherwise (like the "V" section on the lower torso or the "T" on the shoulders for example). I will post updates when I have updates to post.
  13. I think the ones you found on ebay are pretty much good to go as-is. Her top looks to be out of the same or similar leather. One thing is sure....it's skin-tight. You want something that's fitting but will withstand bending, sitting, moving, etc.
  14. Tonfas can be VERY affective against other weapons when used right. We'll have to wait until the game comes out to see how she fights with them. Another note is that most saber weilding folks in the Star Wars films are using Kenjutsu based swordsmanship and a tonfa type weapon i think would be useable in this type of environment. I am not an expert either, but have sparred tonfa vs. bokken (wooden practice katana for lack of better terms) and it worked well. These aren't going to be only tonfa though. These are tonfa with blades....so VK....don't spin them the wrong way and cleave yourself in half
  15. I eat the force for a living....ya didn't think THAT would slip by did ya?
  16. Just remember...i live in the south...want some gravy with that? Ya....they make practically indestructible ones too. Additionally, the USPS has a triangular shaped mailing "tube" that is tough as nails. I received my saber hilt in a small one of these and it looked like it came straight out of the post office store....and was ridiculously sturdy.
  17. Sure I do.. 69 Ravager Way Katarr Remnants, Katarr 86753-09
  18. If you want you can mail it to one of us, we'll gladly receive & store it for you. I live ~15mins from where D*C is held, so if something weird comes up and i can't make it, you'll still receive it. i know other "jawjans" have offered this up too. Up to you naturally, just know there's a work-around for the plane.
  19. Much awesome! I've been watching your progress on this on the TF.N C&P forum..it rocks. So, you're, uh coming to D*C, right? It'd be uber cool to have a Nightsister/Sith Witch group photo (even if there's only 2-3).
  20. I'm shivering with antici.....................pation. Can't wait for the "reveal" of said news.
  21. Amazing!! How do you keep it safe on the train? The item's safety on public transport is almost as amazing as the craftsmanship itself. It'd never survive on MARTA.
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