Snippet Catching Net in Dreamlight Valley

The first installment in Disney Dreamlight Valley’s Storybook Vale Expansion Pass is just a few weeks old, but it’s felt a bit longer for players eagerly awaiting updates and bug fixes for the new content. While the beautiful new world features exciting characters and biomes to explore, it’s not without its frustrations even for seasoned Dreamlight Valley fans. Chief among these have been quest-breaking glitches and the never-ending grind to earn Story Magic. Unlocking those new biomes is expensive, and players are yearning for better ways to earn Story Magic quickly.

For many players, crafting Story Magic at the workbench would be a fairy tale dream come true. If it were possible, that is. Unfortunately, Story Magic isn’t quite so easy to come by. Unlike Dreamlight, which players can craft in Dreamlight Valley by using Dream Shards at a work bench, Story Magic cannot be crafted. This follows suit with the previous Expansion Pass, which also did not allow players a way to craft Eternity Isle’s magical currency.

And yet, many players logged in to Disney Dreamlight Valley after today’s update expecting to see a brand new Story Magic recipe awaiting them alongside other bug fixes and improvements. Somehow, a rumor that the patch would add the ability to craft Story Magic has spread through the gaming community, leaving many players confused and disappointed to realize they still can’t craft up some Story Magic.

In response to questions about what players are most excited for, many fans want to meet Sally or test out those floating islands. Yet a surprising number of gamers cite an update that will let players turn all those Snippets into Story Magic at the crafting station. Given how many Snippets players need to collect to progress in the Storybook Vale, this feature certainly seems to make sense at face value. Indeed, many gamers are responding directly to the Disney Dreamlight Valley post about the update, asking how to craft Story Magic.

Did Disney Dreamlight Valley Ever Promise Story Magic Crafting?

Yet a close reading of the Patch Notes for this latest update shows no such promise to be found. After an extensive search, it remains unclear just where players got the idea that Story Magic crafting was coming along with the other promised bug fixes and updates for the Storybook Vale expansion. As of now, the text quoted in this Reddit post does not appear in the Patch Notes or recent social media information from Gameloft directly that we’ve been able to find.

So, where did the rumor come from? It’s possible that player speculation turned into wishful thinking, as gamers have been contemplating what Story Magic crafting recipes might look like from the beginning.

Redditors hope to grind snippets for story magic

RELATED: How to Get Sally in Disney Dreamlight Valley

In the Disney Dreamlight Valley subreddit, one player hoped for a feature to turn unwanted snippets into Story Magic. Many players chimed in with their agreement, stating that the grind to get Story Magic is anything but magical and wishing for better ways to unlock the new areas within the Vale. This post also points out that, while players couldn’t craft Mist in Eternity Isle, they did have other ways to earn besides completing duties. It makes sense that players would begin to hope for alternative ways to earn Story Magic, as well.

Thus far, it doesn’t appear that the change players hoped for is coming to Disney Dreamlight Valley any time soon. For now, crafting Story Magic remains a wish that our hearts make.

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