Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 players have discovered there is a way to activate a nuke without getting 30 kills without dying. Call of Duty is one of the biggest franchises in the world and part of that is because it’s a very addictive, engaging series. Every year, a new game releases and presents its players with a new set of challenges. Prestiges, max levels, camo challenges, and hidden secrets keep players actively motivated to play it in addition to Call of Duty just having some dopamine-inducing gameplay. Black Ops 6 may be the most addicting game in the series to date as it already has three big zombies maps with their own giant Easter eggs along with a variety of secrets in the campaign and multiplayer, some of which are still being discovered weeks after being added.
Call of Duty players are already very aware of how nukes work in the game. They were introduced in Modern Warfare 2 (2009) as a game-ending killstreak. Once players got 25 kills without dying, they could end the game with a nuke. This streak has been featured in different forms over the year such as the MOAB, DNA Bomb, and so on, but the nuke seems to have ultimately won out as it has been in the last several Call of Duty games without fail. However, it’s much harder to get nowadays. Now, you must get 30 kills without dying and without using any other streaks. It’s a lot more challenging, but players may have found a really easy way to activate a nuke.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, there’s a map called Warhead. It’s a destroyed version of Nuketown after the bomb has already gone off. On the side of the map, an undetonated nuke can be found. It was discovered this weekend that nuke can actually be set off. Players simply have to fire enough bullets into it and then the nuke will be detonated, ending the game as if it was a typical nuke killstreak. Twitter user TheGhostofHope claimed it takes about 350 bullets to set the warhead off. The post-game score does note that the person who activated the nuke still lost the game, however. This was done in a private match with a score of 0 – 0, so it’s unclear if this nuke would result in a loss if they had won. Some fans think this secret nuke may only be achievable in private matches, as Nuketown’s Easter egg in Black Ops 6 isn’t accessible in public matches.
Nevertheless, it sounds like fans will probably continue to experiment and see if they can end some matches with the nuke. It’s possible the damage threshold for detonating the nuke may be higher to make sure it doesn’t get accidentally set off, but no one knows for sure. Either way, the Call of Duty community will almost certainly get to the bottom of all this in the coming weeks. It also begs the question of how many other things are hidden in Black Ops 6 that we have yet to uncover. Season One Reloaded just kicked off for Black Ops 6, so there may be all kinds of secrets within the new content for the game.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is being showered in praise from the community for being one of the most content-rich games the series has seen to date. ComicBook has even nominated Black Ops 6 for some potential awards this year as a top-notch multiplayer release. The Game Awards also has the game up for some awards this year as well.
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