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Lord Atrocity

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Posts posted by Lord Atrocity

  1. whats up all, i hope everyone is enjoying the lovely winter lol.. i know its been a few months from NYCC in october but i do have some finished products on the revan build. ( be in mind this is not 501st approved or even close to being up to spec ) obviously the pic is is of me and my boy erik








  2. wassup all, im attempting to secure the cape without it falling at all. i was wondering if everyone was just useing the buckles to fasten it to the armor or is there another elastic/button way on top of the buckles to the armor ?

  3. on the update, all is going well working hard on the build. it will be completed by next weekend for nycc. pics will be up in a week. i currently working on a new mask and hakama, everything else is in the finale stages. only question i have is .. has anyone figured out how to do an accurate ring ?

  4. HELLO ALL!! good news to be told baby bro pulled threw, he is cancer free and cured :chewdance::shred::tkdance: . it was a rough go for the family but we stuck together. i want to thank you guys for your thoughts..



    which means



    The dark lord of the the sith is back on ! starting up this weekend to finish the good ole revan




    thanks again for the support

  5. hey all !! Atrocity here... on the update NYCC was a blast ! i do have pics that i will post soon. unfortunately revan has been put on complete hold due to my little brother being diagnosed with cancer. He is almost done with his treatments and all is well. sorry for being a debbie downer.lol i did not forget about this build and it will be done. i hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. ill be posting soon

  6. sorry for the stop in progress. i was trying to get this project done before nyc comic con but i couldnt finish 2 projects at once so i decided to continue with my arkham asyylum scarecrow build and put revan on hold. i do have more pics to update with the paintjob and certain parts. as soon as this weekend is over i will update as soon as i can. like i said im sorry for the hold up but im sure you all can understand. also if any of you guys have any questions regarding worbla and all that good stuff just hit me up with a pm and ill be glad to help out

  7. its a saber from LDM customs http://www.ldmcustomsabers.com/


    the sabersmith is absolutely incredable, he does awesome work and he is on the ball when it comes to customer support. there were certain days were him and i went back and forth via emals for days. he is a strait up dude. my saber is a custom job with a full functional sound board. they type of board that i have is called " i have no freaking clue " lolol im going to have to check with him about that. he does take commissions from customers, but the last time i checked he was booked up. i was lucky cause he a had a few left over from his kotor runs and i just put my own tweek and polish to it. after i did receive the saber i did add my own little touch to it. nothing to crazy. when it comes to the price he works off different scales depending on the the build. it ran me a couple of bills but it was worth every penny. i really dont plan on buying any other saber, this was my one and only. so spending the dough was worth it. ill post an updated pic tomorrow

  8. sorry it took me a few days for the update but heeereee it is lol


    anyway, the chest piece was an interesting test of materials. i changed this thing over and over and over again until i finally hit the right mix of materials that i thought were good enough. through out the pix you will notice how the foam base or template looks a little beat to crap. thats because i used it threw every change of material.


    ok so the first thing i did was come up with different templates or patters that i thought would work. sorry for some crappy photos but i had to use my cell during some of the build.




    so after i cut my patterns out i just hot glued them together









    so now i threw a layer of worbla over it set it took the basic shape i was looking for








    after the first layer i threw a second layer of worbla on to smooth things out and to strengthen the armor. after that was said and done with i took thin foam sheets that i spoke about before and glued them to the spots were i thought i need. the basic idea was to create some of the ridges and dips thats revan has on sertain parts of his armor. instead of carving into the plastic and making this harder i was basically building it out.




    so from the pic you noticed how i cut the foam to the pattern where i thought it would be as accurate as possible. then to fill those gaps i took a sharpie or pen whatever to make out the ridges that are in the center , top and sides of his armor. following those lines i took some worbla rounded them out make them all nice and strigy and glued them down in the gaps i drew out with the sharpie




    as you can see after i took care of that i just covered the rest of the armor with the thin foam. i took the template pieces i used for the foam and did the same thing for the wonderflex. each piece i heated up and just threw it on






    i just drew on the foam with a sharpie the rest of the lines i needed. then took leather i picked up from micheals ( i really didnt feel like stretching out more worbla ) and just glued it on.




    then i just took the rest of the pieces of wonderflex i cut up using the templates and threw those suckers on






    i painted it a base coat i picked up at autozone. its a combo of primer/filer/paint. it works great for wonderflex. cause it isnt to smooth the filer aspect helps out



    thats all i have done as of now. i still have to smooth some parts out with the wonderflex. but at least the paint shows it a little more..

    hopefully ill have more posted soon ! :D

  9. wassup all, so after snooping around and putting my two sense in to some posts. ive decided to contribute to the revan world and do my best to put together my own little tutorial on how i put things together also my own WIP . the idea is to break everything down piece by piece part by part. just bare with me, this would be my first go at this lol ....


    annnnnd here we go.....




    from the start of this build ive tried everything under the sun. started out with fiberglass and bondo then foam and bondo then 3 other type of configurations. what it came down to was that i wanted to find some sort of moldable plastic. a friend of mine told me about these two amazing products, wonderflex and worbla. from the words of chris farley .............HOLY SHNIKIES ! this stuff is strait up amazing ! for all of my armor i used thin foam anyone can pick up at a local crafts store ( Michaels, pearl paint etc ) a layer of worbla and a layer of wonderflex. for those who never used it before i suggest messing with some of it first , just to see how you would work the product depending on the severity of the build. when it comes down to both worbla and wonderflex all you need is scissors ,exacto knife and a heat gun. just cut your pieces like a sheet of paper heat it up and away you are. i suggest to come up with some templates first so you dont waste any material. this stuff is so easy to work with it makes it scary lol


    the only part of my armor that is not wonderflex /worbla is my mask. my mask is a pep file and i kept the fiberglass/bondo combo because of the sturdiness and i really dont feel like starting over again lol. if you ever decide to take up the glass/bondo combo i suggest youtubing some online tuts to see how this stuff works. frankly its a pain in the *** and its easier just to see how its done. all i have to to say when it comes to that combo is stay safe and have plenty of ventilation and fresh air cause that crap can give you a serious headache lol.


    now for the cloth material, im picking up most of my stuff from dharma. they are fairly priced and have decent stuff. it looks like im getting some sort of black twill. well this is where i have to be honest. this is the part of the build where i have NOOOO idea what im doing lol... soo a friend of mine is helping me on this part. i can say ..im man enough to admit when im defeated. when it comes to sewing and all that good stuff.... i am severly defeated lol


    i now its hard to find good sites for materials but these sites i use on a daily basis


    Wonderflex / Worbla http://www.cosplaysupplies.com/store.ph ... btn=Search


    bondo/ fiberglass you can pick up at your local autozone, lowes, home depot etc....


    for ANY pep files you can find them on 4shared.com or hit up http://www.therpf.com/ there are plenty of guys willing to help out, but for some for a price.


    for anything else plastic http://www.smooth-on.com/


    and the cloth material http://www.dharmatrading.com/




    i hope that can help with some questions anyone has.


    unfortunately i do not have all my pix lined up and dled yet. lol i know bumber. Time to head to work. i hope this helps so far stay tuned. im going to try and continue this within the next 24 hrs..

  10. i went to my local auto zone and picked up automotive primer/filer/paint shake can. man or man does that look scumptious. you know how worbla has its own rough finish not really to flat. well this stuff works wonders makes it look all nicey nice

  11. sounds good to me, thanks for the help broski. ya ill try to figure this stuff out in the next day or so. first thing first i have to upload all the pix, thats a task in and of itself lol but ill start a build thread after work. its going to be interesting to see what the revan world thinks of my work lol

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