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Posts posted by mdwilson606

  1. On 6/25/2019 at 4:54 PM, DaygoErm said:

    Where are you purchasing all the STL files? Thanks

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Original files were purchased on CGTrader I believe. But then we have modified the files and then again the prints.

  2. On 1/18/2019 at 5:45 PM, TheLorelei said:

    Looking good! Nice new insert for the center back, too. Don't forget the little triangles if you're going for level 2 certification, though:

    • The inner circle is bisected by a single vertical line with small triangular engravings at the lower edge. 


    Anthony says we aren't going for anything more than Basic approval. 

  3. Anthony didn't like the bracers that came with the armor kit so we took some measurements and modeled up new ones and some greeblies to go on them. Also didn't like the look of the center to the back armor so he modeled that up as well and printed a piece that we will have to attache in place of what's there. Well once we cut out the original. Also did some more trimming of the armor overall even though we don't have a jacket yet, I just wore a sweatshirt as a stand-in so we can hopefully get this show moving along. 




  4. An update on the soft goods. We picked up a pattern that is actually really close to what is needed for 7S. After some trial an error, we don't do a bunch of sewing, the pants actually turned out quite fantastic. We should be tackling the jacket very soon. 



  5. Here's a little update since it has been so long. We have decided to start the helmet over. After trying it on several times and looking at how it sits compared to the character on the show. We just couldn't ignore the fact that the helmet was too big. So a deal was made with a friend to trade the helmet so that Anthony could get his Tie PIlot helemt painted. And yesterday we started printing a new helmet that is 10% smaller. 

  6. On 7/29/2018 at 1:37 PM, gabrielaevv said:

    Hello my friend We want to print a 7th sister´s helmet, we are thinking to get the file here: www.cgtrader.com, do you know if its helmet approves 501st ?  please let me know

    I'm told that is where we got our files from, but you will need to "fill-in" the eye openings for approval. Keep in mind the best person to ask is probably your GML. 

  7. Exactly! Anthony offers his prop and costume services but tries to keep everything he sells to on-hand items. Taking commissions only when he is sure it can be produced by the clients due date. Sometimes life happens and things don't go the way they should. But he always maintains communication with the client so they know what is going on. 

  8. We were just about to post an update today.  After filing a dispute with PayPal JawaChopShop got in touch saying he had shipped the package to the wrong address. But still wouldn't provide a tracking number. He did say he would get something shipped out and after another couple of days provided a USPS tracking number. This packed was delayed several times but did finally arrive. And it does have the armor pieces. After talking to some friends who have experience trimming and sizing stormtrooper kits we have decided to not trim anything for the Seventh Sister till after we have the soft goods squared away. A

    That all being said Anthony sat down last night and modeled the belt buckle and belt greebly and we will have a print of those today. 


  9. Unfortunately we are dealing with some bad news tonight.

    Originally we ordered a Seventh Sister armor kit from JawaChopShop. We had contacted him before ordering and asked what turn-around time was for the kit. We just wanted an idea of how long of a wait there was going to be so we could plan out a time frame to the costume.  JawaChopShop respond that his normal turn around was one week from payment. Then he even sent Anthony a photo alluding to having a kit ready to go. Payment was made on April 4th. We contacted JawaChopShop the next day to confirm he had received the payment. He said he had and would be boxing the kit up that day. We then waited another week and contacted them to see if he happen to have a tracking number. He ignored messages for three more days before saying he would message his wife and get the tracking number from her. Again we waited several days and tried contacting him for a tracking number. Again he ignored messages for several days before saying he couldn't believe it hadn't arrived yet. Once again we asked for a tracking number or even a method of shipment to try and confirm a package was on it's way. He has since stopped responding to all messages and we are going to be forced to file a dispute with PayPal to get our money back. This sucks.

  10. Getting ready to pull the trigger to start a Seventh Sister costume. But not entirely sure where to start. I've read through the posts and build threads here and checked out the CRL, knowing the issues with it after all the reading. My main source of angst at the moment is where to acquire the hard parts. We've contacted JawaChopShop about their kit but it doesn't include a helmet. Atlis Armory offers a helmet but they haven't responded to messages. I founf that Do3d offers files to 3D print the pieces but they are also known for junk files. SO what are the options to pursue that maybe we haven't found yet? We have a Taz6 3D printer to be able to print if files are available but has understand the sometimes fragile nature to 3D prints. 

    Any help would be appreciated also in locating a pattern for sewing the soft goods. 


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