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Posts posted by kathgruben

  1. Further to the video, on Sunday the CCG got together with Ottawa photographer Andrew Alexander for a pro photo shoot. We had over 30 costumes present including all four canon Sith Lords. Rebel Legion and Droid Builders were represented as well.


    Thanks to Jody, SL-2928, and Thea, SL-3097, for organizing this event and many thanks to the photographer, Andrew Alexander and his assistants, Patrick and Leon for their generosity and professionalism.


    Here's a taste of the pics:


    5629520735_3b89aaf6b7_m.jpg 5630106150_fce3120f1a_m.jpg




    5630104802_3c3bf512d4_m.jpg 5630105228_755530e9a7_m.jpg




    Roll call:

    Darth Maul

    Darth Vader (X2)

    Darth Tyrannus

    Darth Sidious

    Darth Nihilus

    Maris Brood

    Asajj Ventress


    Stormtrooper (X2)

    Biker Scout


    Tie Pilot

    Ep III Clone Grunt

    501st trim Clone Commander


    Phase 1 Cody

    Phase 2 Cody

    Tusken Raider male

    Imperial Officer

    Imperial Navy Trooper

    Imperial Guard

    Boba Fett

    Jango Fett

    Dark Anakin


    Princess Leia

    Ep III Obi Wan Kenobi

    Clone Wars Armoured Kenobi

    Qui-Gon Jinn

    Plo Koon

    Shaak Ti

  2. Yay! another Ventress in the works. Looking forward to seeing your progress :)


    To address the sweating issues, Pam has listed some good options. I can speak to this a little bit first hand from my recent experience at Celebration V, wearing my Ventress costume in the Florida heat and humidity - that'll definitely make you sweat!


    For the bald cap, the important part will be the preparation and application: make sure your skin is free of oils when you attach the cap, and I recommend using pros-aide adhesive to make it stick and stick well. For the makeup, I recommend using an alcohol-based liquid makeup that is applied in thin coats with an airbrush. In North America we have Reel Creations, but I'm not sure if you have other options in Europe. While I was sweating as Ventress in the Florida heat, the pros-aide didn't give at all and the makeup stayed in place.


    For the light grey fabric, I would recommend using something that is stretchy with a higher synthetic content compared to cotton content. Cotton will be more absorbent, whereas a more synthetic fabric will dry faster and should still be breathable. A fabric that could be used to make a dancer's costume might be a good idea to have in mind as you shop. However, I'm unable to suggest where to find the fabric on-line as I purchased mine from a local shop.


    Good luck and keep us posted! :)

  3. I'm trying to decide what would be best for the gray texture right now. Maybe painting it; not sure.


    Maybe velvet, velour or a micro seude type? It looks to be of a medium to heavy-weight fabric, and obviously stretchy. Painting it with a stippling technique should achieve the desired effect I would think.

  4. Ahhh, I do love a good list :D


    Welcome to the Flagship! I'm guessing you are working on the Clone Wars animated version for your Ventress, yes? And assuming that you are intending to work on this costume for eventual submission to the 501st, you should refer to this link for the required items: http://theflagshipeclipse.com/forum/vie ... =12&t=1803


    Cliff Notes Version & Questions


    1. Alcohol based paints: any thoughts on this? If I go alcohol for the white, do I need to use it for the tattoo markings as well? (ie no mixing alcohol with water based?)

    2. Harem skirt: Should I go with two panels or three? The standards don’t seem to specify here.

    3. Wrappings: Ace bandages. Yea or Nay?

    4. Closures for Shirt: What have people here used?

    5. Air brush: http://www.harborfreight.com/1-5-hp-58- ... 95630.html Will this work? I know it’s not specifically for body paint.


    1. I would go with the alcohol-based paint if you are going to be in a situation where you will be sweating (e.g. Florida heat) I have used both water- and alcohol-based paints, and when I was in Orlando for C5 back in August I used the alcohol-based paint with great success. Note that Ventress' skin tone is a light grey, not white. Personally, I used a soap paint for my tattoos on top of the alcohol paint.


    2. I would use 3 panels - 1 for the back and then 2 for the front that overlap somewhat.


    3. Ace bandages would probably work, so long as you can paint them to give them the needed shading effect.


    4. Velcro.


    5. Nice compressor, looks very much like the one my hubby uses to apply my makeup.


    Looking forward to seeing more on your WIP! :)

  5. This is really coming along nicely!


    The amount of work you have put into your costume since posting the previous pics last June is clearly evident. The addition of the horizontal seam details to the front of the shirt looks great, and the skirt looks much better now that some fullness has been added. The belts are also improved and look more like the reference images. Good work so far!


    There are only a few things I would suggest improving that would push this into realm of great and 501st approvable:


    - the collar (neckbrace) still needs work. As per the CRL: "The edges of the collar are connected to the shirt, and do not hang loosely." IMHO, any Ventress collar that is not connected to the shirt at the edges detracts from the polished look the costume should have. It really should be attached to look right as per the reference images. I think you could either sew the outer edge of the existing collar to the shirt, or remove the last outer "band" and then sew that down.


    - the verticle bar in the belt buckle should be completely hidden by the belts. With the bar showing, it makes the buckle look oversized and out of proportion, even though I think it is actually the appropriate size. Perhaps some modification can be made to the width of the belts where they come through the buckle?


    - the addition of horizontal seams to the forearm wraps, as seen in the reference images.


    The reference images I'm referring to are here:


    http://www.501st.com/crl/SL_CRL/SL109_A ... dex109.php


    Hope this helps! Looking forward to another Ventress being added to the ranks :D

  6. Very nice Ventress build! Looks really good. Very nice work on the bald cap, especially with your long hair. I know how much trouble that can be!


    Can't say I've seen her head tats as you've done them - do have any pics of the comic?


    Looking forward to seeing your sabers when they're done :)

  7. I've donned the bald cap a total of 4 times.


    The first couple of times I wore a bald cap, I used a regular-sized Woochie latex cap:



    FanExpo 2008



    FanExpo 2009


    To blend the edges, liquid latex was used, stippled on with a brush to build up the skin to the cap.


    The next couple of times was this year at Celebration 5 and FanExpo:



    Celebration 5



    FanExpo 2010


    For these two applications, I used a Kryolan Glatzan (plastic) bald cap, size small. I do find the they give you a little more extra material to work with than the Woochie. To blend the edges I dabbed on pax with a sponge, especially to build up the skin to the cap.


    My preference is the Glatzan cap, as the material is much thinner than the Woochie cap and seems to be more durable (you can really stretch it tight without breaking).

  8. Agreed. With the open back of the CW Ventress costume, hiding your hair down the back isn't an option. You have no choice but to hide your hair within the cap.


    I will confess that everytime thus far I have applied a bald cap for my Ventress costumes, it has taken around 4 hours from start to finish. The first chunk of time is spent wrapping my hair around my head in sections to make something like a helmet of hair. Then the cap goes on. Then the make up. I recently documented the process the last time I wore Ventress here:

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/15634528@N ... 845023681/


    The average bald cap should fit most people, even with long hair tucked underneath. I have used Woochie caps and Glatzan caps, and both seem to be about the same size wise. The key part of applying a tight fitting bald cap is to stretch it quite tightly over your head. However, if the costume shop will let you try it first then that should help you figure out what size you need.


    Applying the liquid makeup with an airbrush is best. I have used both water-based (Mehron) and alcohol-based (Reel Creations) makeup, applied with an airbrush. Yes, your airbrush *must* be clean ;) The key with airbrushing water-based paint is to thin the paint to the correct consistency for an airbrush. And yes, they all tend to crack eventually, but thinner coats should help with this.


    Sakara also has had tons of experience applying makeup and bald caps, and I highly recommend carefully reading through this thread for more info:

    http://theflagshipeclipse.com/forum/vie ... =70&t=1068


    Hope this helps a little :)

  9. Your Darth Talon is beautiful! I've been trying to figure out from the pics exactly where the body suit ends and your skin begins, it's blended very well!


    For the alcohol paint, have you tried ordering from Reel Creations? http://www.reelcreations.com


    I realize they are in the USA, but maybe they can ship to Norway. Or, they may know a company in Europe that has the paint. I have found them to be very helpful - try sending them an email.

  10. Time for an update! :D


    Having learned a lot from producing my first version of this costume last year, and with SWCV on the horizon earlier this year, I decided to work on creating a second version, Ventress 2.0 if you will.


    The lovely sash belt had taken an absolute beating from wearing it only the one time, largely because the automotive paint I used to paint the vinyl fabric didn't stick very well and really began to flake off in certain areas.




    I had also managed to find a light grey stretch fabric that was better suited for the body suit and leggings, so I wanted to redo those parts with a new round-edged collar.




    For the sash belt, I decided the best way to re-make it would be out of leather. In the fall last year I took a leather tooling class at my local leather store, which taught me a heckuva lot about leather and some basics of working with it. I purchased a nice piece of 7-8oz vegetable tanned leather shortly after completing the class, enough to make the Ventress sash belt as well as for the bracers and sash for a Luminara costume I'd like to put together eventually.


    Thankfully, I had saved the templates I'd used for the first belt, and used those to "draw" the pattern onto the leather pieces.




    After several weeks of work (and simultaneously watching all 6 seasons of LOST), I finished tooling the belt pieces.




    Again, using the first belt as a point of reference, I mixed up the leather dye to achieve the blue-grey colour I wanted. While the dye can be applied with a dauber, the leather store staff recommended I airbrush the dye on the leather. Thankfully, I am blessed with a wonderful hubby who is very talented with an airbrush, and was thrilled with how beautifully and evenly the leather took the dye. After two coats of dye was finally dry, I painted the silver accenting on by brush using thinned down Tamiya modelling paint. I also remade the buckle, slightly larger than the first version to accomodate the new metal buckle blank attached to the back.




    After completing a few more tweaks to the costume (snaps are wonderful!), I was proud to present Ventress 2.0 at Celebration 5 a couple of weeks ago.




    Attending Celebration 5 was a fabulous experience, providing the opportunity to put faces to forum names and to have a wonderful time sharing the convention experience with a couple of great fellow Ventress costumers.







    This weekend the hubby and I are off to Toronto's FanExpo, but topping off a troop in costume at Disney will be hard to beat!




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