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Posts posted by darkownage

  1. Hello, I hope you haven't invested in those gloves you listed just yet because they must be simple gauntlet gloves. These have straps, added padding, etc that don't match the Nihilus CRL.

    My post has an example of what they are looking for, in terms of approvable gloves.


    Yeah, I thought those gloves wouldn't be okay. And no worries, I haven't bought anything yet. I am the kinda guy that asks twice and buys once :D

    Thanks for the info :D

  2. Hello,

    I started this topic because I was looking to get some info on a Darth Nihilus build.
    But first a bit of a semi-coherent ramble to start things off, please don't mind spelling mistakes :D

    So I live in Belgium and we have here an event called F.A.C.T.S and the next edition is in October, so that will be my deadline if I decide to built a Nihilus.
    I originally wanted to just buy an off-the-shelve Kylo Ren (I posted on SithLordDetachment for this) untill I saw Darth Nihilus costumes and well, I was hooked :D
    So then I started browsing around the good old interwebs and ended up here, and I read some threads here to get a good idea.

    The cost price of a 501st grade Darth Nihilus seem to be reasonable (compared to a Kylo Ren for example) so that was a nice start, I don't want to drop loads of cash on a costume
    that I won't be wearing that much due to not much events here in Belgium.

    So I started my research but found out that most recommended sites are all in the US, which is a bummer for me due to a thing called import taxes and shipping :)
    I mean shipping and import taxes really go through the roof :(

    So first, before even thinking of building this suit, I want a decent estimation on price. Just to avoid unpleasant suprises mid-build.

    So that concludes the rambling.

    On to the real stuff.

    So for a Nihilus I would need following items:

    - Gloves:~$33 (link) -> type 796
    - Fabric (sleeves): ~$3.70 per yard (link)
    - Leather (underbelt 50mm): ~$20 (link)
    - Leather (upperbelt 12mm): ~$6 (link)
    - Studs: ~$7 (link)

    - Mask: -> no clue
    - Boots: -> no clue
    - Fabric (robes): -> no clue
    - Light saber: -> no clue

    As you can see, I listed most of the stuff that I found in the EU.

    Other/better (and cheaper) alternatives are most welcome :D
    I am however still looking for the important stuff, so I wanted to ask Nihiluses from the EU, where did you get your fabric and mask from? Also if possible, where did you buy a light saber? :)

    Also some questions:
    - The belt should close, is velcro acceptable or do I need to have something more like a buckle?
    - Not sure if gloves are acceptable

    PS: just to give an example why I am being a little lady about shipping and import costs: Dharma trading silk: 20 yards -> ~ $140, shipping would be $50 and then $50 customs.
    So that would mean that for just my fabric, I would end up paying around $100 just to get it to me :D This is a cost I want to minimize in my build (if possible).

    TL;DR: Still looking for robe fabric, mask, light saber preferably inside the EU as shipping costs are killing me otherwise :)

    Thanks to allow my rambling :D


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