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Posts posted by kathgruben

  1. witches.jpg


    I think that sewing the strips together for the leg wraps should work well to keep them in the proper wrapped shape and then body tape would hold them up. It does look like they're wearing short shorts underneath the bodysuit, the shorts made up of the strips ... perhaps you could sew the wraps to a long thin strip of light grey fabric that could run down the length of the inner thigh, suspended from the shorts?


    For the hat, my suggestion would be to make a form of some kind out of foam or something that sits directly on the head and then is covered by the hood. This would help the hood keep its tall and pointed shape. Alternatively, you could use wire and maybe interfacing to stiffen the fabric into the correct shape.

  2. You have made such good progress on your Asajj Ventress Body Armour costume, I look forward to seeing it approved. However, based on the pictures you've posted I anticipate you likely will not be approved because the cape and hood you are wearing is covering up much of the details that the costume judges need to see.


    all [/u]of the makeup - the bald cap, the black triangle tattoos, with a grey or white skin tone. I know it's a pain to do all of the makeup, but it is a requirement for approval pictures.

    - your shirt must be dark grey or black and should match the colour of the leggings you are wearing - I dont' think the light grey shirt in the picture is acceptable for the Body Armour version of this costume

    - you must be wearing the wide, flowing, ankle-length skirt described in the standards (if you are in these pictures, it is completely hidden by the cape.)

    - the belt you are wearing is perfect for the AOTC Concept Version of Asajj, but I'm not sure if it is appropriate for the Body Armour version. I think we might need Pam to weigh in on that item.

    - your boots look okay, but I can't see if they have the required three wide bands or criss-crossing wrap of black leather or fabric




    Once you have pictures that show all of these things, I'm sure you'll get approved :)

  3. Pam, that's going to be awesome!


    My next project is Shae Vizla, the Mando BH that Eleena nods up to at the beginning of the Deceived trailer, to have for C6. I'm sure we'll see a LOT of new costumes from the game there.

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