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Posts posted by Sylgian

  1. Another saber done. This is the Sith Stalker saber. I have also seen it referred to as a Sith claymore. As such this one will be the one in my hand while in costume. I shortened it a little bit since I last posted and I reshaped the prongs to be more game accurate. My previous iteration had too much curve to the fins.


    Pretty intimidating. I think it turned out great. Might add a belt clip to it if I have time.





  2. Saber update time!


    I have completed all the major assembly of the 6 sabers. From here on out its just finishing and paint. Once they are all looking pretty and hanging from my belt, the costume is DONE! We are right on track for the debut at Celebration VI.


    Here is a pic and a video. Enjoy :)




    _______________CLICK IMAGE BELOW FOR VIDEO_____________________


  3. Wow, just wow :shock:. I look forward to seeing you at the costume contest (friend of mine is entering too). I see you've learned the horrors that sewing on lycra is, but I like your idea for the sleeves. And yes magnets are fantastic, I may have missed it but what weight of magnets did you use?


    ^_^ Katie



    Honestly I do not know the weight. There is an AMAZING electronics surplus store called Skycraft near Orlando. Its a real treasure trove. I got the magnets there, I know they are Neodymium, but that's about it. All I know is that they hold plenty well.


    See you at the costume contest, I cant wait!

  4. Yep, its mostly airbrushed.


    For all of the body armor I started with a metallic silver base. Then airbrushed a dark gray gradient to give it some character. I tried to keep the high areas the silver base color. After that I went in and faded black outward from the lower areas. I was pretty happy with the result, its really fast too.


    I did not have the airbrush when I painted the helm though, that was all dry-brushed.


    Love the airbrush though. $20 well spent at Harbor Freight http://www.harborfreight.com/deluxe-airbrush-kit-95810.html.

  5. Starting to finish up the ribs. If all goes well I should have them painted tomorrow. They still have some corners and polygons where I wish they were more rounded, but all-in-all I am happy with them. I am REALLY excited to get them mounted and see how everything looks. There is finally some light at the end of the tunnel!






    Got some paint laid down on the ribs. I still need to do the blood spatter as well as apply a final clear coat. It will end up a bit glossier than it appears now. Really excited.


    Silver Base



    Airbrushed, awaiting blood spatter and a clear coat.



    test fit


  6. The torn up zombie flesh. I an making this out of the legs I cut off of the body suit. Being rather anal, I decided I needed to have a finished edge on everything. I could just cut holes, but it wouldn't be very durable. I want something that will last.


    I have never sewn lycra in my life. There is a bit of a learning curve. This stuff is a pain in the ass. But I think I have a solution worked out.


    Once competed, this sleeve will be painted all undead looking and have some purple veins added to look more like flesh. For now, imagine a robot arm peaking through the holes.






  7. Today I picked up this gem on craigslist for $10. I will be painting the body suit soon and since I cant wear it and paint it at the same time, I need a torso to put it on. This is what I will be using.


    I am also making duct-tape casts of my arms to attach to the mannequin torso. Should work out pretty well. Worst case I have a nice new stand for the armor.





    I also got my mannequin together. I added a post to sit the helmet on top too. Looks pretty cool in the office.



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