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Posts posted by Okashi

  1. Hi Brit. Congratulations for your suit ¡is fgreat!. Do not get depressed, we all got the NO the first time, I understand you're angry now, but when you calm down and see the opportunity to paint again and send the photos. Ensures your steps before sending pictures of the problematic parts to recruiters for parts' OK before paint again.

    Cheer up, you're almost there!


    Tip: no strips in your bra... glue it in your skin! search the right glue :wink:

  2. Thanks TXTwilek :wink:


    I obtain the laquered aluminium here http://www.aticometal.info/ (in person, no online). Maybe you can ask in metalwork companies or metal craftsmen. laquered is "painted" with a lacquer paint style.

    Almost everything I used was not online buy.


    Yeah! Talon's lekkus are longer than normal twileks.

    Pam has said many times in forums that their lekkus are short but, actally, the people that have to tell you if Pam's lekkus are good to Darth Talon approval are "stormtrooperguy" and "Aysel"

    (Aysel, am I correct?)


    To lengthen, look at the topic of "Acima's Darth Talon 2.0", Acima bought Pam's lekkus and lengthen with vinyl, is a good idea, but Acima never tried to approval for legion501 only did so to enjoy.



  3. For the belt:

    Leather belt. It is my only suggestion, I tried other things and are HORRIBLE. (in the end I ordered the leather to a leather shop)

    Glue parts peel off and look horrible.


    Try to find a wide black leather belt at a cheap shop or two less wide and cut into 3 strips and join them.


    For the hang off strips:

    leather (the same for the belt)


    soft leather


    strong "polipiel" (fake leather "fabric")


    I recommend you use the same belt or in view you notice the difference from one material to another.


    Go to the cheap store and try to buy some black belts. If only one side is black: paint back in black is better than glue (paint a 5 cm zone, wait some days, and check that no fade)

  4. That link triggers my anti-virus.... Not sure if it's safe.


    What link? "artefiesta" or my webpage? :shock:

    if "artefiesta" no is safe no it's my fault :? I can see properly, is possible that the problem is that "artefiesta" is all make in flash?


    but If you speak of my webpage... arrrgh panic!!!!! :shock: answer me Kathgruben!

  5. I could not update the page but I'm in the process of creating the hilt for my lightsaber.

    Here are some pictures of the sculpture drying. Then I will bring out the mold and make to polyurethane resin or maybe aluminum if I find the ingredients to make the furnace.

    It take time :D be patient.






  6. Thanks Queen :D Now a update: Armor tips!


    I agree, the bikini is the hard part on clothes (really only wear gloves, boots, bikini top and bottom). But do the bikini is even more difficult that make the armor!

    I like your Belt Plate and belt :D you do a great job.


    What material is make?


    A tip!


    CRL: The belt may have two detail lines etched horizontally around its length.


    I'm pretty sure that "may" means "must have"

    Aysel you out of doubt.

  7. I would follow as a pattern or drawing a figure unofficial if your intention is to be approved, it will give you a headache. Sculptors shape it in its own way of seeing.


    The cloack I love it :D I'm thinking make for some specific event or photoshoot. Waving behind when walking :D great!

  8. Sorry for the delay. Much work had. I finally updated the web a bit.

    Visit the site often (every one or two weeks) I will put "what's new" and update date :D


    Yes, I used the positive mold method in my lekkus.

    Now I'm experimenting with other methods to improve them.

    I do not like it rubs my back all the time and slaps on my ass at move :evil: .


    Thanks for the congrats, Michaela :D:D

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