Helldivers 2 Warbond

Helldivers are jumping into a new update for Helldivers 2. The 01.002.101 Patch brings in loads of new features and changes, including various bug fixes. Arrowhead has exceeded expectations with this cooperative shooter, making players proud to be a part of Super Earth. While the balancing and fixes have many eager to jump back into Helldivers 2 and enjoy more frantic carnage, a specific feature introduced within the patch has many overjoyed. This feature was initially removed due to players discovering an exploit, and it has now made its way back. However, Arrowhead has removed the exploit, meaning players won’t get that benefit.

RELATED: Helldivers 2 Director Teases Arrowhead’s Next Game

With the 01.002.101 Patch, players can once again emote while in the air or falling in Helldivers 2. This feature was removed when players discovered it nullified fall damage. However, the fall damage bug has been fixed, so while players can emote in midair, it won’t protect them from turning into a pancake.

Along with this feature, fans have discovered content added in the patch but not listed in the official patch notes. This includes a new shovel that lets players dig holes, Bile Titan Nests, and some bad news regarding the Meridia Black Hole. Aside from these, most of the changes are seen in the patch notes below:

Helldivers 2 01.002.101 Patch Notes



General Changes




Stratagem Support Weapons
TX-41 Sterilizer

Armor Passives

AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath
Has been reworked to increase its effectiveness and to ensure it remains distinct, focusing on its unique gas-based mechanics.

MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield

MD-I4 Incendiary Mines

MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines

SH-20 Ballistic Shield Backpack

Helldivers 2.


Resolved Top Priority issues:

Crash Fixes, Hangs and Soft-locks:

Social Issues & Matchmaking

Weapons and Stratagems




Miscellaneous Fixes

Known Issues

Top Priority:

Medium Priority:

The post Helldivers 2 Update Brings Back Everyone’s Favorite Emote Feature appeared first on ComicBook.com.


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