He’s Yord Fandar and he’s grateful for the Yord Fandom.
Charlie Barnett’s family was the first to share the news: the internet was abuzz with a legion of fans calling themselves the Yord Horde.
In the days since the series premiere of The Acolyte, with the first three episodes now streaming on Disney+, Barnett, who plays Jedi Knight Yord Fandar in the show, has delighted in everyone sharing their favorite Yord memes with the popular hashtag. “A lot of friends and family have been introducing me to my Yord Horde-om,” Barnett tells StarWars.com. From Yorder 66 to Yorda and Yorddle — which, exactly as they sound, are just Yord’s face pasted on Yoda and Yaddle — and one of Barnett’s favorites, the Yord Fiesta, people can’t stop making Yord-based puns and celebrating their love of this new Jedi Knight.
You may have seen Barnett’s co-star Dafne Keen, who plays Jecki Lon, posting about the phenomenon as the real-life friends drove by a billboard for The Acolyte in Los Angeles. “[Dafne] is a member of the Yord Horde,” Barnett confirms. “Dafne is. Jecki? No. But Dafne is probably the treasurer.”
And the Horde isn’t alone. From Mae’s Baes to Sol Patrol, the Jecki Jam and the Osha Oomfs, fans are proudly proclaiming their love for many of The Acolyte’s characters with their own moniker and digital membership cards. If Barnett had to choose, he’d align with the Pip Squeaks, fans who have thrown their love behind Osha’s petite droid pal. “I mean, look, I am always and forever going to be a Yord Horde member,” he says. “There is a part of my heart that has space for Pip. On Wednesdays. I’ll come to Pip meetings.”
Yord Horde, your captain thanks you. “Anyone who can find love and support for someone who is just a little square…I’ve got deep love for you because that means you are a compassionate, caring human being who is out there to see better in the world,” Barnett says. “Yord Horde, I love you. I love you deeply. And thank you truly.”
#YordHorde… special delivery! Celebrate an all-new episode of #TheAcolyte in one hour, only on @DisneyPlus. @tommy_stella @rotsoka @deusexvalerate @rogueoneism @sansaskywalkers @cptstrkwlker @ahsokasgoggles @mcuwaititi pic.twitter.com/Mak4ggzm11
— Star Wars (@starwars) June 12, 2024