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Posts posted by Gotoprime

  1. The 5 pictures on the main link provided are the main in progress. I'm working on the tattered robes right now. I go the hood and torn fabric drapes finished. I should have most of the robes finished on Saturday. I'm picking up my black hakama that day and going to cut it up. The linked video is an old mask made of Air Hardening Clay. The clay version was too big and heavy, so I'm resorting to EVA Foam. Sadly I have a big head so the mask is proving a little tricky.


    Where would I get a long sleeve black shirt with a turtle neck collar?


    As for the chest piece what would you recommend? I'm using EVA Foam for that too because it's supposed to beaten and sliced up a bit, and is copper with a hint of dark silver, so I figured EVA would be best.

  2. I would say that the Revan Reborn is more for the dark side and 501st Legion rather than Rebel Legion. Sure he makes an enemy from both the Republic and Empire, but this is only half of Revan, the much darker half. Revan Reborn is consumed by so much anger and hatred by the Sith Emperor and the Dread Masters that he refused to follow the other half in being one with the force until those who did him wrong were defeated.


    Revan has always be confusing because he was both a lord of the sith and the prodigal knight, but I would say this is definitely a dark side and the more cleaner version inSWTOR could be Rebel Legion worthy.


    What do you think?

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