Star Wars: The Acolyte is an upcoming mystery/thriller series that is set at the end of the High Republic, roughly a full century before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. The new show is set to star Amandla Stenberg (Bodies Bodies Bodies), Lee Jung-jae (Squid Game), Manny Jacinto (The Good Place), Jodie Turner-Smith (Murder Mystery 2), Dafne Keen (Logan), Charlie Barnett (Russian Doll), and more. Recently, it was reported that the show has been targeted for a summer release, which was seemingly confirmed by Collider today.

According to the report, The Acolyte is slated to debut on Disney+ on June 5th. At the time of this writing, the date has not been confirmed by Disney or Lucasfilm.

Leslye Headland Teases The Acolyte:

The Acolyte creator Leslye Headland has spoken about the series and teased what Star Wars fans can expect.

“We’re taking a look at the political and personal and spiritual things that came up in a time period that we don’t know much about,” Headland explained in a previous interview. “My question when watching The Phantom Menace was always like, ‘Well, how did things get to this point?’ How did we get to a point where a Sith lord can infiltrate the Senate and none of the Jedi pick up on it? Like, what went wrong? What are the scenarios that led us to this moment?'”

“We actually use the term the Renaissance, or the Age of Enlightenment,” Headland added. “The Jedi uniforms are gold and white, and it’s almost like they would never get dirty. They would never be out and about,” Headland says. “The idea is that they could have these types of uniforms because that’s how little they’re getting into skirmishes.”

“The truth is that I, as a major mega fan, came to them with this idea. And I said, ‘I think the best place to put this is in an era you guys have not quite explored yet,'” Headland revealed to Vanity Fair. “They were very enthusiastic. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to explore that [existing] world, but I think that they already were because The Mandalorian and a lot of the other television projects were really relying on legacy characters.”

Star Wars: The Acolyte will debut exclusively on Disney+ later this year. Stay tuned for more updates about the show and other upcoming Star Wars projects.



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