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Posts posted by KrayytDragon82

  1. I just PMed back. I'll snap a picture in the next few days. Right now I just want to rest. I've driven a total of 5 hours (2.5 to Fargo and 2.5 back to Bismarck). Right now it is rest time. But I will snap a few photos in the next few days to show you what I am talking about. It reduced me to just being a handler. Which also worked out since we forgot to line someone up to bring the nerf guns for Blast a Trooper. So I got to do the Toys R Us run. :-)

  2. So I arrived at Fargo/Moorehead Comic-con. As I was getting kitted up a piece of my armor broke off. It was one of the flaps with Velcro (mywickedarmor). Any ideas for a permanent fix? I have black duct tape on it right now, but I don't think it will last.

  3. I got bored and started surfing around on Etsy and ended up finding this http://www.etsy.com/listing/166251374/custom-star-wars-darth-revan-lightsaber?ref=sr_gallery_3&ga_search_query=Darth+Revan&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all. I thought it was pretty close considering. It comes with the LED blade but no sound (but you can add it later). This might be a more affordable option for people looking to carry a saber with their Revan?

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome. I have tried contacting Mywickedarmor.com but never heard anything back. So I guess I'm on my own. That's ok I'm sure it will turn out fine. I will have to upload the pics of the pep build so far.


    I tried contacting him once and gave up. I then tried again a year later and it took about 3 months for him to respond. You just gotta keep trying. He gets a lot of commissions. Once you do finally get ahold of him his work is excellent and he is very willing to work with you (I had to make payments on my Revan).


    FYI, in case no one else told you. Even if you do get Rob's Revan, there will still be a few tweeks you will need to make for approval.

  5. That is a really nice interpretation, I'm curious about the material and how the chest armor is attached, how many pieces ect. It looks like it goes all the way around, and I would like to know how she gets it on.


    My guess would be it is a corset type of piece that laces up in the back? But that is just a guess.

  6. I play SWTOR. In patch 2.2 they were supposed to make changes to the player worn Revan's Armor. Any changes they made were so minute that I didn't even notice them. In fact I was so dissapointed in the lack of changes (Wanted to see them put Revan's cape into the costume) that I switch out my players armor and went an entirely different route for my characters appearance. That being said, if need be I can quickly log in and do a run through the Foundry or Malestrom Prison dungeons and Fraps Scenes with Revan, then upload them to Youtube if you would require it. All I need is for you to give me the word.

  7. I think Silver. For the most part Revan was "Darth Revan" primarily right before the Jedi Civil War (KOTOR). From a cannon aspect everything that follows (no mask version) he would be considered a "good guy" thus would not qualify him as a 501st costume.


    So we have to look at the masked version of Revan when it comes to 501st costuming standards. In KOTOR I remember him having a silver forhead and not a red one. So my opinion is we go with silver forehead. But that is just me. (I will find a screen cap when I am at home, uploading photos to a forum over the phone is a pain).

  8. Currently I am researching my next costume (Armored Jedi from SWTOR). I have noticed that a lot of people advertise "501st Approved" or "Rebel Legion Approved". One thing that has been pointed out in a bunch of the forums I have read is they may have had their design or costume they are selling approved in early stages of acceptance. Standards for costumes can evolve as better reference photos, action figures, etc become available thus making the standards a bit more detailed oriented. So I would always be careful when it comes to purchasing something "501st Approved". Technically the person wouldn't be lying, however an honest seller will give you a heads up that it may not meet current standards set forth by the Legion and to check with the Legion to see what would need to be done to meet standards set forth.

  9. I have a friend wanting to join the 501st. This is the costume she REALLY wants to do. Has this been 501st approved yet? If not, how far away is it from being approved? If it has been approved is there a CRL up or a rough one in progress? And she also wants to know does it have to be the archer, or can it be one with the knives?


    I am sure she has plenty more questions, and once I talk her stubborn butt into joining the forums, I am sure she will be asking many :P

  10. I'm really wanting to add a saber to my costume. Mainly for photo's with people. What is the fun of taking a pic with a Sith Lord if he doesn't have a lightsaber. I have been scrounging around Ultrasaber's site and cannot find a way to contact them about getting the setup you did. Any info? Or will have to by the liberator v3 and the extra parts and switch them up myself?

  11. I've run into the same issue. I wanted to have one saber to go with my costume. However, there isn't much out there. I am thinking if I want one I will have to find one similar and paint it myself.


    I did read in anothet post that since his saber is so hard to find an exact replica of it is not a requirement to get approved, and some garrison leaders will let you troop with one "similar". So maybe check with your garrison on their stance.

  12. The only reason I personally prefer a Male cannon version of Revan over a female version was because I felt the story was stronger with the Bastila love story rather than the female version with the romance centered around Carth.


    Either way the game was awesome just because of the story. Graphics and gameplay were average for the time.

  13. All that is left (for now) is to replace the clasps. Brendon (SL-99099) has offered to help me with this since we will both be attending Planet Comicon in Kansas City early next month. I have the clasps purchased and will get them replaced ASAP.

  14. I get paid next Friday. I am going to order the clasps needed then. I might try the heat gun thing today for the bracers (I will use my roommates blow dryer). If that doesn't work I will think of something.


    I will also pick up Velcro next weekend. If I get stuff up to speed then maybe I can retake the pictures. If not we can in KC at PCC.

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