Amazon Prime subscribers are not happy with some of the changes Amazon has been making to Amazon Prime Video recently. And these changes are making the video streaming service worse. In fact, the changes have been so bad that Amazon Prime subscribers have felt the need to take to the Amazon Prime Video Reddit page and complain about said changes. As a result, one of the top posts this week on said Reddit page is one of these very posts.

The post is titled “Prime Is a Joke,” and it lodges two complaints. One of the complaints is aimed against the issues with subtitles, while the other complaint is aimed at ads. And this second complaint seems to have resonated with many other Amazon Prime Video Reddit users.

“Just watched a movie on prime, on top of commercials, the dialogue was half English half Spanish but the subtitles only covered English, and at the end for the epilogue half the screen is covered by next suggested watches I couldn’t close away,” reads the post in question. “Made for far less of an enjoyable experience.”

Of course, if these were isolated complaints they wouldn’t be that noteworthy, but these feelings appear to be commonly held across the Amazon Prime Video Reddit page, which in turn suggests these are issues for the broader subscription base as well.

“Prime has honestly gone down hill since the inclusion of ads,” reads the top comment. “I don’t even watch Prime anymore because it has commercials,” adds another a comment.

A third Reddit user further adds: “I stopped watching Prime when they rolled out commercials.”

Elsewhere the comments point out that anything with an epilogue or after-credits scene is ruined with these ads. This is particularly a problem with historical dramas, which usually have epilogue texts.

Other comments call for a boycott while some reveal that subscribers are actually pirating the content despite paying for it because that is how bad it is to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Unfortunately, while these complaints seem to be commonplace, they are unlikely to be remedied. While Amazon could improve the various subtitle issues that plague foreign movies on Amazon Prime Video, the ads are unlikely to be rolled back. They could be tweaked to be less aggressive and avoid issues with epilogues and post-credit scenes, but if this is the plan it has not been communicated by Amazon.

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