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Posts posted by Aviriia

  1. APPROVED! DS-22229 reporting in! 🥰

    To compile a list where I got everything from and the +- amount that it did cost me. 

    (spoiler: it turned out WAYY more expensive than I thought it would be.... But that happens when you commission most of the costume ;> )

    Boots and Gloves: $228.00 + shipping/import

    Softparts ribbing: -- They deliver international and also to the US! You may however need to email them about it! ((They are located in The Netherlands))

    I'm not sure about the cape fabric. I bought the ribbed fabric, sent it to the US and the seamstress there put everything together for me.

    Who made the softparts:
    The Mad Seamstresses (facebook) // Cost was about 1800 dollar + shipping + import ((Time of ordering was fall 2021)

    Armor (shoulders, helmet, gauntlet, rankbars and also buckle. Buckle I didn't use however. I went for the complete finished option.
    Shawn M Thorsson (Facebook) $485 for raw kit OR $1.155 for completely finished + shipping/import. ((at time of ordering/prices was April 2021) 

    Lightsaber: 700$ + shipping

    Belt: Total cost was about 20 euro?
    Buckle was printed and a gift from Jason. I decided not to use the one from Shawn as I liked the printed one better with the size/shape. 
    The leather strip i bought online somewhere local. Added the 2 lines manually into it. I've attached the buckle with Velcrow. Same as how to open and close the belt: Velcrow!

    Neckseal: 100$ ish (if i recall correctly) + shipping

    Jason Goldberg (Facebook)

    Issues that I ran into:
    The fabric being a little too thick for the softparts in the arms.
    Current fix: Using a bag (lol) around my hand and slide it through the gauntlet. I communicated this with the local GML and will need to do sanding on the inside to prevent bruises.
    Lightsaber does need a little extra weathering on the metal (Local GML suggestion)
    Rankbars: I need to extra secure it with a tiny bit of velcrow to prevent them going up/not lining up when walking. (Local GML suggestion)
    Neckseal: It's a lovely looking neckseal. However, it's a little too big. I may need to cut it open and make it tighter around the neck & make it attachable with velcrow after the cut open on the side?)
    Fog Fog and more Fog! Help I can't see! Yep. The visor really gets foggy -really- fast. So... i guess it's time to buy some anti fog.

    Import is no joke guys! Especially when importing from NA to the EU... So yes... a good reminder for the European to be sisters out there! 

    And last but not least: All above does not guarentee for your approval! But I do have to say that my GML is very strict when it came to ribbing on the fabric.
    So i'm very happy that this fabric was ok'd by him!



    • Like 1
  2. I'd also like to message on this post.
    I'm also one of the few who ordered from this normally good-quality SW prop vendor (I wont name the vendor's name).... But I am in an absolute SHOCK on how this helmet was delivered by both size and quality.
    Many ordered at this vendor when the run became open and it was told that it was on appropiate measures, made for females, etc etc. I was not expecting anything THIS big. I am around 1.70m (average female size) and it's just... HUGE. HUGE im telling you on my head. And to me the seller is also insisting that it's the ''correct'' size and that < all other helmets > from other (approved) 7th sisters are not accurate. 
    .... Pardon?

    To me this helmet will **NOT** be approveable if I look at all other helmets and sisters out there. 
    It's a shame really as I requested the seller to please adjust the helmet /make a new one / or give a partly refund cuz I need to remake a whole new helmet somewhere else.
    (this helmet is not what I signed up for when joining in with his 7th sister run....) But alas... it's like talking to a wall.

    But that all aside.. Again, I dont think this helmet will be approveable.. Unless if you're a giant female from over 6'6 or so to even get close to these proportions....

  3. So I may or may not have decided to also start working on the Doctor Aphra dress version from the comics!

    So to start the research off have I been looking into the comic that she is in.

    Here are the details that should I keep in mind when starting on the costume
    A shoulderless Velvet dress that ends just above the knees.
    Velvet long gloves to that ends at her upperarm
    Black Heels (? inches long) with a pointy tip on the front with both velvet-decorative parts around the ankle.
    Black mask with white opaque eye covers. Black is made from the same fabric as the dress and shaped to fit the face.
    Aphra tattoo's on her right arm
    Short bob (with bangs) wig. Color black to blue.

    Details on the dress and eye mask: Purple Micro fake Pearls, Little beads, Border Lace.... Something more?  Color could be purple/Aubergine color.
    Makeup: Dark Purple-black lipstick.
    Eyecolor: Brown

    Here are some links I found to a few dutch stores that may or may not sell some of the items.
    Would love to hear your guys thought before I fully jump onto this costume of hers! 

    For the wig I thought about something along this line? (It will need a lot of adjustments but the general thought looks decent?)

    For the details on her dress/gloves/mask:

    https://www.gluecksfieber.de/nl/shop/kralen-hangers/miyuki-rocailles-delica-en-toebehoren/miyuki-parels-delica-11-0/11-0-miyuki-delica-kralen-cilinder-1-8-x-1-3-mm-kleur-geverfd-s-l-brt-violet-ca-7-2-gr.html?gmc=1&mtm_campaign=AT smarte Shopping Alle Produkte&mtm_source=google ads&mtm_medium=cpc&mtm_content=shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwm8WZBhBUEiwA178UnCRe4UhmGH9MIgbY37gNX1UeXmeLuMRohS9aX8Bs54Cbpa_4SCsevhoCFO0QAvD_BwE



    left side.png


    without mask.png









  4. It's been a good while since I posted on here! So i thought it's about time to post the next progression pic.

    TLDR I received the belt and got pretty far with the rest of the costume!
    I need to make the red fabric a bit wider around the arms and attach a clip, make good googles (if someone can help /w finding them?) and cap. ((So don't mind the picture with the quick halloween cap i had!!))
    This together with a good way to work to make the tattoo's on my arms...

    Overall there has been some good progression i guess!



  5. So I've been working for a little while on a second sister already and I thought: It maybe is a good time to also post the WIP thread in here!

    Hard Parts:  Commissioned from Thorsson (from Facebook)
    Gloves + Shoes: Crowprops
    Fabric: Tricot Fabric - Ottoman rib black/red. (I've checked it with the local GML who said that it looked ok.)
    Neckseal: TBC! I maybe have found someone who is to make a mold from 3d print and is thinking of selling.  But I'm always open for suggestions if there is someone out there who already makes the neckseals!

    Next part will be to get it all somehow sown together into a lovely costume! :D 






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  6. Next update: The red and grey fabrics arrived!

    i’m not 100% sure with the red fabric. (Also due to the small patterns on it? Thoughts?)

    In real does it also look a little bit darker-red (same as with the grey/darker grey) than on the picture.


  7. After a long time have I decided to start (also) working on a Doctor Aphra outfit!

    In this thread will I post all the updates and progression that I've made with the grey vest version.

    Starting with the blaster! (Seems I got my priorities straight. Props first. Rest later? Hah!)

    My boyfriend moddled (!!) and printed the Scopeless DL-44 blaster and 3d printed it for me. With his help did I finished the painting off it.


    With this have I also bought the Fabrics (which will arrive later this week) and goggles.
    Both the leather belt and aviator cap are on commission and more updates on that will follow!
    Same goes with the shoes: These will be bought at the last stadium of the build.

  8. Hey!

    So..... I've been lurking for quite a while now on the forums and I think it's time to maybe finally make a post of the Nihilus I got as I finally got to take my 1st approval pictures today!!

    Sadly the gloves that I got for the costume (got it from a store in germany) were WAYYY too big making it that I had to make them smaller--which took me a bit some time (got side-tracked inrl with other work :( ) but finally got it fixed!

    Fingers crossed that it's good now!

    **Edit: I just got the word in that it has been approved! 😄 (30November2021)


    2_close-up zonder mask2 kopiëren.jpg

    500KB_No_WatermarkAviriia_Nihilus_Photoshop kopiëren.jpg

  9. Hey there!
    My name is Rosalie and I'm from The Netherlands. 
    Years ago did I join the Rebel Legion with my Visas Marr costume, however sadly this one was never approved for the 501st. Now that we're a few years furher am I looking on joining the 501st with a KOTOR Nihilus costume! 
    As of now am I a member of the Rebel Legion, MMCC and a aspirant member of the Dutch Garrison(501st). Which hopefully will become a full membership once the Nihilus if finished!
    Right now I don't fit any of my old costumes (both RL and MMCC) after having lost lots of weight (went from a size XXL to a S/M) after a weightloss surgery.
    So the Nihilus/501st will also become the first costume to fit me again for trooping after a few good years ?

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