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Posts posted by Dar'Jetii

  1. Great job weathering! Yes Mynock's chest plate is about 17" I believe across the top and about 17" across the bottom...plus it has a longer length (top to bottom) which will make a difference as well. Good luck with everything! Can't wait to see more progress on this.


    thanks Rob from mywickedarmor.com is the one that helped me to weather it.

  2. I saw your approval thread in the GML forums, but I never saw the outcome. Were you approved?


    Sadly I was not approved because of my belly and height. And big hands. They said I have to get a bigger chest plate to close the gap from cod and chest piece and get bigger hand plates. Which my hands are size 13 and I'm 6'4 tall

    However I found someone making a chest plate for me that is a little bigger and hand plates. So hopefully that will work. Because no one really makes them yet and not as big of a size. Every other set was smaller then mine. But mynock has a set slightly bigger and the largest you can find.

  3. I am needing some help for approval.


    I have one of the largest chest plates I can find but in order for me to get approved, it has to be a little larger they said.. I was wondering if anyone can make one custom sized or if you know of anyone that makes anything larger then the one I have in the picture below,,


    also they said I need larger hand plates, if any one can help me out on any of these it will be greatly appreciated.


    and im 6'5 tall and glove size 13-14. its hard to find my size gloves,, I have hands like Peter Mayhew and almost as tall as him.. lol









  4. very nice,, I have one question though, does anyone know how to avoid the claws from breaking at large conventions. dragon con I had one snap on me, luckily I have some super glue on hand, but other wise I have used E6000 glue, which works ok, any other suggestions.. btw, it was at dragon con where this happened. lots of people..

  5. a canister greeblie for the sith acolyte belt... what does it look like? is anyone making it, if so can I buy one?


    this is the last piece I am missing to complete my armor. I can make some stuff but I have not found any picture of this item. please let me know as soon as possible... I will be at dragon con, hope to see many of you all there.

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