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Posts posted by Punkers

  1. Haven't been on in a while and got deactivated so I guess I better keep up to date here and there. lol


    I am working with Mynock to get his kit and already have the mask and some saber progress so far. Once I actually get the armor in hand and have more to share I will actually make a build thread and post as I go.


    I want to thank those who have reached out to me, ESPECIALLY Mynock! I can't wait to do this build and be part of Flagship Eclipse!

  2. Well my hilt already has a Luxeon LED for the blade, I was just looking at putting in a good soundboard that has adjustable delays for different lengths and types of blades, flash on clash would be nice but not necessary, a new cooler looking and more accurate external igniter switch (the one it comes with is a basic black push button), and depending on the pommel cap that's on it, it may need a new one to work with the sound or a replacement pommel (which could require machining).


    I don't know which soundboard to get for the money and quality , so I'm open to suggestion. I've only really heard of the obsidian soundboard that ultrasabers uses but I've been cautioned their stuff is inferior quality.

  3. Hi all,


    I purchased this hilt on Etsy for my new Sith Acolyte build, and am looking to have the sound effects, flash on clash, a new & more accurate switch, and MHS compatible pommel added to it if necessary.


    https://www.etsy.com/listing/98452583/s ... ustom-sith


    I do not have any experience with electronics and soldering, so I wondered if anyone may be able to point me in the direction of someone that might be able to assist me with this that does good quality work at a FAIR price. I've been quoted almost 4x the price of the hilt itself to install what I want, which is absurd, so if you can't beat that then please don't bother.


    Thanks in advance for your input !

  4. Could you perhaps specify what material was used? I am looking to find materials to make my robe, but have not a clue of the names for the specific fabrics used on yours or other robes I've seen.


    Any details on the type, name, or maker / seller of this fabric you used would be much appreciated.

  5. Hi all,


    I joined Alpine Garrison on none other than May 4th (Star Wars Day) and built an ANH TK, officially joining the legion in September 2013. After doing our state's first comic con and surviving a winter troop with nothing protecting my body from the cold weather, I decided I wanted to look into putting together a new costume that would allow me to troop but stay warm in inclamate weather.


    I first thought of doing Revan and was tempted by it until I stumbled upon news that the Sith Acolyte has a CRL and let's face it, it is WAY cooler looking than Revan (at least in my opinion).


    I have decided this would be what I want to build next, and I am uncertain of what I would be looking at cost wise to get it built other than the helmet and saber hilt. So here I am officially inquiring about costs and suggestions on what to get. I have PM'd Mynock on FISD, as I really like the quality of the workmanship he has done , but have yet to hear back.


    If anyone has suggestions or pricing on the best looking parts please let me know where I should go to get it. I am approx 5'7" and 190lbs so I should fit into a kit that doesn't have too tall of pieces for leg armor or too large of chest plate.


    Thanks in advance for your input!




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