Costuming:Mandalore the Ultimate

From 501st Legion Databank
Mandalore the Ultimate
Mandalore Main Photo.png
Model Rejean Martel Cooper BH-12486, Photo by Ivo Vigouroux
Visit the Gallery for this Costume for more models and parts views.


Description: Mandalore the Ultimate
Prefix: BH
Detachment: The Flagship Eclipse Detachment
Context: Knights of the Old Republic Comic
Mandalore the Ultimate was the Taung leader of the Mandalorian people during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. He was known as Te Ani'la Mand'alor in the Mando'a tongue, and came to be known by many as the Great Shadow Father. Were it not for the leadership of Jedi Knights, Revan and Malak, Mandalore would have led the Neo-Crusaders to victory over the Republic. He eventually fell to the hand of Revan.

This Visual Guide has been reviewed by the detachment staff and the LMO team and is certified for use as a minimum approval guideline for GMLs. GMLs are free to approve this costume type.

  • This document is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Details on construction may be found on the respective costume detachment web forum.
  • GMLs uncertain about an aspect of submitted costume shall post questions in the appropriate DL/GML peer review section of the Legion forum.
  • Measurements given in this document are intended to be approximate and generalized; not criteria for approval.
  • Requirements for all 501st costumes are proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size.
  • Text descriptions are only one part of the guideline. GMLs and costumers must consider both text and pictures (CRL and Reference) when reviewing the costume.

Required Costume Components

The following costume components are present and appear as described below.

Mandalore mask hoses.png Mask and Hoses
  • The mask is made of a bronze or antique gold colored rigid material, with dark weathering in the crevices and details.
  • There is an opaque black T-visor on the mask.
  • There are strips around and the mask with a large strip at the top center that extends to the back.
  • There are three circles around the mask under the strips. The strips expand towards the edge of the mask.
    • The circles have an organic look and have rough, uneven edges.
  • 2 black smooth hoses extend from connectors at the bottom underside of the mask that match the color of the mask.
    • The left hose reaches down to mid chest level and attaches over the shoulder to the inside of the left pauldron.
    • The right hose reaches down to the bottom of the ribs and attaches to the right side of the shirt just above the kidney plate.

SL revan balaclava.jpg Balaclava
  • A form-fitting black balaclava is worn to hide the costumer's face and neck.

Mandalore collar.png Collar
  • The collar is a silver-metallic color and reaches approximately 2/3 of the way around the entire neck.
  • There may be slight battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.

Mandalore cape.png Cape
  • The cape is a deep red fabric and is very heavily weathered and tattered around the edges up the bottom.
  • It is floor-length at the midpoint,and tapers up towards the sides.
  • The cape extends slightly over the shoulders to the front of the body.
  • It attaches under the collar and should not have any visible connection points.

Mandalore shoulder right.png Right Pauldron
  • The pauldron matches the same color as the collar and may have battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.
  • There are 2 large panels attached to the upper sides of the central pauldron.
  • There are 3 vents in the lower middle of the central pauldron that should be blacked out.
  • A loop is present at the bottom of the pauldron.
  • There are 4 rivets, 2 smaller near the handle, and 2 larger attaching the panels.

Mandalore shoulder left.png Left Pauldron
  • The pauldron is uniform in width with a narrower section at the bottom.
  • The pauldron matches the same color as the collar and may have battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.
  • There is a raised section in the middle of the pauldron that extends from the top of the pauldron, narrows from the base to the top edge, and has an angled section at the top.
  • There are 4 ridges that extend from the raised section that have a pointed ridge and come down to a point at their ends.

Mandalore chest.png Chest Armor
  • The armor matches the same color as the collar and pauldrons and may have battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.
  • There is a V-neck with raised ridges that meet in the center point.
    • From this center point is an indented line that reaches to the center panel section.
  • The center panel section is raised and has a section that extends downwards.
    • There are 3 strips that sit within the center of the central panel section.
  • Below the central panel section is a lightly lower raised section with a thicker indented line that matches to the upper indented line at the V-neck.
    • There are 2 impressions, one on each side, that point upwards at an angle.

Mandalore ab plate cod.png Ab Armor and Cod Piece
  • The ab armor consists of 8 panels with raised strips between each section.
  • The armor matches the same color as the collar and pauldrons and may have battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.
  • There is an indented section in the upper middle area of the cod, an indented section in the middle of the cod, and indented lines across the cod matching references.

Mandalore belt.png Belt
  • The belt is the same silvery-metallic color as the armor and has a smooth finish.
  • The belt may have battle damage and weathering.
    • If weathered, the weathering can include both dark and rust-colored light corrosion.
  • There are a total of 9 panel “boxes” around the belt.
    • 4 boxes with equally spaced on both left and right sides with 1 box centered on the back and slightly further away than the boxes on each side.
    • Each box is rectangular with rounded edges, and an angled side at the bottom that has an oval cut into it.
  • The front buckle consists of a smooth plate with angled bottom edges.

Mandalore shirt.png Shirt
  • The long sleeve shirt is a dark black fabric.
  • There is a collar that reaches to the top of the neck.

Mandalore bracers.png Bracers
  • The bracers match the same bronze or antique gold color of the mask.
  • There may be battle damage and weathering.
  • The bracers have simple indented squares.
    • Each bracer has 3 panels, 2 larger and 1 smaller, that taper inwards towards the wrist.
    • There are 2 strips running horizontal at the 1/3 and 2/3 marks of the lower bracer.

Mandalore gloves.png Gloves and Hand Armor
  • The gloves are black and leather or leather-like.
  • The hand plates are rectangular with rounded edges that are curved to the hand and match the same bronze or antique gold color of the mask.
    • There are 2 strips with rounded edges of the same length centered on the top of the plates.
  • There may be battle damage and weathering.

Mandalore skirt panels.png Skirt Panels
  • The skirt panels match the same deep red color as the cape.
  • The panels reach almost to the floor and are heavily weathered and tattered, sit under the belt with no attachment method visible.
  • The panels are pleated at the top to create a bunched look, and extend from the edges of the cod piece in the front to the back.

Mandalore pants.png Pants
  • The pants are a black fabric with no visible pockets and are tucked into the boots.

Mandalore shins.png Shin Armor
  • The shin armor matches the same bronze or antique gold color of the mask.
  • There may be battle damage and weathering.
  • The armor reaches over the knees to the top of the boots.
  • Each shin has a panel that extends past the top of the main shin armor.
    • 4 indented sections are equally-spaced on these panels.
  • Each shin has a panel that extends upwards from the bottom of the armor and has a curved upper edge.
    • There is a small indented section near the top of the panel.
  • 2 raised lines follow the upper edge of the main shin armor and extend down towards the middle point of the armor, where they include 2 horizontal, inward-facing lines that have a space between them.

Mandalore boots.png Boots and Boot Armor
  • The boots are black leather or leather-like material with a conservative sole.
    • If laces are present, they are hidden beneath the boot armor.
  • The boot armor matches the same bronze or antique gold color of the mask.
  • There may be battle damage and weathering.
  • The boot armor covers the entire front section of the boot and tapers to a narrower shape at the sides of the boots.
    • There is a rectangular panel with rounded corners on each front side of the boot armor.
    • There are 2 indented rectangular shapes that are equally spaced from the bottom of the panel.

Optional Accessories

Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. If adding in an accessory after initial approval, the item still needs to be submitted to local GML for approval before use.

Mandalore Battle Axe.png Battle Axe
  • The handle of the battle axe is a goldish-bronze color.
  • The tip of the battle axe reaches approximately 2' above the wielder's head.
    • The handle consists of 3 tiered sections that are topped with the blade section.
    • There is a spherical shape at the base of the blade section.
    • The top of the handle is pointed.
  • The blades are a silvery-metallic color.
  • There are 3 blades extending in a fanned pattern from either side of the handle, and have narrowed areas towards the inner edges that replicate the effect of extending outwards from the inner blade.
    • The blades are weathered.
    • The edge of the blades taper to mimic a sharp edge.
    • There are 4 overlapping shapes match references at the bottom of the blades, with 2 on each side of the axe handle.

This document and all of the images within were created by and are the property of the 501st Legion. Other media owned by Lucasfilm Ltd and Disney are used under authorization. All other uses are prohibited. The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. Copyright and Trademark Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.