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Posts posted by Kingofdays

  1. DasOgre, what are you doing about your mask? Are you making it or buying it already made? What are your ideas on the pain color/type for the mask itself and the jewelry headpiece?



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  2. Kracker98 I found a simplicity 5840 pattern on etsy. Can you view the link and verify if this is the same thing you used? Also, does this patter only account for the inner or outer tunic? What was your method for the robe/hood/obi/sleeves? Thanks again.





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  3. Costume looks great kracker98 and congrats on your approval. I am working on my Nihilus build as well. Just received my mask recently, and it came unpainted. Been looking around at pictures and other builds for reference but still really unsure what paint color and type to use for the mask and headpiece. Could you offer any advice? Also trying to track down options on robes. Don't really have a means to sew but if I could get ahold of the templates and what cloth to use I could get someone to sew it. Again, any help is appreciated. Thank you!



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  4. Hi everyone. I am a new member to Flagship Eclipse and hope to become a member of the Carolina garrison of the 501st. I am starting a Nihilus build and don't really have any direction on where to look for robes, tunics, gloves, obi etc. and have no means at all to make everything myself. I have the belt figured out, and am in touch with imperial boots. I have even found my saber and mask. I just mostly need help on the bigger cloth pieces that need a pattern, sewing and have no experience or means to sew. Been sifting through the mass of information in the forums, but hoped to narrow down my search by just starting my own thread. Is there anyone who takes commissions or know of a place that sells the pieces that are 501st approvable? Any help at all would be great and is really appreciated. Hope to hear from you all soon!



    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

  5. Hi everyone,

    My name is Tyler Jordan from Charleston South Carolina. Hoping to eventually become a member of the Carolina Garrison. Planning to start a Nihilus costume soon, but not very sure where to start getting all of the pieces that I need. Been looking around a lot of the existing Nihilus forums, and have found a place to get my mask and saber, but still not sure where to get the robes, tunics, gloves, boots, ect. Very happy to start my journey to becoming a member of the 501st. I have been a Star Wars fan a very long time, and feel that it is my duty to the empire and to the force. Looking forward to talking to all of you!




    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

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