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Posts posted by Moriann

  1. Hi!
    I've finally come back from Lucca Comics, when I tested out the costume and the make up. 
    just the make up took me 3 &1/2 hours. Ages! with one person helping, of course. 
    For the tattoos I made some vector patterns then printed on clear plastic, cutted and used as stencils 
    but on the crl the photo references are from two different people, so I made a sort of mash up of the different tattoos (I also searched for some references )

    here you can find the tattoos pattern, are they good? I need to change some shape?



    and this was the make up! (where you can see -I hope - the real color of the shirt! -that is the correct dark blue! )



    This is the finished buckle : fibbia_ventress.thumb.jpg.873a9e208c34512812d3ddb9eff7c1be.jpg



    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks!  It means a lot!

    I drew the pattern of the tabard in adobe illustrator then printed, cutted and painted with custom color.

    It was a real pain.. but I'm glad it worth all the work :)

    The shirt is Dark blue, as the leggins and the skirt. The light is very bad in My Kitchen(where I sew)

    Maybe tomorrow I try To make a better photo :)

    For The wraps, i had To sew some of them together Then sew To The various parts. Stitching in one row in The Middle or in two rows up and down?

  3. Hi, 

    I'm currently working on my ventress costume, but I need some advice, for example: do I need to glue or sew the wraps?

    here you can find some photos of the costume progression =)

    Shirt front: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1EMUJQNmZXOHRxUjA

    shirt back: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1EMUJQNmZXOHRxUjA

    leggins (now with the waistband - not in this photo): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1ETUpsdVhZT1VlVmc

    tabard: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1EZnhQVzh4MVdUMUE

    painting the wraps: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1Ea0JSZVRfUk84ajg

    all of above (+ skirt): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9g8v3NZzi1EVTlDa3VDVG1YbWc

    the buckle is half made, and it's in foam, the belts are in leather and already cut in stripes, i need to make the sections, and this weekend I hope to finish the shoes with the fake foot :)
    because I'm planning to wear it in next lucca comics, (aka death by walking) thin soles are not the best solution, so I bought a pair of flats and I will glue on the shoes some fake feet fingers!
    Obviously I have already talked about that with the italian costume supervisor , and it's ok. 



    for now, that's all! (sorry for the missing letters somewhere, my keyboard is almost dead.. )

    Thanks =)

  4. Hello everyone! I'm Camilla, from Italy. 
    currently i'm working on ventress: clone wars costume, hoping to enter the Italica Garrison.

    I'm here asking for some tips for finishing my costume (it's almost 80% done) because in Italy no one does this type of ventress' costume. - like sewing or glueing the huge amount of wraps to the costume?
    (the costume leader of the italian garrison send me here to ask for some advice =) )


  5. Hello everyone! I'm Camilla, from Italy. 
    currently i'm working on ventress: clone wars costume, hoping to enter the Italica Garrison.

    I'm here asking for some tips for finishing my costume (it's almost 80% done) because in Italy no one does this type of ventress' costume. - like sewing or glueing the huge amount of wraps to the costume?
    (the costume leader of the italian garrison send me here to ask for some advice =) )

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