Toei/Shonen Jump
One Piece Shanks Shamrock

The Elbaf Arc of One Piece is dropping one mystery after another. Aside from the regular battles, the arc is supposed to be lore-heavy, unveiling Nika’s mysteries and the world’s true history. After fighting Kizaru and Gorosei in Egghead, the crew head straight towards the fabled Kingdom of Giants. While they were planning to flee to Elbaf before the battle even began, the Marines had Luffy and his crew surrounded. While the battle was ongoing, Vegapunk’s broadcast highlighted some incredibly important secrets about the Void Century. However, that’s not even a fraction of the truth.

As the Elbaf Arc commences, we see two Holy Knights entering the Underworld to meet Loki. One of them is Shamrock Figarland, and the other is his subordinate, Gunko. They both attempt to make Loki join the Holy Knights, but to no avail. The rank of a Holy Knight is reserved only for the World Nobles, but they are willing to make an exception because of Loki’s immense strength. However, the Elbaf Prince is incredibly hostile towards the Celestial Dragons and refuses to work with them. One Piece Chapter 1137 introduces Shamrock’s design and his title as the Commander of the Holy Knights. Many would have believed Shamrock has taken over Garling’s role but that’s not the case.

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Shamrock Figarland Hasn’t Assumed Garling’s Role in the Holy Knights

According to popular One Piece theorist and YouTuber Artur, “Lost in Translation: Shamrock is a “Danchou” in the God Knights (団長, Commander), but Garling was introduced as the “Saikou Shireikan” of the God Knights (最高司令官, Supreme Commander). These are NOT the same position, and Shamrock hasn’t assumed Garling’s position.”

Imu kills Saturn in Chapter 1125, and Garling takes over his role as the new Warrior God of Science and Defense. The Five Elders are the highest authority in the world, and as a new recruit, Garling has quite a number of accomplishments under his belt. Before becoming a Gorosei, Garling was the Supreme Commander of the Holy Knights, an elite guard of the Holy Land Mary Geoise. He has the authority to pass judgment on the World’s Nobles. Garling executed Saint Mjosgard for siding with the Fishmen and attacking another World Noble.

The English version of the manga hinted that Shamrock has taken over Garling’s role but that doesn’t appear to be the case. There’s still a difference in their ranks, and it’s unclear who replaced Garling. Shamrock is Garling’s son and is a Holy Knight, just like his father. While he is clearly the leader, there’s someone higher up than up. Much about Shamrock and the Holy Knights is still unknown. They are believed to be the strongest group of villains in One Piece, considering how the Revolutionary Army fears them. Dragon mentions in Chapter 1083 that the real war will begin once the Holy Knights are immobilized.

figarland shamrock from one piece with garling and shanks in the background

Gunko has shown her might with her Arrow-Arrow fruit while Shamrock carries a sword, confirming he’s a swordsman like Shanks and Garling. While they do begin by asking Loki to join their ranks, their goal is much darker. Shamrock wants to bring Elbaf down and make them submit to the World Government.

H/T: @newworldartur

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