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Posts posted by video567

  1. Wow...last time I posted was back in November. I just got my Sister approved on Monday and plan to update this thread with build details in the next week or so. Not sure if it would help anyone with their current builds


    Wow where did you find the light saber?


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  2. Hi , so for now they are made of leather as a boot cover. Her costume was approved. But as I type this we are working on shin armor that is plastic similar to storm trooper shin armor. I 3d printed a model i created ...just last night it was molded to use on a vacuum form and this weekend we will vacuum form the buck that was created. So if my friend is able to vaccuum form it , we will have something to show. Mold has to be cleaned up before it can be done. Also had a friend make me a new belt greeble the one we got from maker has circles when they should be squares on it....so it will be more accuarate0b7a8c7e0cec6676aaca5a5a96f4f35f.jpg

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  3. I am not much help on the jacket templates, but if the jacket cogs and vinyls show as high gloss material, then so long as they are attached properly (no lifting edges or major wrinkles in the vinyl), I would not see an issue.
    Awesome yes my tie reserve jump suit has vinyl cogs because I plan on doing level 2 for a tie pilot when I get the armor. So I'm glad this can be done here also

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  4. Hi all so I'm looking at cartoon pictures and the boot covers almost look like storm trooper covers.. not the same design but definitelly do not look like the boot covers represented in the crl. I've attached a picture I zoomed into. The crl says must be made of same material as the armor. And they don't look like they have a under the heel connector. Don't know how to explain it. If I make them out of plastic to match armor would that be a problem?b62e47932880c8e9f6b7ee1b15de1544.jpg
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  5. Hello there!
    Just to echo Aglarwen, I don't believe there are any vendors for the soft parts (and I really wish there was...the gloves and boot covers are a nightmare for me right now haha).
    Here's what I've got so far on my build...hope it might help you! Looks like I need to update my thread as well...
    Coat/Pants: My coat and pants are done and were made from black and red gabardine inside and out (if lining needed). The red stripe down the side of the pants is gabardine too (made from strips of the red with the raw edges pressed to the center and sewn to the pants as they were being put together).
    Boots: I bought a pair I found from Target and glued some red marine vinyl around the heel for the flash of red once the boot cover goes on. Right now I'm stuck on a boot cover. I am using marine vinyl (ok per GML) and lining the inside so it stays rigid (might also add thick interfacing).
    The pattern I used did not make a good cover, so I will be scrapping it and making up a new one. It fit my calf just fine, but it did not taper to the boot so it doesn't sit right. My next attempt I'll be going with the "wrap my boot and leg in duct tape or plastic wrap" to make a new pattern. Once I get around to it, I'll update my thread (busy season at work makes it hard to work on costumes, blargh).
    Gloves: These right now are my bane. I have very little experience in gloves and each one I've made hasn't come out quite right. I think I'm close, but these have been very trial and error for me. The fabric I'm using on these are not gabardine, but a slightly stretchy fabric that has the same look as gabardine (as gabardine tends to fray something awful). I've been drafting patterns on freezer paper by drawing "hand turkeys" and measuring out a seam allowance from there. Here's a link to the tutorial I'm using if it helps: https://lulukocosplay.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/tutorial-the-easiest-gloves-youll-ever-make-probably/ . If I can't get these figured out, I may seek out help from a local seamstress.
    Sorry if this was rambling...I know it's hard to find some input on this costume so wanted to pass on anything I've learned
    Good luck!
    There is a vendor on etsy but it's over 800 dollars for the soft goods..ouch

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  6. Happy New Year everyone...I was wonderi g areb three templates or graphics for the jacket white designs at the bottom..shoulders are juat immortal cogs but the other stuff? Thank you


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  7. Hi to anyone that had done the belt and tips on curving the leather to be more accurate...I mean the belt doesn't normally curve to the body when hanging on the hip..any hints and tips to get that lower belt to look right?


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    I dont have a photo on me right now, but i stuck it on using a 3d pen, just went crazy until its stuck real good. In hindsight, e6000 might have been easier



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    Awesome I just would like to see placement. We are working on one also.


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  9. Yes, personally i don't think its a bad file, overall it works nicely, i poped some magnets in and the mask snaps of and on easily , and i will just fill the gaps with milliput or any 2 part epoxy of your choice and re shape them, i just wished i joined this group before i started and would probably saved time on this detail
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    Hi can you show how you attached the magnets on the face mask?

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  10. I think it's just because the gml is going by the pictures on the crl. Another example the belt clasps on the shoulders...crl states ...Silver metal clasps typically made from web belt slider buckles are located on the front of the shoulder straps, just above the armpits. 


    It says typically not must be..and I used a different silver belt buckle and was denied because i didn't have the ones one the crl picture. Although is a very minor fix. Just trying to make her costume lool awesome but also wanna make sure there is consistency


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  11. I bought these today. I think they'll work





    Also bought this linens shower curtain to see if it will work for the Cape. Much cheaper than raw silk.






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    hi do you have the name of the goggles from amazon? my girlfriend and me are trying to put this costume together for her also. thank you so much

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